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Everything posted by joeri

  1. i think i have it somewere here on my computer
  2. and mine.
  3. test was done on a webpage but never inflight i done a reply to the builder but never recived annything back
  4. "you kinda accidentely deleted it" whoooeeehaaaaahhhaaaaahhhaaa sorry that souned so funny as it happend to me also in the ^past
  5. Kyle when will you release na just joking looks nice maby 1 change i would sugest lose the (json) behind the text
  6. just looked at you site ian but its a mess first a notice Notice: The template file "/home/freshje1/public_html//lib/skins/premiumseries/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/freshje1/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 and then it seems its missing the stylesheet. so i cant tell how good the site looks
  7. on the live map it won't show i belive or it needs to be in the schedulle i think
  8. you will need to do a searsh here at the forum there the info is for populating the vor table.
  9. xacars doesn't providethat info it will stay on route for the whole time
  10. Jon did you make the skin for that as at the bottom its stating ported bu jon derrick
  11. you are so full off s*** in this phrase you talk yourself in the s***. you even don't have permission to open an airfrance so stop all this maskarade and get a live.
  12. yeah that was funny he open today and he is vatsim certified
  13. ahh hell now is it that time again. he opend his 4 va in 6 months he was going to open a server.
  14. yeah i don't think so have you been watshing the news and the stockmarkeds
  15. yeah you are way to expencive for just a skin Simpilot and others are way cheaper.
  16. nice to see i did a reply on your email but never recived anything back
  17. ahhh
  18. yeah my old site also got hacked and it was not via phpvms but via the forums from simple machines
  19. i also emailled you but no reply
  20. you speak dutch?
  21. PM already sended yesterday but nothing recived back
  22. this wont do annything just enter the new and delete the old but keep the aircraft and airports and it will be fine.remember to backup first
  23. no i am not alwayse as hostile as this its just that first your staff(tx...) or whatso ever has made a mess here at the forums. then you come in and defending him what you can do .but i think its nopt you best way to go you haven't offende me personally but by not asking permissions for your va name/logo you are offending a wholl comunity. i can give you numeros virtual airlines that got in trouble even when they got permission. reason becouse lots off people just open a second of fifth va wit hthe same name but with less fines and then the real compagny starts closing all. i had this problem ,Mark had this problem and lost more on this forum i think. and with all this even some off the guru's here are losing intrest in this as its always the same a person opens a va asking for help and within a couple off weeks its closed again
  24. but you are in violation to the real RYR as you stated you don't have permission it was simmilles who had "permissions" i don't even care. what i do care about is the "powerd by phpvms" and the link back. did you bought the phpVMS No Attribution License
  25. so actually you don't have anny written permissions from RYR. yet anotherone is gonna bite the dust iff they know off your existence you will recive a letter . its not that Tx or whaterver his name is hase or will do something wrong its just that he is full off talks as you can read on this forum his former airlines he the serve he was gonna build its just a child. and then this your main page the header is from simmiles so your are now in copyright vailation as its from them and not you you gotta read the fine print. but hey that comes with maturaty (no offence ment to you ,just a general statement) yet again wish "YOU" good luck and will see in a couple off months when i type in the url again
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