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Everything posted by joeri

  1. ok will try it curently its sorted as new pilots first
  2. how can i sort the table so that the pilot with most hours or most flights is on top.i have been trying different stuff but can't get it to work. and is there a way to only show the active pilots in the pilots list or an icon that says inactive or active
  3. ok this worked now how can i sort the table so that the pilot with most hours or most flights is on top.i have bee ntrying different stuff but can't get it to work. and is there a way to only show the active pilots in the pilots list or an icon that says inactive or active
  4. yu got to be kidding home premium upgrade pricing here is 200us
  5. does it that a lot of time to update from the RC to the full ans what is the price of the win7 ultimate in the us becaus here it way to high in pricing €319.00 its about 479.139 us. gr joeri
  6. HA Nabeel seems we Dubbel Posted ;D ;D
  7. set permissions
  8. getting a 404
  9. can you post the acars log file found in core/logs and also could you poste the log file from you local computer its where you put your ini file named xacars. gr joeri
  10. Hello G in front of the 174 i need to put my airline icao code. maby you should try this and see if it workes
  11. hello on my pilots page i'm trying to center everyting its working for my main hub but the other hubs they seem a bid off or my tables aren't the same here you can take a look http://www.tnt-virtual.be/index.php/Pilots
  12. one more thing there is a way around it if a pilot newly registers and you go in the admin to pending registrations if you first open the new accound and don't give the accept when you put in the transferhours and push edit and afterwards you accept the pilot ha will have the correct Rank. gr joeri
  13. if you do a recalculate in the admin it will calculate the rank but in you local.config.php you have to set it also to true. gr joeri
  14. xacars only gives enroute. maybe Nabeel could code it so that it will change but i don't think it is possible dew to the nature off the xacars system.
  15. i altered the pricing but this was a manual pirep and if you enter a low load 112 kg for cargo than is not mutch you have in the plane ;D. if you change it to a normal load you will se that 60 is way to much than we would make about 20000000 ;D
  16. finance seems to be working if i do a manual pirep i get the folowing ezDB (v3.00) Debug.. Query [10] -- [iNSERT INTO phpvms_pireps( `pilotid`, `code`, `flightnum`, `depicao`, `arricao`, `aircraft`, `flighttime`, `flighttime_stamp`, `submitdate`, `accepted`, `log`, `load`, `fuelused`, `source`, `exported`) VALUES (1, 'TAY', '133', 'LGKR', 'EBLG', '6', '3.3', '3.3:00', NOW(), 0, '', '122', '42000', 'manual', 0)] Query Result.. No Results If ezDB has helped make a donation!? Query [17] -- [uPDATE phpvms_pireps SET `price`='60', `load`=122, `fuelprice`='2100', `fuelunitcost`='', `expenses`=14028, `pilotpay`='1500', `revenue`='-60978' WHERE `pirepid`=120] Query Result..
  17. no pilot pay here as mentiont via email
  18. yes i am having no more problems
  19. joeri

    Build 767

    Nabeel told me the registrations error is fixed but he didn't had the time to place an update. yes i know yikes is a wierd thingif a flight is done you could manualy deleti it out the database for know
  20. joeri

    Build 767

    hello Chuck the flights will disapear after 12 hours i have been trying to change it but nothing hapens. the vacentral bug is fixed. issues accepting i forgot to tell to Nabeel. gr joeri
  21. user reg work but no email is send to the registering pilot
  22. yes alsow on mine and on the dev site
  23. no it will not cutoff
  24. financials but don't nowif this is only local on my site or at more places
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