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Everything posted by CXA001

  1. It is all about activity. If you had 30 pilots and had 20 flights a day, you would score higher than haveing 210 pilots and having 30 flights a day.
  2. This month’s challenge is to forget the FMC, forget looking out the window (other than to enjoy the scenery) and close the GPS and navigate via your aircraft’s instruments by dialing up a VOR and set course towards it & track NDBs. Your welcome to hand fly or use the autopilot to track the radios, but the challenge here is to manually set the radios. Don’t let the GPS or flight planning software run the show. A tutorial on how to navigate VORs is available by clicking the Navigating VORs link via the Training menu on our web site. Starting at Daytona Beach (KDAB), you will navigate down the east coast of Florida making your way to in to the Key’s and landing at Key West (KEYW). Along the way you’ll pass over Kennedy Space Centre and the famous, Hwy 1 Oversea Highway that links the Florida Keys to the mainland. Join Canadian Xpress® today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won. First Place: 25 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft) and the Monthly Challenge Award added to his/her name in the Pilot Roster: In addition, any Download product from: http://www.aerosoft.com/ Second Place: 15 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); Third Place: 10 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); The October 2012 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress® pilots from October 3rd until October 29th, 2012 so join Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca . *Canadian Xpress® accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.
  3. Like some VAs we do accept a portion of flight hours from other VAs or VATSIM/IVAO hours. We also have a variety of different awards that our pilots can earn. Some of them are based on hours, but most are to do with other activities within our organization, such as attendance for events, different contests, etc. For our awards that do involve hours, if the pilot does have enough transferred hours to obtain a particular "hours award" they will get that particular award. As for the non-hours awards, they have to be earned like everyone else.
  4. Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to join us for our October fly-in on Saturday, October 13th at 21h00edt (01h00z) where we will fly to Saint Maarten which is well renowned for its plane spotting. Departing from Miami (KMIA), we will fly Princess Juliana International (TNCM), for a visual approach to famous runway 10 over Maho beach! This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting www.CanadianXpress.ca or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here. See you all on Saturday the 13th!
  5. 5 years is a HUGE milestone. Congratulations!
  6. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, September 15th 10h00edt (14h00z) for our September fly-in where we will fly between high altitude airports, over the Andes range. So check your weights on your aircrafts as performance is greatly affected on high altitude airports. Departing from Quito Equador (SEQU), we will fly south east to Tarapoto (SPST) and then to the amazing city of Cuzco (SPZO) perched on a high plateau at 11,200 feet!! Then if you want more adventure, you can take a helicopter ride to Machu Pichu! This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting www.CanadianXpress.ca or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here. See you all on Saturday the 15th!
  7. The Milk Run is the bread and butter of a flight schedule for an airline. Solid standard routes are usually guaranteed contracts that always make money. These routes are the back bone of an airline and their profits is what helps keep the low income flights operating. One of Canadian Xpress’ milk run flights is a twice daily cargo flight from Los Angeles to Toronto and is this month's challenge. Starting at Los Angeles (KLAX) load up your choice of Canadian Xpress® Cargo Aircraft which are available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for this challenge at 80%-95% max takeoff weight (fuel and cargo) and head for Toronto (CYYZ). Join Canadian Xpress® today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won. First Place: 25 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft) and the Monthly Challenge Award added to his/her name in the Pilot Roster: In addition, any Download product from: http://www.aerosoft.com/ Second Place: 15 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); Third Place: 10 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); The September 2012 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress® pilots from September 1st until September 29th, 2012 so join Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca . *Canadian Xpress® accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.
  8. Canadian Xpress is please to announce CXA-TV which allows our pilots to broadcast screenshots and basic flight data of their flights Live while flying so everyone can watch us fly. Visit CXA-TV at http://CXA-TV.com
  9. Very well put. I don't think I could have said it better myself.
  10. Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots and virtual airlines to join us for our August 2012 fly-in where we celebrate our 3rd anniversary! Thanks to all our virtual pilots who have made Canadian Xpress the virtual airline that it is. So we urge you to spread the news and invite virtual pilots from all over to join us for this event. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting www.CanadianXpress.ca or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here. See you all on Saturday the 18th!
  11. Boston ARTCC | Moncton FIR - The Fundy Rush Wednsday August 15th, 2012 - 19h00est-23h00est (23h00z-03h00z) Halifax and Boston have a long relationship in trade, disater releif and tourism dating back to Halifax's incorporation in 1749. From shipping and commerce routes, Boston's heroic and rapid dispatchof relief following the Halifax explosion and our Christmas tree tradition, to booming cross-border tourism and mutual support of Boston's sports teams, the bond between the these two cities is great. In honor of these close ties, the Boston ARTCC and the Moncton FIR are pleased to present The Fundy Rush that will be held on the VATSIM network. Halifax stanfield International CYHZ) and Boston Logan International (KBOS) will be staffed from the ground up during this event, including Center positions ensuring radar coverage from Clearance to shutdown. All pilots are encouraged to participate despite your skill level, to join and celebrate the continued friendship between these two cities. Join early and fly a round trip, experiencing the departures and arrivals of each airport and keeping the controllers on their toes! Charts and information can be found at the Moncton FIR web site www.MonctonFIR.com and the Boston ARTCC web site www.BostnARTCC.net. They look forward to seeing their scopes full of participants!!
  12. Site looks nice. I hope you have permission from JetBlue to use their name and logos as they are notorious for shutting down VAs that have not aquired permission.
  13. Nice to see another Canadian VA! Good luck with your launch.
  14. The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad and also known as London 2012 as per their official logo, are scheduled to take place in London, United Kingdom from 27 July to 12 August 2012. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our July Month fly-in where we celebrate this world wide event aimed at peace, tolerance, friendship and of course, achievement in sports! Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us where our goal is to make a massive arrival at London Gatwick International (EGKK) at the same time on July 14th 2012. You can depart from wherever you like, as long as you time your arrival around 13h00edt (17h00z). This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress® SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting www.CanadianXpress.ca or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here. See you all on Saturday the 14th!
  15. • Are you new to flying online and are not sure how to get started? • Have you thought about getting your VATSIM P1 Rating, but do not no where to start? Canadian Xpress® a VATSIM Authorized Training Organization, can train, evaluate and issue your VATSIM P1 Ratings or if you are new to flying online, by following our VATSIM P1 program you will have the tools and knowledge to start flying on the VATSIM network. Our VATSIM P1 Training program includes: • Download and Install Essential Software • Flight Plans • Weather • Facility Web Sites • Connecting to the Network • Maps and Charts • Contacting ATC • Navigation Basics • VATSIM Basics • Good VATSIM Citizenship • Communications In addition, Canadian Xpress® provides other types of training including: • Flight procedures • Oceanic procedures • Flying specific payware aircraft (from cold & dark) • Etc. Sign up as a pilot with Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca and in a short amount of time, you will have your VATSIM P1 Rating!
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  16. Summer time has come to the west coast. Vacation homes are open and everyone is ready to enjoy the summer sun and surf. Summer time means higher demands for air transportation to the ocean playground of the Channel Islands. Long Beach and Santa Barbara airports are our Sunshine Coast mainland hubs. From there you’ll be making scheduled flights to Catalina, San Clement, San Nicolas and Santa Cruz before returning to the mainland. Fuel is available at some of the island airports but at a much higher price compared to the mainland, so you must carry enough fuel for the whole trip landing with IFR reserves. The California Dreaming tour consists of 10 scheduled flights where pilots will have to fly all 10 flights in a given amount of time using a particular aircraft. Join Canadian Xpress® today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won from: http://www.SimAddons.com ------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.aerosoft.com ------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.virtualcol.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------ The Summer 2012 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress® pilots from June 10th, 2012 until August 15th, 2012 so join Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca .
  17. It’s June! The birds are singing, the kids are finishing up the school year and most of us stare longingly at the gently swaying trees, overcome by cabin fever after having been locked away from the sun all winter. It’s time to dust off those fishing poles and the camping gear, hook up the boat or camper and head out into the wilderness. It’s time for a summer vacation! Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, June 16th, 2012 at 21h00edt (Sunday 01h00z) for our June 2012 Fly-In where we will celebrate the beginning of Vacation Season by visiting some of the most beautiful outdoor spots that the Intermountain West has to offer. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress® SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting www.CanadianXpress.ca or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here. See you all on Saturday the 16th!
  18. The more the merrier!
  19. We have a fly-in every month that is flown on the VATSIM network. This month we are flying from Cairo (HECA) to Athens (LGAV). You guys are more than welcome to join us. Fly-In Info: http://canadianxpres...yinReminder.htm
  20. From the Pyramids to the Acropolis, we cross centuries of history through the Mediterranean Sea. Our History and cultures were marked by those two ancient worlds and still is today. Just think of the Papyrus and the Olympic games. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, May 19th, 2012 at 09h00edt (13h00z) for our May 2012 Fly-In where we will depart from Cairo (HECA), capital of Egypt, to Athens (LGAV), capital of Greece. Although not required, we highly recommend that you install the add-on sceneries in order to truly appreciate the beauty and the landmarks of both countries. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress® SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting www.CanadianXpress.ca or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here. See you all on Saturday the 19th!
  21. This month, we are going to change things up a bit. We are giving you a departure airport and you get to pick your destination. Sounds easy enough right, so what’s the challenge? The Challenge is to fly as far away from the departure airport as possible and land within VFR fuel reserve of 15 minutes. Starting at The Pitt Meadows airport (CYPK) and you are required to load the Canadian Xpress® DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 (DHC6) with a copilot, yourself, and 50% fuel and head north east in to the BC interior. The DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 is not a pressurized aircraft. Portable oxygen is available; however you can only stay on portable oxygen for a maximum of 15 minutes for every hour of flight. This means you need to fly at or below 8,000 feet for most of your trip, climbing above 8,000 feet to a maximum of 13,000 (aircraft performance limit) only for short periods of time if you need to clear a mountain. This basically means you can’t takeoff and fly in a straight line, until you’re out of fuel. Join Canadian Xpress® today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won. First Place: 25 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft) and the Monthly Challenge Award added to his/her name in the Pilot Roster: In addition, any Download product from: http://www.aerosoft.com/ Second Place: 15 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); Third Place: 10 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); The May 2012 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress® pilots from May 2nd until May 29th, 2012 so join Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca . *Canadian Xpress® accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.
  22. Canadian Xpress® VFRiday is our weekly informal VFR event that takes place on the VATSIM network every Friday night at 21h00edt (01h00z) where we fly to different area each week. Whether you fly Direct, VOR to VOR or with your GPS, you will discover that flying VFR is a lot of fun and the scenery is spectacular. Sign up as a pilot with Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca, choose your favorite Canadian Xpress® prop aircraft and join us on our TeamSpeak3 Server for a lot of fun!
  23. Stripes on the tail look nice.
  24. Most VAs would love to have this kind of problem where they have to limit new registrations. I agree with the others that limiting registrations is not a good idea.
  25. The Sun has risen in the north, and the warm weather is melting the ice and snow in Northern Canada. This warm weather has also melted the ice roads leading to the mines of Northern Canada. This means no more trucks and until next November, so until then, everything has to come and go by air. This month we are packing up the Canadian Xpress® Boeing 737-200F which is available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for this challenge and heading north out of Edmonton (CYEG) for the gold mine at Lupin (CYWO). Once fully unloaded, you’ll jump over to Yellowknife (CYZF). There are no fuel facilities at Lupin, so you will need to plan your fuel wisely. You need to fly with as much cargo as you can carry from Edmonton to Lupin landing in Lupin with a 45 minute fuel reserve but also have enough fuel to fly empty to Yellowknife and land there with 45 minutes of fuel reserve. Join Canadian Xpress® today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won. First Place: 25 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft) and the Monthly Challenge Award added to his/her name in the Pilot Roster: In addition, any Download product from: http://www.aerosoft.com/ Second Place: 15 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); Third Place: 10 bonus flight hours (enables you to climb the ranks faster in order to fly larger, more challenging aircraft); The April 2012 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress® pilots from April 2nd until April 29th, 2012 so join Canadian Xpress® today by visiting http://CanadianXpress.ca . *Canadian Xpress® accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.
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