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Posts posted by ProAvia

  1. Moved to phpVMS Classic (v2, v5.5.x), Support Forum as your listed errors relate to those versions.

    Free hosting is never a good choice for phpVMS.

    Which exact classic version did you attempt to install? What PHP version are you using?

  2. There is no phpVMS 5.There is 2.1.x, 5.5.2 and Look in the lower right of the main admin page to see which you are using.

    Both phpVMS 5.5.2 and phpVMS are already recaptcha v2 compliant. No need to update them. But you will need to acquire a public and a private key from Google to use recaptcha. 

    After you get the keys from Google, you need to place them in local.config.php

    Also, don't add anything to app.config.php. Only add to local.config.php. the local.config.php file takes precidence over the app.config.php file. So if the same line is in both files, local.config.php line will be used.

    Since the CC Crew Test is payware, you will need to ask them for help or check out their forums.

  3. Our solution was similar to yours. Staff members have 2 accounts - staff and pilot. The staff account is set for 40,000 hours and has a specific staff rank image tied to it. When a staff members flys, they use their pilot account to log into our ACARS.

    We reserved a block of pilot numbers just for staff. You can reassign the same number to a new staff member if the present one retires.

    Not a perfect solution, but it works.

  4. Save the 5.5.2 database and after you get tweaked to your liking, link it to the 5.5.2 database.The databases in default 5.5.2 and are exactly the same except for some default date/time formats in a few tables which shouldn't affect the end result (and were done to make the install MySQL 5.7 compatible). If you are using MySQL 5.6 you won't see any difference.

    Or run the subdomain/phpVMS 5.5.2 folder under PHP 5.6 - and the rest of your hosting account on 7.2

  5. If you have a customized kACARSI or kACARSII, your site URL is hard coded into the program. I believe this was done to prevent use at other VA's or URL's without actually purchasing the base program.

    Do you still have access to the old URL? If so, just redirect the old domain to the new one.... and then use the old domain URL for your custom kACARS access.

  6. Well... let's try this then....

    Near the end of frontpage_map.php...... change

    echo '</tr>';
          echo '<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>';

    To this

    echo '</tr>';
          echo '<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>';

    Basically, you are moving the last ' } ' to just before 'else'.

    Let us know how that works.


  7. You need to re-read my reply above ..... there are 2 files to edit...

    frontpage_main.php and frontpage_map.php - two different files.... MAIN and MAP

    frontpage_main.php gets the first edit

    frontpage_map.php  - you need to edit the contents as directed - along the same lines as the first file.... I used fake names for the calls cause I didn't have the file available this morning.

    Replace lines 16-56

    if(count($pireps) > 0)
      foreach ($pireps as $pirep)
        $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilotid);
        $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid);
        $acrid = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($pirep->registration);
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/profile/view/'.$pilotinfo->pilotid.'">'.$pilotinfo->firstname.' '.$pilotinfo->lastname[0].'.</a></td>';
        echo '<td><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/pireps/viewreport/'.$pirep->pirepid.'">'.$pirep->code.$pirep->flightnum.'</a></td>';
        echo '<td>'.$pirep->depicao.'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$pirep->arricao.'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$pirep->aircraft.'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$pirep->flighttime.'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$pirep->landingrate.' ft/m</td>';
    if($pirep->accepted == PIREP_ACCEPTED)
    echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-success btn-xs mb-2">Flight Approved</button></td>';
                                    elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_REJECTED)
    echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-danger btn-xs mb-2">Flight Rejected</button></td>';
                                    elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_PENDING)
    echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-primary btn-xs mb-2">Approval Pending</button></td>';
                                    elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_INPROGRESS)
    echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-primary btn-xs mb-2">On Progress</button></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>';

    With this

    if(is_array($pireps) || ($pireps) instanceof Countable
      if(count($pireps) > 0)
        foreach ($pireps as $pirep)
          $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilotid);
          $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid);
          $acrid = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($pirep->registration);
          echo '<tr>';
          echo '<td><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/profile/view/'.$pilotinfo->pilotid.'">'.$pilotinfo->firstname.' '.$pilotinfo->lastname[0].'.</a></td>';
          echo '<td><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/pireps/viewreport/'.$pirep->pirepid.'">'.$pirep->code.$pirep->flightnum.'</a></td>';
          echo '<td>'.$pirep->depicao.'</td>';
          echo '<td>'.$pirep->arricao.'</td>';
          echo '<td>'.$pirep->aircraft.'</td>';
          echo '<td>'.$pirep->flighttime.'</td>';
          echo '<td>'.$pirep->landingrate.' ft/m</td>';
      	if($pirep->accepted == PIREP_ACCEPTED)
          echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-success btn-xs mb-2">Flight Approved</button></td>';
        elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_REJECTED)
          echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-danger btn-xs mb-2">Flight Rejected</button></td>';
        elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_PENDING)
          echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-primary btn-xs mb-2">Approval Pending</button></td>';
        elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_INPROGRESS)
          echo '<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-outline btn-primary btn-xs mb-2">On Progress</button></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
          echo '<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>';

    So I think you may need to revert to the original files first and then edit the TWO files again. Hopefully your renamed the originals before saving the edit - if not, you can get the originals from the skin download. Sorry for any confusion on the second edit.

    The edit to the frontpage_map.php file should work - but I have no way to try it. I had to do the edit to frontpage_main.php on another site that was using php 7.2 and an older version of the Ocean Blue skin.

    Let us know how it works out.

  8. Your warning error is NOT caused by the skin you are using.... it is because of changes between PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.2

    For front_page main.php line 157 - replace the "<?php ... ?>" section with

    <?php if(is_array(ACARSData::GetACARSData()) || (ACARSData::GetACARSData()) instanceof Countable) {
    	echo count(ACARSData::GetACARSData());

    I don't have frontpage_map.php line 17 in front of me right now, but the fix is very similar to the above

    <?php if(is_array(...call after 'count') || (...call after 'count') instanceof Countable) {
         .... probably an echo line;

    If you need the fix for frontpage_map.php to be more specific, you will need to post the code for that line here first.

    Chances are you may encounter these 'count' warning errrors again in different modules. For the most part, the fix is the same.

    The above changes only apply to PHP 7 and above.

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