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Posts posted by ProAvia

  1. I believe vmshost now offers PHP 7.2 and suggest you use that version. Version 7.0 and 7.1 may be dropped.

    Do you have a URL to where you got the skin from? Is it freeware or payware? The skin probably shouldn't be installed in "vCrewMini-phpvms-skin-master". Try installing the skin to "vCrewMini" instead or review the install instructions that came with the skin.

  2. All according to what you want to do. For me, each has its place.

    Discord is good for text chat, PM and the occasional voice session. Members can log on from computer or mobile device. No costs involved.

    Teamspeak is voice only and if you run it locally, you or the member running the server have full control. Computer access only unless you pay for the mobile app.

  3. A warning such as this will not make your site inaccessible. It's just a Warning, not an Error.

    Did you happen to install an addon admin skin? If so, change back to the default admin skin.

    Did the site ever load correctly after you install it? I am guessing that phpVMS is installed in /home/singap08/public_html/operations - is that correct?

    Are you also using the default crystal skin or an addon skin?

    In /admin/templates/sidebar_schedules.php line 1 is: <?php if(!defined('IN_PHPVMS') && IN_PHPVMS !== true) { die(); } ?> --- I don't think that line is actually needed. Place "//" before the word 'if' (that will comment out the line), saved the file and try again. Although, that line 1 appears in most all of the template files anyway.

  4. We use both. We have had a TeamSpeak server running for several years. It is mostly used during online events or if I member is having computer or sim issues and we need to discuss using voice. Recently, we set up a Discord server - this has allowed quicker "chat" type messages, PM's and the occasional voice session. I still think we will use TeamSpeak for any online events, as we also usually use JoinFS for multiplayer.

    I believe your are limited to 32 user slots if you run a TS3 server locally - which is how we run ours.

    Running locally is free - but someone has to run the server so others can connect. We usually have ours running on my old laptop (along with JoinFS) and use a free DNS service so our named IP address doesn't change. No-IP.com is our free DNS provider - and they also offer a free DNS client to parse our IP address and 'marry' it to our named IP address. There are probably other providers as well.

  5. I believe iCrewLITE is for phpVMS 5.5.2 and doesn't work in phpVMS 2.1.x

    Additionally, you will have issues with phpVMS 2.1.x under PHP 5.6

    Search for phpVMS 5.5.2 (Simpilot version by DavidJClark) - or use the updated version 2 available here in the forums or on Github. I would recommend 5.5.2 for now. Lots of skins and addon modules will work with it.

    If you already have a lot of data in your database, you will have to move that over to the new install of 5.5.2 - 5.5.2 adds several new tables to the database along with some additional columns for the existing tables from 2.1.x

  6. My very basic understanding is that using different jquery versions can cause all sorts of issues. And converting phpVMS to use a newer jquery version is going to require a lot of code changes. Since you said your skins are custom, any chance you can get them working with the same jquery versions presently used by phpVMS?

    Maybe reach out to other skin developers (see the forum here on site) and see what they suggest.

    Once you get these skins working correctly, any chance you will release them as freeware for others to use?

  7. 6 hours ago, PetitJedi said:


    if I don't say nonsense, for the log, you have to put that in local.config.php

    Config::Set('DEBUG_MODE', true);
    Config::Set('DEBUG_LEVEL', 2); // 1 logs query errors, 2 logs all queries
    Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);

    After you can see the log file in core/logs


    Bests regards

    I have not made these changes to "local.config.php" and I get error_log to show errors.

  8. In the root folder of phpVMS should be a file named error_log. Also, at least in my PHP 7.2 with my host, I needed to create a ".user.ini" file which includes a directive to enable logging of errors (this file supposedly overrides the php.ini file on a folder by folder basis).

    .user.ini - file contents for error logging

    error_reporting = 32759
    display_errors = On
    display_startup_errors = Off
    log_errors = On
    log_errors_max_len = 0
    error_log = /<path to phpvms install>/error_log

    <path to phpvms install> can include "home/public_html/<rest of path>/error_log"

    I also have the same thing set up in my /admin folder to show admin errors.

    I suggest changing back to the default user and admin skins and test the log in again. If its working in the default skins, there is probably something messed up in your custom skins.

  9. That is not the acars map that comes with phpVMS. That is a payware addon by CrazyCreatives named Airline Map (if version 1 using Google Maps) or Airline Route Map (if version 2 using OSM). 

    If you are having issues with that addon working as described on the Crazy Creatives website, you will need to ask in their forums for assistance. If you are wanting to get the correctly working addon to just display on an external webpage, someone here may be able to assist you in getting it working. Chances are they will need to have the exact same addon. In any case, it may be better to chat with others about this via PM or email.

  10. @web541 - could it also be that something is missing or corrupt in the ELA skin core_htmlhead.php file? Not the one in /core/templates but the one included with the addon skin.

    EDIT - never mind that.... I think the skin may have been installed incorrectly. Here's the skin on github:  https://github.com/carlosmfreitas2409/ElaSkin-2.0 - its not supposed to be in "/lib/skins/ElaSkin-2.0-master" but in "lib/skins/ela". And not everything from the extracted download goes there either.

  11. You mean - which is 5.5.2 updated to work with PHP 7.2

    Besides the ELA skin, have you tried any others? I have seen issues with the ELA skin in general.

    Check your error_log file in the root of phpVMS and see if it shows any errors. Post them here.

  12. I wonder if there is any chance the skin you are using is causing this? I don't think it would. But, maybe try changing to the default crystal skin and see if the issue is still there.

    Any chance a module you installed included anything that could have changed the navdata calls?


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