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Everything posted by ProAvia

  1. What php version do you intend to use? That might dictate which phpVMS version would work best for you. phpVMS 7 - probably not good to use for a live/production site as it's still being developed - it uses php7+ phpVMS - this is the simpilot version updated to work with php7.2 - and it works in php 7.0 & 7.1 phpVMS 5.5.2 - this is the original simpilot version - this is version 2.x updated to work with php 5.3 - 5.6 phpVMS v2 - sometimes referred to as phpVMS 5.0 - updated to work with php 7.0 and possibly 7.1 & 7.2 - this is the original version updated for php 7 phpVMS 2.x - this is the original released version - works with php 4 - This one probably isn't available anymore As you can see, there are several options available.
  2. VMS Acars 08/22 Build - Version 1.0.1908221708 phpVMS install updated to latest build from 8/22 (7.0.0+190822.6018a6) P3D v4.3 This build appears to have corrected the "Error sending PIREP update, retrying, Too Many Attempts", as none were encountered. 👌👍 See attached zip for pics.... KIAH-KDAL B738 FL180 Log.jpg Start Taxi - Landing lights on below 10k - landing lights were off - speed was below 20 kts Started Takeoff - Strobes on while in flight - still taxiing below 20 kts and on ground - Thrust reverse enabled below 60kts - I was testing to see if it flagged it - works Crossing above 10,000 feet - Landing lights off above 10k' - they were on above 10k - works probably doesn't need the 500' inbuilt delay as we can set an altitude for the violation to occur (maybe 11k in climb and 9k in descent) Landing lights turned on - no flag below 10k - lights were turned on at 4000' MSL Strobes on while taxiing - flagged after clearing runway and below 30 kts - maybe this needs a delay before flagging Summary 1 / Summary 2 pics added for review Landing lights and strobes violation - possible change If landing lights violation is flagged during takeoff, instead of "Landing lights on below 10k" (which is not a violation), should say OFF If landing lights violation is flagged above 10k, should say "Landing lights on above 10k" Strobes - may be better to set to 40-ish knots or greater for violation and possibly have a time delay after landing to allow aircraft to clear runway Log.zip
  3. phpVMS was tested with MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 - it was not tested with any versions of MariaDB. Are you able to change the version of MariaDB to 10.1 or 10.2? Can you downgrade you PHP version to 5.6? If so, install phpVMS 5.5.2 (Simpilot version). Who is you web hosting company? Here are a couple of links that may or may not help.... https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/incompatibilities-and-feature-differences-between-mariadb-103-and-mysql-57/ https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mariadb-vs-mysql-compatibility/ EDIT - can you post any error_log files? Have you opened your browser console to see if any errors are posted there?
  4. Did you mean version ? What version of php... 7.2.?? What version of Maria DB? Do you have the option of using MySQL instead of Maria DB?
  5. ProAvia

    Help needed

    If you are going to use one of the classic versions, start a thread in the forums there. Best not to mix v7 and classic in the same post.
  6. ProAvia

    Help needed

    You can try installing phpVMS version 5 - this is version 2.x updated for php 7 Or try version - phpVMS 5.5.2 updated for php 7.2 . It may install under php 7.1 - see the readme.
  7. ProAvia

    Help needed

    The databases have different table names and different table column names - so for right now, I'd say no. Rumor is there may be a converter - but no telling if that will come true or not. I hope it does. As far as tweaking the skin, you would need to probably learn laravel. The file structure of v7 is WAY different from previous versions. You may want to consider using 5.5.2 and one of the freely available crewcenter type skins.
  8. ProAvia

    Help needed

    phpVMS v7 probably shouldn't be used on a production site just yet. If you are only testing and tweaking, that's fine. Have you refiewed the documentation - http://docs.phpvms.net/concepts If you intend to run a production site with active pilots using it, I'd suggest you look into using version 5.5.2 (Simpliot version). Version 5.5.2 is well tested and there are loads of skins and modules already available for it.
  9. From the Github..... Click on "3 branches" Click on "dev" branch (listed under "Default" Download that one (as of 08/14/2019, it was updated 4 days ago) You still need to run "composer install" to get all the dependencies.
  10. kACARS Free will not work with phpVMS 7.
  11. If you are trying to display this in pilot_public_profile.php - the result will be YOUR flown routes, not those of the selected pilot. Not sure there is a way to display a specific pilot's flown routes on a map without writing your own module or adding that function to an existing module. If viewing a specific pilot's profile, there should be a list of the pilot's PIREPS. Clicking on a flight number from there should take you to a page listing the PIREP details - including the flight map for that PIREP.
  12. If you have edited the Routes module or flown_routes_map file, you may need to revert to the originals so you have a baseline to start from.
  13. In local.config.php # Number of routes to show in the flown routes map Config::Set('ROUTE_MAP_SHOW_NUMBER', 50); // change number to reflect desired number of routes
  14. I have it running on my web host without error - haven't tried running a local copy.
  15. Download the github repository Extract the zip file to your desktop Upload to a new directory on your webspace Creat a new database for phpVMS7 In your browser, navigate to your URL\new directory Install should start automatically You can also install on your computer using Wamp or Xampp. You must be able to use PHP 7 or higher on your webspace or local install.
  16. Google - phpvms github This should find the latest development release - be sure you are looking at version 7.
  17. EDIT - Only use if your hosting does not support PHP 8.1 or higher. If your host supports PHP 8.1 or higher, use phpVMS v7. Present users of phpVMS v2/v5 should use the legacy import feature of phpVMS v7. New VAs should install phpVMS v7. After much time and effort fixing errors, I now have phpVMS 5.5.2 working successfully on PHP 7.2. My live site has been running this for over 3 months. The installation program has now been updated to be able to install under PHP 7.2 as well. After much testing, including by several members here, I decided to release this version to the community. Here's a link to the program at github: https://github.com/ProAviaAZ/phpvms_5.5.2.72 Be sure to read the README file. Some may experience a few warnings when installing. While these warnings can be fixed, doing so creates major issues elsewhere with the installation. Continuing with the installation will install the program successfully. Additionally, this version may install under PHP 7.0 and PHP7.1 - but has not been extensively tested. It will NOT install under PHP 7.3 or higher. Some existing addon modules may need additional tweaking to get them working correctly with phpVMS version - this is due to changes in PHP 7.2 Thanks to those members who helped test this for me. And thanks to Nabeel for permission to make this version available to the community.
  18. Have you looked at: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/120914/nginx-php-setup-no-input-file-specified Quick Google search of - NGINX No input file specified - reveals lots of hits at StackOverflow and other places. As a side note: https://welshairways.com has been moved at least 3 times in the past month or so - each time, new issues arise. If possible, find a 'home' and stay there for a while.
  19. Well, no wonder that code looked familiar. Yeah - I haven't really had a good look at v7 either.
  20. What file is this code in - in version 7?
  21. What browser are you using? If you installed correctly, it should work in all browsers except IE.
  22. That's a payware module and since Simpilot closed, it is no longer available. I believe Crazy Creatives has a similar payware module that is available.
  23. You are running this locally using XAMPP?? For a production site? Google "site updates slowly after database restore" for possible solutions.
  24. Here is the present error Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I was incorrect in having you disable those entries. The 403 entries I referenced above should stay active in the phpvms v7 folders .htaccess file. Here are those contents for reference: # Disable index view Options -Indexes RewriteEngine On # Handle Authorization Header RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*) RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1] # Deny all these files/folders RedirectMatch 403 ^/.git/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/.travis/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/app/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/bootstrap/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/config/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/modules/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/node_modules/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/resources/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/storage/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/tests/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/vendor/.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/.bowerrc$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/artisan$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/composer.json RedirectMatch 403 ^/composer.lock RedirectMatch 403 ^/composer.phar RedirectMatch 403 ^/env.php.*?$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/env.php RedirectMatch 403 ^/env.php$ RedirectMatch 403 ^/Makefile RedirectMatch 403 ^/package.json RedirectMatch 403 ^/package-lock.json RedirectMatch 403 ^/phpunit.xml RedirectMatch 403 ^/webpack.mix.js # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder... RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301] # Handle Front Controller... RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] Possibly check your server error log for further clues. I'm guessing something may be configured incorrectly on your server. Hopefully someone with more experience than me will be along to help you out.
  25. So, you upload all the files and can access the initial install page using your browser? And you have removed all 403 entries in all .htaccess files in the path from the root to the directory containing the phpVMS v7 files/folders?
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