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Everything posted by ProAvia

  1. Like the updated look! I'd guess it includes an update of the forum software too - and better security. Thanks to David and the rest of the team for all you do! I about had a heart attack the other day when the forums were down. I'm in the middle of an upgrade to 5.5.2 from 2.x and will probably be in need of assistance shortly. One issue I had with the old forum which continues into this one - on my Android tablet the forum redirects to: br-update.com/u/4182 . IIRC, someone else has reported this issue also. All works fine in Win7 with IE11 and Chrome. Also no issues with iPhone access. The issue seems related only to Android. Are others on Android experiencing this issue also? Anyone able to rectify it?
  2. I really think it may be better to install the newest version in parallel with the old version. This will give you time to tweak and correct any issues you may (will) experience with the new version - while having a working version (the old version) for your members to use. You hosting company may decide to upgrade and will probably only provide you will a couple weeks notice at best. Do you want to risk having a non-functioning site until you have the necessary time to complete the change over to the new version? How many members might you lose if your site goes down for several weeks while you are scrambling to update and make the site functional again? An additional plus is you will probably be able to get support here easier if you're on the newer version. Just my opinion - now back to my own update/conversion........
  3. It works with P3D, X-Plane and FSX-SE - in addition to FSX and FS9. The user (pilot) has to install a current version of FSUIPC (FS/P3 only) or XPUIPC (XP only) to make it work on their systems. FSUIPC/XPUIPC will interface on the users computer with the sim and kACARS. Your site and your pilots must use the same version of kACARS. And your pilots must set up and run their kACARS to connect correctly with your site.
  4. How about Online Flight Planner? http://onlineflightplanner.org/ It allows various export options (FSX, X-Plane, PMDG, etc) and the user can select a specific AIRAC cycle (from most current all the way back to cycle 0511). It uses Route Finder for the routing, includes WX and fuel also. There's also http://simroutes.com -but it appears to load an error page at present. Either/both are easily integrated into phpVMS by editing and renaming the Route Finder module.
  5. I have been unable to get any events to display other than those of the current month. When viewing months other than the current month, the current month's events displayed - same current month's events no matter what month I selected. After finding a blog by a gentleman named David Walsh (possible original code for the php calendar) and doing a bit of reading of the comments there, I was able to get all events to show in their correct month. I am not a PHP coder. I only edited one existing file in Strider's original package. There may be a more efficient way to achieve the same outcome I was able to attain. There are just a few minor changes/additions to the code in "TourCalendar.tpl". The attached fie contains my edited file. Of course, the calendar display is specific to my site and the format may not match yours - this includes everything between the <style> </style> tags near the top of the file - so don't change that in your file if your calendar display already fits well with your site. Changes which corrected my issue from above are between " /* keep going with days... */ " and " /** QUERY THE DATABASE ..... " TourCalendar.zip
  6. Hi Austin Thanks for the response! I'm quite new to phpVMS, exactly where is the 'Delete Multiple Routes' box? Gene
  7. Our pilots can fly ANY aircraft in our inventory, regardless of pilot rank - but we want to restrict aircraft to specific routes. We have aircraft assigned to specific categories, and assign one or more categories to a specific flight number. This allows our pilots to fly a range of aircraft available for a given route. Ideally, having the aircraft names and/or aircraft category show in the schedule and having a drop down box listing only those aircraft available for a specific flight on the 'File a Flight Report' page is what we are after. Is it possible to assign multiple aircraft types to a given route? For example: Route - KPHX-KDEN, Route number 740, Aircraft - B738, A320, B757. If it is possible, is there a module yet - or exactly how would one go about writing this module? Or, can any existing module(s) be added to/adapted for our purposes? Thanks in advance for any help and direction you can provide! Gene
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