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Everything posted by mattsmith

  1. mattsmith


    How do you change the blue colour?
  2. Go to core/local.config,php and go to #ACARS options change the ACRAS_LIVE_TIME to a smaller number i.e 5
  3. Is ther any way of linking the 2 sites so you don't need to input all the information again?
  4. How can i get it to work?
  5. Tried to install it and it says Header & Footer doesn't exsist.
  6. bump
  7. or this: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8045-charter-flight-system-v110-updated/page__hl__charter
  8. Sim Pilot has a charter module. http://www.simpilotgroup.com/module You get charter flights on cavACARS http://cavacars.net63.net or smartCARS
  9. My VA won't connect to vacentral, it doesnt show up when i'm flying, I can't send pireps or update schedules or news.
  10. What do i need to change to have the rank image showing? <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #eee; border-top:1px solid #eee;"><b>Your Rank</b></td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #eee; border-top:1px solid #eee"><?php echo $userinfo->rank;?></td>
  11. Thanks it worked
  12. Get this error when i search for a flight Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$route' (T_VARIABLE) in /home/u898095382/public_html/core/templates/fbsv/schedule_results.php on line 118
  13. I'm having the same problem
  14. Could someone show me how to get the hub managers showing.
  15. I have reinstalled everything and the admin panel said there were pireps waiting to be uploaded. I uploaded them and it said they were succesful but it doesn't show them on VA Central.
  16. If i try to send Pireps i get: "Successfully sent message! (Server said "Updated 0 of 29")" If i try to send schedules i get: " "
  17. I Get an error when sending scheduls and pireps
  18. I don't think I made an update I'll check the acars
  19. My site is sending pireps to vacentral but they are not showing on the airline info page. It is showing the last flight as being submitted 6/08/2016 but there have been pireps submitted since then
  20. Is there any way you can make it so when a Hub manager goes to the admin panel to edit schedules it only shows schedules for there hub?
  21. I have followed the tutorial and can get the skin to show up but when i add <?php echo $page_content;?> the page just ends up messed up.
  22. Not sure, Mine also just started suddenly
  23. Have you tried adding this to local/config.php config::set('VACENTRAL_DATA_FORMAT', 'xml');
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