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Everything posted by MBrown

  1. Is this another PIAS VA?
  2. Do you mean FS crashed or or your actual plane crashed? If it was the latter then it certainly would have been a big court case and I would have understood why your debt was so high!
  3. Don't forget to change your pilot ranks either!! They all link to http://deltavirtualairlines.com !! whoops To who sees this topic and wonders that Palmer and Palmair are similar they are not I have nothing to do with Palmer
  4. Woah hang on there, you have the same ICAO as Phoenix Virtual Airlines. PVA which on VATSIM gets registered to them. WWW.PHOENIXVA.ORG Phoenix VA actually belongs to a member here on these very forums too!
  5. Good one Nick!! Yes a one liner of yes I saw it should be followed up with your results
  6. I take it you didn't see my above post....
  7. Yes thanks, sent you an email as you probably saw!
  8. or, www.canyourunit.com and choose FSX.
  9. I'm afraid that due to the overwhelming order numbers we are getting It won't be possible to carry on accepting any at all. We are now up to 21 orders and each order takes time. So I'm sorry for any outstanding orders placed after the 14th October but it may not be possible. We have emailed each individual never the less. I really didn't expect this to be so popular, if anyone is interested in taking this project over please send me a PM. Any orders placed before this date will resume as normal. With the opening date of my own VA coming up soon I would very much like to get that sorted and preparations done including a whole new website! Thank you for your understanding and my apologies for any inconvenience caused. Kind Regards, The VAMS team. --TOPIC LOCKED--
  10. Well done mate that really is a website to be proud of indeed. Although with image 2 in the header is it supposed to be Bangkok air? (Don't get me wrong Air France might be in partnership with them or something!). But it is really, really nice. You've made me want to dig out your afrdesigns site link now!!!
  11. I'm delighted to announce that to speed up our order processing speed (considering we currently have some 15 orders), two new staff members have joined in with VAMS. They both look forward to helping the community out. They are of course Daniel & Tom. We have just finished delegating the different orders between ourselves. To be fair to everyone we are currently completing orders based on the time and date they were received. We have emailed most order placers this evening to confirm who will be taking their order. But if you have not heard anything yet then please don't be alarmed. As stated on our website there is currently a small waiting list and you will be contacted very soon indeed. To make it fair also, if you have already ordered and received a service then ordered a second time, you would have been placed on the small waiting list. But I can assure everyone that we do move with extreme pace and most orders are completed fairly promptly. Kind Regards, The VAMS team.
  12. Thanks Although at the moment being so early it's just a one man show being myself! I never thought that I would receive so many orders in such a short space of time, I really am overwhelmed I'm trying to go through the best I can and every email will get a personal reply. Thanks again everyone for your support!
  13. That's why I don't charge because I know it's not perfect what I do as compared to payware but it's ok for freeware textures that I enjoy doing
  14. No problems! I was going to announce this anyway, I'm delighted to say that we have just finished with a batch of B738 aircraft all hand painted into a new refined Air UK virtual livery. It was an absolute pleasure working with Air UK virtual and have consequently taken on an order for further A320 aircraft. I hope Air UK VA don't mind me posting the old/new livery here: We are also quite busy now with multiple orders for 2 IFEs 2 repaints and 1 route integration!
  15. If you're still looking for someone to repaint your aircraft drop me a line at: www.vamanagementservices.webs.com
  16. I'll send you a PM later on with the code if you want Lorathon showed me where and how to edit it. And I optimized it with custom preferences. So you can change it as you wish! -Matthew
  17. Sounds like you have really thought all that through. So well done! Much more realistic. I'm sorry as I can't help out in the expenses department, but in PAX prices we have it fixed on 120$ a ticket (which sounds fair for a one way trip). Any less and we are losing profit. But at the moment it's gaining profits slowly but surely. We operate Boeing 737-200s in a comfortable 120 seat configuration so we are normally fully booked. other Vas set their prices higher and some lower. Just make sure you don't go into debt. Then you have fuel prices, I tend to leave it at 5.1 BUT if it's a small airport then I don't want to get ripped off and lower it to 3.1 Feel free to take a look at our finances HERE. I don't think it's privacy invasion (lol) but you can view any VA finances by adding this: /index.php/finances after the .com of any va.
  18. Kyle (Vansers) is making a new inflight entertainment centre built into and for PhpVms as a module. Here: Click Me And I have converted a previously abandoned IFE into a customized one for Virtual Airlines to include logos etc. Here: Click Me But apart from that, this one has unfortunately come to the end of it´s life :/ Hope that helps!
  19. Your welcome, and thanks! Unfortunately the IFE was abandoned by it's original owner. So that's what I'm doing is customizing it for VA's with say local TV and radio and bringing it up to date. But by all means I can take a look at it for you as an individual, and give it a whole new update. You can send me a message via the contact form on the site if you want so I have it registered officially. Let me know as well if there's any countries you would like added or local tv/radio and I can do that for you. Might add new functions to it as well
  20. Brilliant Jon!
  21. Hello Everyone! I am delighted to announce the beginning of a new help website for Virtual Airlines. Today seems like a busy day, I already see two other Design sites opened up (I was putting finishing touches to mine this morning, honest!). Who Are We? Virtual Airline Management Solutions/Services (Or VAMS for short) is a brand new site in which is made up of a small group of professional flight simulator enthusiasts just like yourself. We decided after a bit of thinking that we really wanted to give something back to the world of Virtual Aviation in a way that we can help other Virtual Airlines to really get going. Most of our team have worked in senior VA management positions for nearly 2 years now. So we feel confident we have the knowledge and experience necessary. What can we offer someone like yourself? We are delighted to be able to offer at the moment: - Aircraft Repainting. - Routes/Schedules/Aircraft Integration to your VA website. - Custom Inflight Entertainment Systems. - Custom FS9 & FSX Splashscreens. - Graphics & Logos. - Modules Pricing This is the best bit, since it's free! Yes let me just say that big: FREE! None of our own services require any sort of payment and there's no catches. I would be more than happy to welcome you to our new website to view some of the Services we actually have. But please take note, since we run a free service we don't exactly find it cost effective to have a top notch website! Matthew, Ross & Alex look forward to welcoming you to the new home of: VAMS - Virtual Airline Management Solutions P.S. Don't worry either, we don't work in competition with any paid services, it's just as we said a small site where we can offer what we do best!
  22. Simpilot would be a good stop for sure. Also, just check my signature, do you mean like that? http://www.palmairva.com/lib/signatures/EAF0002.png
  23. The answer is right above your post
  24. Thanks yes I understand now. Just it wasn't something I could get my head around at 6 in the morning! Is this the same problem as I have? From the drop down box of chart types. It just appears blank
  25. Hi Kyle, Just downloaded this module with absolutely no problem what so ever! Looks fantastic and works great. I think changing it might be against the license rules you have, but I was thinking it might be a nice idea to incorporate it into that airport viewer module. So either down the right hand side of the page or once you click the airport name there's links to the charts there Here's where it would be for example: http://www.palmairva.com/index.php/airports/ Not sure what you think, but I love it anyway thanks again +1 -Matthew EDIT: ok one small problem I bet is my fault. Can't seem to see it in the admin center. I added the necessary parts to core_navigation in the main database as follows: <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/ChartsAdmin/');?>">Add & Edit Charts</a></li>'; } ?> Any thoughts? I've got to go out now and don't really have time to look but thanks!
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