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Everything posted by MBrown

  1. Now that's one nice website right there!!! What's wrong with your current search box it looks fantastic I would leave it like that and build working functions into it. Certainly wouldnt downgrade it.
  2. I actually disagree. Leasing aircraft between two virtual airlines can actually be quite fun, I suppose you don't know till you try? I did it once before when I was with a charter airline and it was quite neat to send emails between us and a small sort of contract. You can make it as little or as realistic as you like and for example I agreed that he could lease it from me and he would have to take away a fixed sum (expenses) from his VA every month and it worked really nicely. As for the MD-80 well...hmmm... cant really think of any airline that has them! I know Spanair Virtual does but they are very cherished Good luck Tory and hope you find some they are beautiful birds! You could even send an email to different VA's that operate them and see if they are willing, perhaps one suggestion is Meridiana Virtual. I think they have quite a few spare haha
  3. Oh right sure Nabeel no worries. Still getting used to this new forum
  4. Ok thanks for the input. It is only on a test site at moment so don't worry I won't wreck anything!
  5. I've noticed a few minor things like I can't add new airports on import of schedules. Nor Manually find them. So I take it some parts of php are still being fixed. Take your tim e though and I wish you all the best
  6. Ok great thanks. I don't have phpMyAdmin instead Core FTP and just couldn't see it. Infact I still can't find phpvms_aircraft so I will perhaps download phpMyAdmin and see if I have some more luck.
  7. I was today editing my fleet and saw I still had 4 random planes which didn't match our normal fleet. (A 747, DH8D etc.) And so all I wanted to do was overwrite the old random aircraft with newer ones (all 737 I hadn't added yet). So I downloaded aircraft.csv overwrit them, saved and uploaded it. But I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that it had not only added the new aircraft I had "supposedly" overwritten, but it had kept the old random ones! So I've now got the random ones AND the new ones... I downloaded the aircraft.csv again and could see the same thing that the random ones were still there and now had the new ones. So all I want to do now is DELETE those new ones I created (and can't see why not they have never had a pirep filed or data, I've only just made them!). But I'm not entirely sure where I can find in the FTP where they are located :S Would appreciate any help at all P.S. Strangely enough you can edit old aircraft and make them into something else just throught the admin panel. Just seems that when you download aircraft.cfg it doesn't work.
  8. The skin as made by Jon is the same throughout the whole site meaning the front page will have the same style as the rest of the pages. However should you wish to purchase a front page then it will be based on your current site but arranged differently and more/less things, no?
  9. It would indeed be, and the latest version aswell.
  10. This has been a real nightmare for me aswell, as good as the program is sometimes it will just minimize itself to taskbar and once its there it will NOT come back...EVER! I mean it's stil logging as I can see on the live acars map but just cant open it to file the pirep :/ Would really welcome as you said another way to minimize the application
  11. Well I suppose it's not all that bad if you're in the boots of Hawaiian Air Virtual's CEO right about now! The rest of us unfortunately are gonners...
  12. Ah yes was just about to post that!
  13. Not sure about kacars, but if a pilot has fspassengers it's very very easy to get duplicates. The pilot just has to upload it to the server again through his FS9/X.
  14. When you upload it again ahve you ticked the box "delete previous schedules" ?? If not you really need to do that.
  15. I downloaded it just to make sure, but could see from the error message that all you've done is put ALL the details in Column A! Every different thing should be in a separate box. So A2 would be the Airline code and B2 would be the flight number. They musn't be separated by semi colons like you have so. At the moment it thinks that the Airline code is ALL of the first column and since it doesn't exist it's throwing up that error. Hope you're following here Any more questions just post back.
  16. What0s the exact error? Can you find it in Windows Error History (Vista) or clicking the white flag bottom right (7). For some reason I've had all types of errors recently that I've had to overcome, chances are might be the same
  17. Should site visitors be worried about this? I know I visited while my antivirus was turned off and doing updates!
  18. Just wondering out of chance, is there a site which detects copied sites? I know http://www.copyscape.com/ but it only does words/text and not the visual side.
  19. No matter what I do I just can't edit my va. Apart from the box saying "VA name" you can't change this that wrongly displays Malaysia Virtual Airlines, I try adding a new banner url and fill the spam thing out and nada... doesn't update! I don't think it's a great idea having the facebook and twitter boxes obligatory either. Few other things but apart from that good so far!
  20. If it's to do with fonts I've been having a similar problem... Take a look at my topic: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6527-website-fonts/ hopefully it might help!
  21. Sorry for the delay in getting back guys, but thanks that really helps! Will pass it on to my web administrator to take a look at
  22. Sure, one postcard coming up! Since my VA is based in Palma de Mallorca and I live there then you might not need to guess where it will be from! Reminds me of a software called FSHostSpy in which the creator called his software "Postcardware" see the attached image!
  23. Living so close to Palma de Mallorca Airport my top one is probably Vueling, of which is on par with Palmair, as I have family ties there. Then I've flown on Iberworld and Futura before now, many times. And thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of them
  24. Hi gang, Upon preparing and getting sites going I've stumbled across an unusual problem with: www.iberworldva.com In Firefox (my pc at 1920x1080)the site is fine and the font displays perfectly. Could be Arial or Verdana. Images fine too. In IE, well the whole site font becomes a horrible Times New Roman, hyperlinked images have a box around them which knocks some off balance. In Chrome the font is times new roman and no images! I find it very strange indeed and am slightly lost, it's not like it's a custom font being used. Also when viewed on firefox (other pc 1024x768) the font is times new roman again but images fine.... Would appreciate a pointer if anyone might know?! Many thanks, P.S. Since the site is still being changed many images are temporary but its just to get an idea.
  25. Congratulations, you certainly seem to be very talented!
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