It does annoy me slightly when a new virtual airline opens up...and one already exists.
I find it's not fair on the previous virtual airline who are already setup or could be always improving their services.
So instead of trying to beat them, why not join them at something you all love. The same airline! If everyone worked together then it would be great!
Our virtual airline had been closed down for a year, and I contacted the guy who previously owned it and he so kindly allowed me to take it over. I re-wrote to the airline in question to make sure it was still alright to use their name as a virtual airline which it was. Also I know the family who own the airline quite well so that was good!
We moved to a new site and me and my new team are all pulling together to make a great local virtual airline coming Fall 2011.
But if I saw another virtual airline with our name it would really make me sad that instead of deciding to join us they have gone against us. And also knowing that we have permission in my name to use the airlines name and they haven't.
Example. There must be atleast 4 XL virtual airways now, two recently opened that I know of but if it was just one they could have so many more pilots, I hate looking on the internet and typing say "Iberia Virtual" I always think which godamn va is the orginal real one with permission. Even if they have a poor website its only right to join the original one.
Before setting up this virtual airline where I am now, I was with another one (Futura to be precise) and since there wasn't on the internet I was all ready to make it when one actually popped up. So I though okay instead of going ahead and making mine I decided to join them and ask if I could help setup management wise.
It turned out to be very successful and I was given Operations and schedules manager position and uploaded at least 350 schedules for pilots.
I don't know how to say it in English (En el final todos salen ganando) I think "In the end everyone wins". Sorry that's what happens living abroad you forget english!
That's the point I'm trying to make. Before setting up a VA, think first, use your head. If one already exists then help it and unite to be strong.
But if it doesn't then by all means go ahead.
TCX00001 I don't know you, but think first mate. Why not ask the original Ryanair Va if you can help them and explain your dedication if you really feel it.
That's my philosophy :rolleyes: Have a nice flight everyone!
(We will be opening our doors soon )