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Everything posted by MBrown

  1. thanks Lorathon. Any help is much appreciated. Although unfortunately it hasn't worked to well It's now blank again! Maybe this might help in any way? It's the latest flights board from my homepage. Which displays the aircraft type. I was thinking it might trigger an idea to incorporate that into the signature somehow. code removed by user
  2. Hi guys n gals, Another quickie, I've been playing around with va signatures and adding and removing bits to it. I have however one small problem, I was sure I had it right but it's just coming out blank! I have this bit uptop to make it work: $ac = OperationsData::getAircraftByName($pirepdata->aircraft); Then in the sig bit below I have: $output[] = 'On plane:' . $ac->aircraft; in the PilotData.class.php Any help is appreciated, to display the plane type (i.e. B737-200) On a side note if I configure like so: $ac = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); Then in the sig bit below I have: $output[] = 'On plane:' . $ac->aircraft; I actually get something come out in the sig, but just the number 2
  3. Feel free to see a live demo, is this along your lines? http://www.palmairva.com/index.php/pages/contactus
  4. Theres a pilot shop :S never knew that
  5. Hmm I see, what I did was just get a nice looking script from the internet and instead of creating it as a module I created a page called "Contact Us" and pasted the script into that and voila Sorry I can't really help the way you are doing it, but if you want to mak it slightly easier and try my way just let me know and I will be glad to help out.
  6. Nice strategy, sort of why I wanted to setup mine awell Nice
  7. Infact, you can have a super duper website and think you have the best site in the world so therefore you are the best VA. But it could be badly run... Even if you have a bad site but it's run pretty well then it will be more popular. I would hate to see a VA spend so much money to only close in a years time because it can't get the attention it needs. And if you want to explore the VA world as quite rightly mentioned above VA's are mainly non profit and don't make any money. Besides a general rule is if you use a real world airline name you can´t legally make money on it with out getting into trouble. Which still leaves me wondering why on earth someone would spend 500 dollars on a va website alone! What will theyget back from it I doubt real airlines even spend that much!
  8. That's what always fails to amaze me cor! As I have always mentioned before it's a pain for a pilot having to work out which one to join. I won't go into it in detail but you can read my post about it here: CLICK ME! I do like to wish people good luck, but only if they use their head first! Be careful Cor also that link above redirects to a malicious site that isn't aero svit (you have placed one too many http:// )
  9. If all fails, it may actually be easier to just create two separate contact forms using a free service on the internet. Saves a hell of a lot of work with coding and you can optimize it to your liking (i.e. drop downs etc.).
  10. Ah you've already added a poll and I couldn't add my idea Of course anything you think up will be great but then myself I can't see why I would need to create pilots from the admin center (although it does sound like a great way to get a higher rank on vacentral!) Besides the only idea I came up with was a sort of aircraft module (sort of like the airport one) with the different planes in your fleet. You would click it to show you the last routes that plane has done, with a nice photo of it and then little extras too like a seating plan or something. Hmmm that actually seems a bit too epic (normally if people ask me for an idea it's never simple sorry!).
  11. Good Luck guys! Hope you do well this year (Nice video by the way).
  12. Well obviously! I said it was a similar thing to what you wanted to do flight sim wise just incase you wanted to get a visual idea if you were to do a magazine.
  13. I'm sorry to hear that Daniel, and I wish you the best of luck in what ever you decide to do. I have run an online radio station which has 12 DJs for 2 years now, called Ship Sim Radio. But I think there's already two flight sim radio stations :/ And magazine wise if you think you're up for it here is a similar mag: http://www.shipsim.com/news/detail/item/27072011_144 . Give me 5 minutes and I will have a good think!
  14. MBrown


    Hi there Angle, Sorry for bumping an old topic again (please don't kick me! ). Although my answer could probably help any future questions similar. I fly FSPassengers all the time, and this indeed happened to me whilst flying with a virtual airline (way back when I was just a pilot) in which after taking off from Dublin on a Flight to Amsterdam it was just whilst going over Liverpool I got a bird strike on one of my engines and so the best thing to do is call a mayday and make an emergency landing. By the time I had descended the nearest airport to land at was Gatwick. FSPassengers users have to export their PIREPS directly from Flightsim to the VA website. When I did this instead of showing a flight from Dublin to Amsterdam it showed Dublin to Gatwick. I got hours on the flight for my profile and also pilot pay, in the system on the PIREP it also showed that I had called a mayday. (I also got an award from the CEO for outstanding bravery!) So there you have it really, FSPassengers pilots should never file a PIREP manually through the VA website since it's all recorded through Flightsim. So really there isn't a need to have an idea like that for Phpvms! Kind Regards, Matthew
  15. It may sound tacky, but it really does work a treat. DXT3 & Paint for me. Works every time (And also GIMP if I need to resize something.
  16. Hmmm I see, then in that case I will have to think of a clever idea to resolve it. (Which I think I do ) Thanks Joeri!
  17. Sorry guys but question time again hoping to rack your brains slightly. So here's my question, when I installed phpvms I created the airline "Palmair Virtual" with ICAO code: EAF. Now Palmair was a brainchild of tour operator Bath Travel to offer good priced routes across Europe. Their planes being only two were chartered from European Aviation Air Charter and painted in Palmair's own colors. On ATC Palmair used EAF and EUROCHARTER after their charter company. But now I was going to add another airline (as is an option in phpvms) being European Aviation Air Charter. As by popular demand there are pilots who want to fly for both Palmair AND it's charter company who operated 6 Boeing 737-200s and 3 BAC 1-11s. Which to me sounds like a superb idea as the two companies were based in the small airport of Bournemouth. Although it would of course mean adding a second airline with the SAME ICAO code! So I was just checking if anybody knows if that would cause any problems? I can't imagine it would at all. And also I will be using simpilot's new Charter Module so Pilots can create new charter routes whenever they feel like it to give freedom of flying. I have it all well thought out how to display all the information and using a separate company. Pilots will just upload PIREPS with the same code, and then in the register page you can have two options to either be with palmair or european aviation Slightly long winded, hey! Just want to make sure no experts can see a glitch :S Thanks, Matthew
  18. I think it's actually quite new! Looks good aswell. And as for the Charter center the demo does look good indeed and it would be great for my airline too (mimicing the realworld charter operations). I'm just praying it won't be one of the more expensive ones at 50$ Don't think my wallet could stretch that far unfortunatey. Hope it will be at least 20$. Sorry I'm hijacking here too now!
  19. You could also try the Charter module from Simpilot, then you wont need routes but can fly all the time anywhere
  20. I don't want to try it myself but does this work? http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/admin/index.php/maintenance/resetfinances Or could you try editing the admin panels maintenance options to change the "reset hours" to finances somehow? Or even as vansers created a delete button for the screenshots, I'm sure he also said that in theory where ever the delete button is placed (and a bit of tweaking) it could delete anything. So my guess is if you can put it on the finances page somehow? ! Sorry if the above sounds like complete nonsense, I'm not fantastic with coding but just trying to help!
  21. Ok brilliant then I will just leave it as it is then Thanks.
  22. I was thinking about making a promotional video for my airline soon aswell actually. And thanks for the advice on camera stuff that's appreciated I currently use FRAPS, DBS walk and follow, movie maker & FS9 and I made my first video not so much as a promotional video but to get people aware of the Airline. As a beginner I don't think it's that bad but yeah could do with improving! (It was made for Futura Virtual when I was Operations Director a little while back. Infact for my airline now (Palmair VA) I have made a pre-promo vid to make awareness which I like a bit better: So obviously I'm not a professional yet but if you find you would like any help on anything Angelair I will be more than happy to assist. Kind Regards, Matthew EDIT: Sorry for being an idiot, but where is ENB available? I take it from here? But not sure which one! http://enbdev.com/download_en.htm
  23. Cheers tutmeister, all the help is good. It was nothing major just a little message box to let users know that it is simply a flight simulation website only and if they accept that then they can click ok. So doesn't matter if it's overly complicated Thanks again.
  24. Fantastic! Kudos +1
  25. Thanks Jeff, yes phpVMS is a really nice system to use and I hope to have some fun with it when we open soon
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