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Everything posted by edmundk

  1. That is a J query problem.. I have had some times in different browsers if i change the order of the scripts.. it works fine.. Very weird.. Must be a glitch or something.
  2. Thanks guys i have never heard of that, i will look that up. Thanks a lot!
  3. Hey all, I recently started using WAMP to enhance my localhost environment for development, is this the best software out there or has anyone used better, i have also used MAMP for Mac but i would rather have the software have a PC functionality. Thanks in advance, Edmundk
  4. Anything flight-sim based whether it is forums or newsletters anywhere is fine.
  5. Also check your spam mail box, sometimes auto-genirated emails go there, ad least it does for me
  6. Okay i understand, times are very rough and i am sorry to hear about the disabled. But i don't think pilots are "trust-worthy" of free domains at least. There is 1.99 hosting available everywhere, i think it's fairly reasonable, i am sorry to say but all of they people who make Virtual Airlines using free domains end up shutting down due to not enough pilots joining/flying. I am not saying yours will be like the others, but that is just how it has been so far. All of the successful Virtual Airlines out there have spent much money to maintain and market their Virtual Airline extremely well. Thanks, Edmundk
  7. Hmm.. If your really dedicated why haven't you purchased a commercial domain name and still go with the free hosting and domain service? I don't see the problem it is only 9.99 a year and you can find extremely cheep hosting now days. Bashing his design is not good however, i used to design like that a few years back. I would buy a domain name and purchase hosting, it shows that you are actually putting time and money into running a virtual airline. That's all i got.
  8. Okay Thanks!!
  9. @tom.. So i can just connect the databases and it will workout?
  10. Okay,so no other way possible? I can re-write all the text if needed.
  11. Hello all, recently I have been looking in to adding several languages besides English in order to advertise to many groups of people. I saw the user selectable skins , it needed to add some code to the local.configuration, I am not sure what is needed for this and how to make it possible. Thanks, Edmund
  12. Jeff is it just me or is something pounding your site. I am getting a terrible lag.. http://www.virtualflightzone.net/index.php
  13. Thanks Nabeel
  14. Anyone Else got the link to this.. Can't Seem to download it here. :/
  15. Sounds Great. Good Luck!
  16. I thought it had something to do with those PHP Tags in the Head?
  17. edmundk


    Umm. I think it can't find the .CSS file. That is ur problem. Make sure all the links are valid.
  18. Yes, it is important, you don't go to a registration page before going to the front page. Agree with Tyler and Tom on this one.
  19. He coded it using HTML, and it is running on the PhpVMS system.
  20. Looking good! Is that oxfam link supposed to be there?
  21. That says Graphic Design. Thanks, Edmund K
  22. I agree with Mini, Graphic design is not logo design. Totally different things. Thanks, Edmund K
  23. I would suggest getting a full domain name (Ex. youva.com) it attracts pilots
  24. Good to hear that! I wish you the best with your company!
  25. Oh no, Drama Drama Drama!!
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