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Everything posted by llju1

  1. Where does it get the Depart and Arrivals From. I show nothing on my site. It shows no arrivals or departure status. I just has the headers. My Pilot us Kacars to log their flights so where does it get the info to show it on ARRv and DPRT Schedules? Any help would be nice
  2. I finally found a place to get the Script to Monitor My TS3 server and show the status of it on my web page. Here is the link. TS3 Monitor.com Just click on the Webscript link on this page. Put in your TS3 info and then just copy and paste the code on your site.
  3. Does anyone have a script or Module to show what my Team speak 3 Status is on my Site. O am using TSviewer and it is to slow to refresh. Is there a simple script or Module I can get from some or can you tell me how to make my own. It woould be of great help to me. Thanks
  4. It is well worth it everyone and Customer Support is great. My Mohawk server just told me they were dropping Mohawk Hosting and gave me a week and a half to find a new server. So I look here and in no time at all I have a great TS3 server with great support.
  5. Graphics are missing and it want me to login every page I go to plus it will not accept my login ID and Password.Never mind. I was apparently go to dev.vacentral.net . Not sure how I go to that link
  6. Why does VA central ask for a log in every time you switch pages and why are the graphics not showing up either. And can someone explain the rating system. I am registered but should not have to log in all the time. Does having inactive pilots hurt you rating? I also do not allow accelerated flying so my pilots are not file 10 pireps a day Thanks for the help
  7. My Bad. I copied the tpls out of the folder and not the whole folder. Now I have the whole realschedulelite tpl folder install in my skins and it works. Thanks agin for the help and the great addon
  8. Thanks for the great addon.I have put this under bugs report but here is my error. Notice: The template file "/hermes/web06b/b338/pow.llju1/htdocs//core/templates/realschedulelite/realschedulelite_index.tpl" doesn't exist in /hermes/web06b/b338/pow.llju1/htdocs/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
  9. Hey Nabeel I just discovered the The module "MASSMAMILER" doesn't exist! error. so How do we fix your typo :lol ? never mind found it in the admin/templates/cor_navigation.tpl and fixed it
  10. Ok Just got this list of errors. Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Error] ../mobile/templates/home_index.tpl doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/templates/core_htmlreq.tpl doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/templates/home_login.tpl doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/index.php doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/lib/mobile/layout.tpl doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/lib/js/extensions/jqt.floaty.js doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/lib/js/extensions/jqt.offline.js doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/lib/js/jqtouch/jqtouch.min.js doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/lib/js/jqtouch/jqtouch.transitions.js doesn't exist [Error] ../mobile/modules/home/home.php doesn't exist -- Checked 192 files, found 10 errors
  11. llju1

    kACARS - Feedback

    Hey as I tell My Pilots, Even Captain Sully had to file a Pirep
  12. I have PMed you adn Hve yet to receive a reply. I would like this Script if I can get it Thanks Lloyd
  13. got it thanks again for all your hard work. Hate to ask but any ways to change the time from GMT to another Time Zone. As i am at -5 GMT and my math skills suck
  14. I updated and it looks great but I go one error. I use the Popupnews on my sidebar. It show the event in the popupnews but when I click on the new Item I get this. Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'PopUpNews::popupnewsitem' was given in /hermes/web06b/b338/pow.llju1/htdocs/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 any Ideas? Nevermind I did the POPup news Update1.1 and fixed it lol
  15. No Problem I just did the 2.1 ver 927 update and forget to try it so still had to re-add the Script
  16. 1 Question Can I put the admin/lib/layout/header.tpl into my Skins Folder so the the upgrades don't overwrite the event line in 54?
  17. Sweet as usual and a News Post tie in would be great. I think half my site is built on your Modules Thanks again for the great work.
  18. No Problem and thanks for looking in to the other problem.
  19. Ok No Problem. but I did notice that someone was having trouble with new schedules that it was not calculating the distance. I have had the same problem. I get a 0 for distance. It started with that last update before this. Thought you would like to know.
  20. Install Check Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.x Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Error] /lib/js/jquery.form.js doesn't exist -- Checked 181 files, found 1 errors
  21. Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.x Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Error] /lib/js/jquery.form.js doesn't exist -- Checked 180 files, found 1 errors
  22. on My last update 917 it changed my Background back to the phpvms logo again Ho do I keep my custom Background?
  23. As we are an Airlift Command we fly both Cargo and Passengers. It get the info directly from the Schedules you Make. So the answer is Yes to both. It is simple to set up and easy use so give it a try.
  24. I also have Kacars custom and my pilots love it. I does make them fly real time(no acceleration) which is good for us. Give it a try the free version is also great.
  25. Well I will give it a try. We have been building a web for each of our Wings(Airlines) so this will be a great test for it. And the jump seat Idea is great too.
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