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Everything posted by hjhjhgjgjh

  1. Hi, i just wanted to update all my routes and so i pushed maintenance -> recalculate route distance or something. the following happend:
  2. hi is it possible to add somehow a second page for that registration procedure? i want, that new pilots do that test to proof their skills. i think its not hard but i am not a professional.
  3. suggestion: check most other computers browser.. or safety settings. only a guess :
  4. hey nabeel, dont know if its already build in in the future releases but i added this line <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/schedules/brief/<?php echo $bid->id ?>">Pilot Brief</a><br /> to schedule_bids.tpl so pilots can still review the briefing after booking the flight
  5. ah alright thanks
  6. At livemap, i have sometimes the problem that there is a wrong status of flight. Like when i am flying long time it still shows "climbing" and sometimes its correct and it shows cruise but when i go to descend, it also shows "climbing". This happens for all members so its not a problem of my fsacars i think.
  7. okay i think i found the problem but will first check it for one week until i post it here.. anyway, when do you think you will publish the update or new version? and if its a new version, can i just update the old one?
  8. well, the problem is, that i had like 100,000,000,000$ minus on the totals.. when i then manually change all the PIREPs to Fuel Price=0 then i have at least a positive amount of money but i dont think that this is correct like that.
  9. Here is an example from the latest pirep in my list: and here the details of the used aircraft
  10. Hi, well first of all, i am very happy about phpVMS. I bought that commercial version vabase first and was so disappointed. Then i found phpVMS and well.. wow.. Now i managed almost everything but the finances. I totally do not understand the system. When i fly, it puts in random values for "This is the price of fuel, $ per kg". Sometimes over 1million $ and so on. Can someone explain it? I found that manual but it wasnt very usefull. Wbr Tebin
  11. Is it possible, that the METAR from Destination and Departure airport is included into the flightlog? We have a CATIII Training and so on and pilots are required to do that otherwise, their PIREPs sent at bad weather wont be counted (We will check that manually but we need their metars and it should also be automaticly included into the given FSACARS config in the system)
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