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Everything posted by hjhjhgjgjh

  1. no, you can edit those values also. so the code starts like this: <?php /** *Fuelflow Table */ $fuelflowMD11 = 7500; $fuelflowMD11F = 7500; to add an aircraft, just put the random value like for a b737-800 you can put $fuelflowB738 or something. then = and then how much it burns per hour. then also to reservers so it would look like $reservesB738 = 1000; and later you have to add this "B738" to those lines elseif($schedule->aircraft == 'B737-800') <- there you see the actual name of the aircraft in your list.. you have to put it in manually as well { $fuelflow = $fuelflowB738; $reserves = $reservesB738; } and then its done. well, its not easy to explain, if you want i can edit it for you. or maybe someone can make some panel for it...
  2. read my instructions there it is described
  3. hmm but when i am connected to the internet it works
  4. yes exactly like i said above because i use my fleet in that tpl and i didnt remove it so others know how i did it and here is how schedules_briefing.tpl looks for me
  5. Okay, finally the script is running like it should... Instructions: 1. Put the fuel.tpl file into your /core/templates/ folder. 2. Put this line somewhere into your schedules_briefing.tpl: <?php include('fuel.tpl'); ?> 3. Customize the fuel.tpl file. I used the aircraft name which you can see in your adminpanel under "Airline Operations" -> "Add & Edit Fleet" -> "Name/Type". Just change my existing fleet in the fuel.tpl with your fleet and delete what you dont need. This requires some knowledge of php. (Just watch the code until you notice how it works Also, i included automatic extra fuel for mid/long range flights. You can edit the values in line 165 and 166 in fuel.tpl If you do not understand it, i will help you. /remark: If you are using a beta version or in any way, some version have the timeformat "HH:MM" for the flighttime. I am using "HH.MM". If you use HH:MM, you have to change line 158 in the fuel.tpl from $fltime = explode(".", $schedule->flighttime); to $fltime = explode(":", $schedule->flighttime); Here is a screenshot fuelscript.zip
  6. always empty your cache after doing changes.. this often solves my problems even better is to test with different browsers but delete cache on both
  7. I have a laptop and i am not always connected to the internet. I found out, that the schedules page looks different when i am offline and does not work correctly. Here a picture When i select an airport or something, it shows me a page without any styles and at all.. it doesnt look like it should. I use this page without any modifications (only that one which does not show all schedules automatically at once)
  8. Here is a little hint... If you use dreamweaver or similar, you normally have a search function to search for a text. In my case, i would copy that and search in the sourcecode of the core folder from phpvms. Then you will find it out. Only in this case, its a dynamic text which means you probably wont find it in any file as the text you see there. What you can do is, download mozilla + firebug and find out what the area is called there.. You will find out that its div id "error" which you can edit in the style.css in a row around 38.
  9. hmm may i ask what is the difference between your pilot list and the one which is already build in?
  10. "Not Allowed You are not allowed permission to access this page" maybe you could upload a screenshot
  11. okay i am a step ahead now... i found out that this works <script src="http://rssxpress.ukoln.ac.uk/lite/viewer/?rss=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ourairports.com%2Fairports%2F<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>%2Fnotams.rss"></script> (just added it to schedule_briefing.tpl) but its too big and it shows all, how can i customize that?
  12. at the moment i am thinking about the ranks and restrictions.. i think i am done with that tomorrow.. at all it sounds great and i love your addon as i love phpvms
  13. i mean this one which is shown in the schedules_briefing e.g.: https://pilotweb.nas.faa.gov/geo/icaoRadius.html?icao_id=EFKU&radius=2 still no one?
  14. okay it worked like expected
  15. for me it works now because i updated my phpvms. One question, is it possible to add some "delete" button to the questions and tests? Then another question. I like to make it like this... Lets say i make a CAT3 Test and pilots need to do this test or routes with current cat3 conditions wont be shown in the "View Schedules" page. Or selected airports/routes like st maarten and paro are not available if they dont have the "Dangerous Airports Test" or something like that. Or like a "NAT Procedures Test" and if they dont have that, flights over the atlantic (i have a trigger for that) wont shown on that schedules page.. For me, this sounds very hard to integrate but you are not me, maybe you can do that 8)
  16. yea for example or for pilot pages. i just need the code then i can maybe build it in by myself ;D
  17. and to do what? overflow as far as i know just cuts the text when the end of some limit is reached or adds a scrollbar. the second, i really do not like, the first.. well it cuts the end,.. and then? it has to be somewhere and in my opinion, a second or third or whatever page, would be the best
  18. Is it possible in future version to add a page function? I dont like it to have a table which is 12000px long i prefer it to be like 800px of height and then just pages to click through. That would look much better i think
  19. nice, i love that function.. okay the mistake was that i still didnt have all mysql fields imported into some tables thanks
  20. I was just flying with a friend. Both with FSAcars. He sent his pirep and i did. My one was recognized by the website, his didnt. I told him to file pirep manually and so he did but nothing came into admin panel to accept. Later i watched my emails and found out that his pireps were sent via email to me. Why that?
  21. hi nabeel, yea i am converting everything to the new versions. from now on, it looks great and almost everything works. normally i just have to change some links (because format looks different) when i am done, i will write all changes i made to get old systems running.
  22. okay well last time i wrote the wrong filename of the file in which you can turn it off and now i dont find it anymore. maybe someone can help me or i have to look for hours again i want to shut down this (as you can see, there are all flights as default value but i only want it to show flights when you select departure airport. not immediately the whole list)
  23. ah jea got it already awesome.. this script becomes better and better
  24. Oh damn, one minute later, i could fix it. Here was my problem: while importing my old database, it somehow dropped the table phpvms_sessions so i recreated it and now everything works. Just a question. Is it possible to make a "Always stay logged in" Button?
  25. Okay i just tried the beta version and everything was fine until a point when suddenly this came up "You must be logged in to access this feature !" and i cannot login anymore. I changed some files but only in the design, not in the code so something is wrong. My first step to debug that was to search in all files for the msg "You must be logged in to access this feature !" and i found about 10 files. After that, I put a number after every of those messages to identify on which position he shits himself. I found out that it was Profile.php class Profile extends CodonModule { public function index() { if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature! 3'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } (As you can see there, I added the number 3 on my debug list). So now i thought that it might be, because i imported the database from my old phpVMS version and maybe the password coding is different so i reimported the table phpvms_pilots from another instance of phpvms beta but still i couldnt log in. I also created a new user and confirmed him via phpmyadmin but same problem. Whats wrong here? Wbr Tebin
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