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Everything posted by hjhjhgjgjh

  1. maybe this helps:
  2. yes and there is a </div> at the end too of this code
  3. here i am running some 8xx beta version but again (like always) i customized it a lot.. well anyway would be nice to help you
  4. i have one website and there is phpvms included in one iframe which resizes itself every 400 seconds (because i hate scrollbars and with this method, the iframe will tell my website how big it is and keep it at 100%)
  5. then better wait those couple of days cause it would take longer to make it for 12700
  6. Okay here is my problem,.. i am using the exam center but it has a problem with my website. The problem is, that my website is a custom one and phpvms is included in an iframe which automatically resizes itself every 400milliseconds. Everything works except the exam script... the script resizes itself to 0 so you cant see any content then anymore. Then i had the idea that it is because of the resize script so i made it "target="_blank"" and it opens in a new window.. this works (i have a new page coming up without my VA design which is no problem) but it contains the navigation which i dont want to load in this time, so is it possible to do the following (i explain it with some flash code because i know how to write it there xD) onload('exams.tpl'){hide 'core_navigation.tpl}; ;D
  7. i am interested in that also but didnt find anything via search function
  8. i am in for beta testing
  9. well i have a basic idea how to do that but thats it. i tried a lot but nothing worked very well. maybe someone could help me. more important is the second idea i had because this would be really cool...
  10. i bet you changed something in core_navigation.tpl or so.. just take the original one or install xampp and try to replace changed files on a second installation with the original files
  11. +1
  12. Okay i just got 2 ideas but dont know how to make the code for. 1. Pilots will get a regular salary (like 3500$), if they fly or not. After 3 month without flying, they will get an email like "You didnt fly, how bad, now you have one month left or we delete your account" ooor the admin gets some msg in the admin panel and can write the email by himself.. 2. Lets change the rules and turn this into something realistic.. The pilot can have the choice to choose the routes by himself or let the flight operation officer do that task (he will choose the flights for the pilot and the pilot is not able to book flights by himself anymore) Maybe adding something like a switch when registering (but can be changed also later in the profile somewhere) Wbr Tebin
  13. Okay this is going mostly to Nabeel but also to all the others, providing this project with new addons.. Id like to thank everybody for what they did and for what will come.. When i started my virtual airline Pan American Airways, i had to decide what to use. It took me some days to figure out, that there arent lot of such systems. Finally i had the choice between vabase and phpvms. Now I was one of those guys who thought that payware is always better and so i bought vabase. This was a big mistake because they dont have a good support and everything has to be customized and it would take weeks to get it even running in a decent way. Then i tried out phpvms which was then the best step i could do. After some days, my design changes were done and now i am even making some addons for it. Its just awesome and i like the community here. Great work everybody 8)
  14. yes it would but you dont have any weather there :-
  15. wilco
  16. i just put it in manually in the fsacars.tpl .. there is some point where you can do that
  17. Okay here we go.. when i start a flight and turn on fsacars, it looks like this Now what i want is to customize the data which the FSAcars get from my website. Especially the remarks. On my website i changed some files so it now also outputs the registration of the aircraft in the schedules_briefing.tpl ...Is it possible to automatically put it into the remarks? so it wont be like on this screen "+RMK/ CALLSIGN CLIPPER / WWW PANAM AIRWAYS COM" but would look like "+RMK/ CALLSIGN CLIPPER / WWW PANAM AIRWAYS COM / REG/N747PA / CLIPPER MAID OF SEAS" (for the name, i already changed the code also so its just another variable
  18. by the way how is it going on with the script? any news about that "application exam" ?
  19. jea sometimes i didnt find a good map so i added the next possible map. you can change those or if you find a good map i can change it for you
  20. if you do not find any data in the internet, make a normal flight in flightsimulator and just write down how much fuel you burned per hour (but if possible with a lot of thrust so you have reserves,.. i always check my fuelflow with maximum possible mach and thats how i calculate it)
  21. Okay this is what you have at the moment: a couple of weather maps but only for U.S. And this is what my script does: It recognizes, from what country you are flying and will output a weather map for the departure area and same for arrival area so if you fly from EDDF to KJFK, it will show a map of europe and its winds and same for U.S. (And in this case also a NAT map for westbound flights/on return flight, it will show NAT map for eastbound flights). With a bit php knowledge, it should be easy to customize this script to add other maps or whatever is required. I by myself work for a german airline and i try to improve it later so it looks like what we have. Instructions: 1. remove all the lines related to the original maps in schedules_briefing.tpl (/core/templates/) 2. put this line instead of the old ones: <?php include('weather.tpl'); ?> 3. place the weather.tpl into your /core/templates/ directory 4. thats it, check out your pilot briefing A screenshot is available here http://tebinulrich.de/files/preview.png weatherscript.zip
  22. thank you 8) there will come some other addons soon also.. stay tuned
  23. oo great well try wikipedia, in my case i had the original documentations of every of my aircraft but you find a lot at google and wikipedia
  24. i cant say if its correct but use the round function or you get like 683.944444444444444444
  25. well i test always with xampp but the problem only occours with it so when i am online and i go to localhost and stuff it works but offline not. same page, same localhost just the internet is connected or not
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