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Everything posted by hjhjhgjgjh

  1. didnt notice it because i didnt add schedules for long time but now i wanted to calculate the distance between 2 schedules and it always shows 0 (tried it out at several airport pairs). now i dont know where to start to search for the problem...
  2. Okay as i see a lot of posts with people saying that nothing works anymore, I write a little hint how to prevent that in future. I by myself use a tool called xampp ( http://www.apachefriends.org/de/xampp.html ). Xampp is a local http server which allows you to install a copy of phpvms directly on your computer and open it in your internet explorer/mozilla/... It takes like 5 minutes to configure and install everything. What i do before i change something on my "live" website in the internet is to download all the files on my computer, import the current database into the xampp phpmyadmin mysql database and try it out there. Test out your new installed addons for some time until you are sure that things work. Then upload it to your live website but be sure to still have a backup somewhere !! For some people it might not be that important as they dont change a lot in their phpvms version but I am one of those guys, trying to customize it as much as possible. A loose of files would make me crazy Maybe someone can make this sticky so its easy to see this post
  3. Okay i cannot help soo much but i just found out that it has something to do with ajax.. as you can see, it doesnt work somehow... i have this problem as well when i am working in xampp and not connected to the internet but when i am connected, it works. maybe a rights problem? Here a screenshot from my console http://250kb.de/u/100120/p/NXflQfEzjnyM.png
  4. well we use fsacars.. isnt it possible with that one?
  5. added you to msn 8)
  6. hi guys, i would like to help out but well. the only way is that i make an account on your website and also need one ftp account (limited access is enough) to check out whats wrong
  7. is it possible to create some addon so pilots can report flights which are not in our database? (like ferry flights and so on)
  8. its out already http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1935.0
  9. Pan American Airways - www.panam-airways.com
  10. Hi guys, this is flightplan V3.14159265 (yea, it really is pi... dont ask me why but i never released something with a version number before. now i did ;D ) it took me 1 hour to write that tutorial but it will take you between 1-5 hours or even much more to configure everything thats why dont expect a lot of people installing this, but if you do, you will have fun. if anyone has problems, i can help but i am not going to fully install it as it takes me too much time and i am currently very busy with my job and also my virtual job Okay first of all, here is a screenshot, so you actually know what this addon is. click me You see a graphic in the background of schedules_briefing.tpl and everything is filled in automatically. Every field on that flightplan works ! I am just not done with putting in the emergency details for each aircraft of my fleet so the fields at the bottom of the flightplan arent marked with an "X" yet. CAUTION this addon really can screw up your phpvms so please make a backup of every file you are editing or you will cry whole night ! The files you have to edit: /core/templates/schedule_briefing.tpl The files you have to add (and edit): /core/templates/arralt.tpl /core/templates/fleet.tpl /core/templates/flightlevel.tpl - (Its also available to put that into the schedules section in the admin menu, but this one gives the flightlevel automatically,.. yea i was just too lazy to give each flight a flightlevel.. maybe later ) /core/templates/flightplan.css /core/templates/flightplan.tpl /core/templates/flightplanfuel.tpl /core/templates/fuel.tpl - (only if you want to have a complete fuel briefing below the flightplan like you can see on that screenshot - check out that url for the file and the tutorial http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1584.0) /core/templates/fp.png 1. Be sure you really want to do that. It takes a lot of time (some hours if you have a big fleet but you dont have to do everything at once,.. you can add unimportant flightplan informations later and keep it basic first) 2. Make some food, get a coke, tell your girlfriend, you will be away for some day 3. Sit down, relax and enjoy your last free minutes ;D 4. Copy all files like described into the /core/templates/ directory 5. Open arralt.tpl - this file includes the alternate airports. Actually, you could use the build in function from phpvms but it gives only 1 alternate and i want to show 2. You have to modify it if you fly to additional airports or want to have other alternates. (Time: depending on how much airports you serve but it can take between 30 seconds and 2 hours) - Save the file ! 6. Open fleet.tpl - this file includes all informations about your aircrafts. This is required for the flightplan as it contains the Equipment. I post here an example (first rows of fleet.tpl) and explain row for row.. <?php if ($schedule->registration == 'N60NA') <- registration of your aircraft/s #DC10 (16 a/c) <- this is just a comment for myself so i know in what section i am. it shows me that 16 DC10´s will be here { $acname = 'Clipper Meteor'; #<- the aircrafts name (if it has one, otherwise, leave blank) $paaequipment1 = 'SDHIRWY'; #<- the navigation equipment onboard your aircraft $paaequipment2 = 'C'; #<- the transponder type of your aircraft $paawake = 'H'; #<- the wake category of your aircraft (L/M/H/S) -> S = Super = A380 $paatype = 'DC10'; #<- the ICAO code for your aircraft $paapob = '312'; #<- the PAX on board $paaspeed = 'M088'; #<- the speed of your aircraft $paaother = 'X'; #<- additional remarks for that aircraft $inforuhf = 'X'; #<- does emergency equipment have UHF $inforvhf = 'X'; #<- does emergency equipment have VHF $inforelba = 'X'; #<- does emergency equipment have emergency location beacon aircraft $infos = 'X'; #<-does emergency equipment have specific stuff at all (Polar/Desert/Maritime/Jungle) $infosp = 'X'; #<- does it have Polar $infosd = 'X'; #<- does it have Desert $infosm = 'X'; #<- does it have Maritime $infosj = 'X'; #<- does it have Jungle $infoj = 'X'; #<- does it have life jackets $infojl = 'X'; #<- and do they have lights $infojf = 'X'; #<- and fluorescein $infou = 'X'; #<- and UHF $infov = 'X'; #<- and VHF $infodnumber = '02'; #<- if you have dinghies on board, how much (2 digits) $infodcapa = '040'; #<- and how much people can board those dinghies (3 digits) $infodcover = 'X'; #<- are the dinghies covered $infodcolour = 'ORANGE'; #<- whats the dinghies color and so on and so on.. if you do not have the equipment on board, just remove the dedicated X so there is just '' - (Time: depends on your fleet but between 20minutes and some hours i think) - Save the file 7. Open flightlevel.tpl - this file is for the flightlevels for each of our aircrafts. I explain the rule how i have it.. For our airlines, flights with flightnumber 1XXX fly westbound and with 2XXX fly eastbound. Flights with 3XXX are cargo and their flightlevel does change depending on some other factors so you will just have CARG as flightlevel.. will change that in the next release Actually, i have some problems with that file at the moment (Something doesnt work correct) and so only FL300 and FL310 are available but i will check that within the next days - (Time: 0 seconds, just watch it, make a comment, that this file sucks, close it) 8. Open flightplan.tpl - this file contains the content of the actual flightplan. You dont have to change a lot in there, just the following. - If your VA is flying VFR only, change <font class="fprules">I</font> to <font class="fprules">V</font> - If you have any other information for all your current flights (e.g. LAHSO NOT AUTHORIZED), change <font class="fpotherinfo">NO OTHER INFORMATIONS REQUIRED</font> to something like <font class="fpotherinfo">LAHSO NOT AUTHORIZED</font> - <font class="fpaccolor">BLUE/WHITE/GREY</font> tells, that my aircrafts have the color blue, white and grey. some airlines use that item, not all ! just change the colors to whatever your aircraft looks like - change OPR/PANAM CALLSIGN/CLIPPER to OPR/YOURVA CALLSIGN/YOURCALLSIGN - change RMK/WWW PANAM AIRWAYS COM to RMK/ WWW YOUR VA COM or remove it if you dont want to have it in your flightplan - change <font class="compsign">MR T. ULRICH</font> to <font class="compsign">MR YOUR FLIGHTOPS CHIEF</font> or something.. (Time: about 3-15minutes) 9. Open fuelflightplan.tpl - Here is an example from Row 46-51 if($schedule->aircraft == 'MD MD-11') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowMD11; $reserves = $reservesMD11; } This actually does the following in PHP If your aircraft is a MD11 -> script takes the values from $fuelflowMD11 and $reservesMD11 (which you can edit at the top of that file..) I used the aircraft name which you can see in your adminpanel under "Airline Operations" -> "Add & Edit Fleet" -> "Name/Type". Just change my existing fleet with your fleet and delete what you dont need. - (Time: if you know the values, 10 minutes, if you dont, 1 hour or more) 10. Edit this file /core/templates/schedules_briefing.tpl and add the following code into the first line of this file ! <?php include('arralt.tpl'); ?> <?php include('fleet.tpl'); ?> <?php require('flightplan.tpl'); ?> <img src="http://www.yourvalink.com/core/templates/fp.png" width="905" height="1040" border="0" /> Dont forget to change that link to your virtual airlines website (Time: 1 minute) 11. Okay now comes the hard part, everything before was just easy. You have to understand PHP or it wont work. Open flightplan.css - in this file, the coordinates for each field are set. It orientates itself on the DIV above that flightplan. To see those values live, I recommend to use Firebug for Firefox ! the values what have to be edited are "left: xxx px; and "top: xxx px;" - dont change anything else (Time: can take up to one hour or more if you have to learn it first) If you need help with that, just jump over this step, give me your url and i will check those coordinates for you... 12. No just a joke, there is no step 12 if you still have enough power, call your girlfriend, tell her you are back and enjoy the flight experience you will now have Have fun /RMK: the next version (flightplan V3,14³) will be released when i regenerated from this work and of course when my girlfriend is not angry anymore that i was away the last days ;D (about 1 month at all) /OTHER RMK: to write this stuff took me lot of days and actually, its not only one but several addons in one big addon package.. I am not a webdesigner, just a real world pilot who tries to make it as real as possible so if you see a mistake in my code or how to make it better, please edit my code and reupload it, i had to learn how things work in PHP but i dont have the time to be a professional flightplan.zip
  11. okay it will take some time so i am maybe done in about one hour
  12. okay it works very well.. is anyone interested in it? because then i will put it to releases and a big tutorial about how to install it. its not very easy and requires some time + knowledge of php
  13. okay well i am almost done... here is a screenshot how it looks like http://250kb.de/u/100113/p/qXUg88yrEdmu.png some parts are missing like emergency equipment and more but will be completed so every field will work automatically (had to code some more addons so this works)
  14. i think the answer was no (on some page)
  15. oh btw here is where i get my values from: Aircraft Identification: <?php echo $schedule->code.$schedule->flightnum; ?> (accidently called that class fpreg for registration but doesnt matter at all Flightrules: this is static at the moment and always I. I plan to make an update later where you can choose also V,Y and X Type: S for scheduled (also static because the others wont make sense at all because this is the schedule briefing so it scheduled ) Number: always 1 (static) Aircrafttype: <?php echo "{$schedule->icao}"; ?> or something.. have to edit the schedule class i think to get a valid output.. Wakecategory: output via my own modification (clipper.tpl - outputs every detail to each aircraft like speed, wakecategory, name of aircraft, equipment on board) Equipment: see above Equipment2: see above (the 2 stands for everything behind the / ) Departure airport: <?php echo $schedule->depicao; ?> Departure time: <?php echo "{$schedule->deptime}"; ?> Speed: from clipper.tpl again.. we always fly with maximum speed in our VA, costindex 666 hell yea Flightlevel: is available in the admin center but in our airline, we use only 6 different flightlevels so i will but some kind of "if/then" into my clipper.tpl later Route: <?php echo strtoupper($schedule->route); ?> Arrival airport: <?php echo $schedule->arricao; ?> Total time: at the moment static but code is given in standard schedules_briefing.tpl First Alternate: i already have an addon for alternates but its not done yet.. Second Alternate: see above Other Informations: for that, i have also an addon but also not yet done..(just some informations.. nothing important) Endurance: calculated in my fuel.tpl addon (next version,.. already working on it) Persons on board: well, if someone could tell me how i can output that.. would be nice A/C Color: will be static for my airline because all liverys look the same remarks: OPR/PANAM FOB/ POB/ REG/ and so on and so on.. the values are somewhere in the system already pilot: the pilots name is also somewhere in the system. at least in the pilot center there is that "welcome back mr.. name" so i will just take that
  16. okay and now i start to need help. first of all i will explain how i do that. this is very simple. the background graphic is that flightplan blank page. its loaded into a php file. after that, i made several classes and gave them positions (like position: absolute; top:100px;left:200px;) and also some letter spacing here and there. now on that screenshot in my first post, you can already see values so its at the moment Pan Am flight 9999. But this is not dynamic. In the very first stage of developement, i just put it in myself, but what i need is variables. So i took the variables from schedules_briefing (like <?php echo $schedule->depicao; ?> and so on). Now comes the problem... When i include the page into schedules_briefing.tpl (i need to do that or those variable things wont work), he does not show the picture at all. I figured out that this is a z-index problem.. that could be a thing which i can fix but the problem is, the positions i made for my classes in flightplan.tpl are now valid for the schedules_briefing.tpl and so it starts in the very first row with the flightplan (which is not what i want). i made this screenshot here so you know where i am at the moment (my explanation might be a bid confusing) There, you see the text of the flightplan (works->if you look closer, you can see the ICAOs and so on) and the flightplan at the bottom (well parts of it). I have now 3 things i could/want to do. 1. option: make this flightplan as the first thing on the schedules_briefing.tpl, then my coordinates or lets say positions would be correct (but this sucks actually) 2. option: somehow (i dont know how) put it after the briefing but before the weather section with correct positions (would be okay) 3. option (and the best one): make a link to a popup with the flightplan so i dont need to include it, but in this case, i have to somehow get the details of the current flight to that page (and i dont know how) actually, i am not a webdesigner but a real life pilot so my knowledge is very basic about php and i dont have the time to learn all those things. If you now tell me that i should read a manual about javascript or something like that, i wouldnt even understand why please guys, help me a bit more. I think this addon will be some big improvement of that great system as it adds some more reality.. You know, its really nice to just print that stuff out (oh yea, i forgot that i anyway need help because i dont know how to create a button which lets just print that flightplan <- but only in case of option 1 and 2 because 3 would work without any change as it is in a popup) and then start the flight with that flightplan... no switching between the windows, no need of self writing it and so on. I uploaded my code to my server so if anyone thinks he can help, here is what i got.. www.panam-airways.com/fp.rar (dont wonder, some variables in that flightplan do not exist in the normal system and are addons from myself like e.g. i made an addon so i can decide 2 alternate airports, the fuel calculation is included and some other things) with best regards tebin
  17. Hi guys, right now i am working on a script which will automatically output a real flightplan. It will look like the picture below and it will be included in the schedules_briefing.tpl - i am also working on a script where you can print out that flightplan but nothing else from that page. i think, i will need about 2-3 days until its done.
  18. 1. is it possible to make the admin menu static and not with ajax? (that gives me some style issues at the moment because i use phpvms in an iframe and it cant calculate the size of the homepage 2. is it possible to make a button in the maintenance menu which is called "Look up all airport informations" because i just f*cked up my database with wrong formating and now every first 0 in long and lattitude is not existing and it would take years to look up all airport informations seperately
  19. sounds good
  20. we also have ranks already but i will use your instead. looks better i think
  21. what can this addon do? a screenshot would also be nice and english please
  22. because you forgot to put in the total flighttime or its in a wrong format. make it like this if the flight is one hour: 1.00 if it is already like that, make it like this 1:00 and for a flight with exampe 3 hours and 50 minutes it should look like that 3.50 or 3:50
  23. can you make some list what is new in version 2 regarding to the past stable release? that would make it easier to find those functions (especially for me because i am jumping between some version and need to know what is the difference and if my addons will work then)
  24. is this now a beta or an official stable
  25. also if you replace some of the functions with small graphics, it would look a bit better
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