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Everything posted by twincessna340a

  1. can't seem to get it to work....sometimes is works sometimes it doesn't also when i go directly to the randomflights module, the transfer done through the schedule search doesnt propagate over http://www.flytroposphereva.net/index.php/frontschedules http://www.flytroposphereva.net/index.php/randomflights
  2. The random flights module doesn't seem to be integrated
  3. Does anybody have the latest copy they can share?
  4. http://flytroposphereva.net/index.php/aboutus
  5. I understand the code, but I can't seem to get it to work...not that great with jquery
  6. Instead of displaying multiple maps, I'd like to display a single selected one from a drop down without navigating away from the current page. I can create the drop down, just don't know how to code the display of the image Ex layout: [static text] [form: select map] [selected image shows here] [static text]
  7. Sorry to keep bugging you Kyle, but the pilot login history isn't working. It shows up, but it displays 'the pilot has not logged in yet' . I've looked at this several ways and i'm stuck. also, is there a way we could select how many in the history to display? Another feature request: Add a last login date field to pilots_list.tpl
  8. I'm using 2.1.934-170 and I found the problem. There are two options for the airport look-up server (per OperationsData.class): 'phpvms' and 'geonames' . Changing from 'phpvms' to 'geonames' in app.config solves the problem as the 'phpvms' setting points to "api.phpvms.net" which obviously must still be down...
  9. Still no luck.....also isn't working with my old VA
  10. The airport look-up is still delayed (never completes)....
  11. they are correct
  12. i installed it as pilotlogins.....the Pilot Login History isn't pulling out of the db tbl either
  13. The table in the admin center isn't populating....the sql db is parsing the logins and the logindataclass works not sure whats going on
  14. In order to not have to worry about overwriting your admin core_navigation.tpl during updates and having to rewrite the code again you can put this code in the PilotLogins.php above public function index (line 26) public function navbar() { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, FULL_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/PilotLogins/">View All Pilot Logins</a></li>'; } } This will put the link under the 'Addons' bar in the Admin Center
  15. When adding airports, phpvms stalls. Is this due to the attack on the server? Also attachments have disappeared from posts on the forums, is this also due to the attack? Should I ask the devs to reupload their files or will the backup take care of it?
  16. Hi Kyle, I just installed phpBB 3.0.10 would this module work or only for 3.0.9? Also I set up my forum in a separate database, is there a way to alter the code to point to that db instead of the phpVMS one? Thanks!
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