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Everything posted by TAV1702

  1. The problem is with VAM, it is a one man show. I offered him LOADS of typo fixes and was pushed to the side without a thank you for the offer or nothing. I do like it but as long as phpVMS is a viable option, it is what I will continue to use. I like our community much better over all. When I originally posted this thread, I was hoping to get some spark back in phpVMS. I am just sorry it took our forum getting hit to do that instead of a simple post like this. VAM has it's fine points but for me, phpVMS is where my loyalty lays.
  2. Is this going to take back the bonus on recalculations like it has always done in the past with the pilot pay adjust?
  3. Yeah backups are a must. I am currently on site5 hosting which at times gets a bad rap, but it is what it is. it is mainly for developers anyhow. I can go back to php5.3 up to php7. I know david had mentioned recently about getting back to rewriting phpVMS and I am sure that would include php7. Someone else made mention of making php7 updates as well in the mean time. I been keeping my eyes peeled for updates form anyone.
  4. Ah ya ninja posted me lol. I just edited my post with the fixes I had to do to make it work. please feel free to look at my post and tell me how wrong it is lol but it actually works.
  5. I think I might have it. I am final testing now. **EDIT** Please understand,m i am NOT a php expert. I don't pretend to be and not sure if my changes are safe to use live. I don't know php Security very much. With that said, I am willing to share my code changes that made this module work. I STRONGLY urge you to have someone look in to the changes to make sure they are safe to use. With that said, this module now works 100% A-ok on my website. Admin/modules/HubTransfer/HubTransfer.php Find: public function delete() { $id = $this->get->id; $get_msg = HubTransferData::delete($id); if (mysql_affected_rows() == -1) { $requests = HubTransferData::GetAllRequests(array()); $this->set('all', $requests); $this->set('msg', 'Request wasn\'t de;eted. Please use the phpVMS forums to get support.'); $this->render('hubtransfer/hubtransfer_admin_index.tpl'); }else { $requests = HubTransferData::GetAllRequests(array()); $this->set('all', $requests); $this->set('msg', 'Request successfuly deleted.'); $this->render('hubtransfer/hubtransfer_admin_index.tpl'); } } Change To: public function delete() { $id = $this->get->id; $get_msg = HubTransferData::delete($id); $this->set('msg', 'Request was de;eted.'); $this->render('hubtransfer/hubtransfer_admin_index.php'); } Save File! Open Core/Common/HubTransferDataClass.php Find: $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer WHERE pilotid='$pilotid'"; $sql = mysql_query($query); $count = mysql_num_rows($sql); return $count; Change To: $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer WHERE pilotid='$pilotid'"; $count = DB::num_rows(DB::get_results($query)); return $count; Find: public static function delete($id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer WHERE pilotid='$id'"; $query = DB::query($sql); return mysql_affected_rows(); } Change To: public static function delete($id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer WHERE pilotid='$id'"; $query = DB::query($sql); return $count; } Save File! And I believe that will get you in the game. All my functions work as they should including pending, delete and approve and all email functions. Use at your own risk! If someone comes along who actually knows what they are talking about, please feel free to correct me. This was just a honest try is all. if i am wrong I apologize.
  6. Probably will. I am right now as we speak looking in to it. I got all errors fixed but one. I am trying to figure out how Sava fixed it in the LoA Module. I am real close. Just not close enough to say here is a fix. My php skills kind of suck so if I even remotely come close to getting it working, that was a win lol. Now if I fix this last error and it all works, I'm going to celebrate with a beer!
  7. That is the explanation. Those functions are garbage now. They are useless. Have ti step up to sqli or PDO one of the two. If the last post I quoted don't fix this, the module file needs rewritten as was done for the LoA module that had the exact same issue. On second thought, that last fix will not work. it is the same identical code that is in the file direct from github. I'm gonna get back on the side and wait for Sava. My skills are not that great and I don't want to stear anyone in the wrong direction.
  8. That is the explanation. Those functions are garbage now. They are useless. Have ti step up to sqli or PDO one of the two. If the last post I quoted don't fix this, the module file needs rewritten as was done for the LoA module that had the exact same issue.
  9. This an option still?
  10. My wife is informing me that she likes the regular one better than the one I want lol. I'm torn now.
  11. This one : http://prntscr.com/dl20gh Verses this one: http://prntscr.com/dl20uv
  12. Yeah sorry about that. It is the blue google maps that Eddie uses in his templates. For some strange reason I just like those better than the regular one phpVMS was (or still is) using like the one here on vFleetTracker.
  13. I tried replacing all the java and all. I pretty much just copied the fontpage acars but it was a no go. I know it is something I am doing wrong as I have actually pulled this off before on another site for a guy. I just don't recall what I did to make it work. Now that I am fresh and awake and no pain meds in me, I'm gonna take another stab at it . Lunch first!
  14. Anybody get the new blue maps working on this yet on the Fleet Index? I tried twice today and struck out both times. http://raybrowell.com/vSunCountry/index.php/vFleetTracker
  15. We probably have the same version if you got the new one. I was on skype with Sava when he released this and I grabbed it. I do have that comment as well in mine I just failed to post it. sorry about that. I was just sure about the 1 extra day thing on there. I appreciate the reply Pro. Thanks man. I'll go fix that right quick before I forget.
  16. I found a very minor error in the module in the admin panel. When a pilot sends in a request and you click view, it is supposed to display the pilots name and profile link and it does not. Also on confirm deletion of LoA request, it does not display the pilot id neither. However, it does display the pilots name and pilot id number properly on LoA Admin Index page
  17. hey real quick while I have this file open and before I forget what I was going to ask, in this piece of code : private static $maxDuration = 61; I change the 61 to what ever number I wish such as 90 for 90 days correct?
  18. very good points you bring up. I was wanting to bring back to life an old concept that was airhauler that closed down and get schedules for like all but every airline out there and when my wife figured up the cost, she put the stomps on that one. lol I may have to hit you up for a Sun Country file as mine is at least a year and half or two old.
  19. ops_schedules.tpl i forget, is your site php version or tpl? if it's tpl, you need the php version of this module. if one does not exist, convert all files and calls from tpl to php. Other then that, I am not sure.
  20. Ok cool. Glad you got it sorted out.
  21. can you please post your line 146 I have this module and do not get that error on php 5.6. I would like to compare and see what we have.
  22. Hmm that is kind of odd. This module has no admin controls at all nor does it do anything at all with the vStaffList. All it is is a glorified html drop down menu and email form. is this vStaff module you have payware or a freeware module on this site? Ahh I just saw you said it was the wrong place. You had me wondering for a minute lol. As I said this is just a glorified drop down html menu
  23. Nice to see you still around. On a side note, All of us here at phpVMS have dumped aircraft in to files and nav points and airports, but never routes. That sure would have been sweet if over the years we all would have made a route repo. @HearGrandCookie here ya have it buddy. This is the guy to talk to.
  24. That would be real nice. I been around here for years and never saw or heard of anything of the such. The only reliable source I have found is a guy who pays flightaware a subscription and pull s data from their site and sells it for $5 a CSV file. It's been over a year since I have done business with him, not even sure of the link now.
  25. Nice work boys. This error has come up in a few other modules as well. I wonder if ti will work in them to?
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