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  1. I'm looking for someone who's willing to create a design, just the way i want it to be, i got some ideas, but i'm just not able to get it done I don't know about pricing, but i guess "sky's the limit" good work = good money ? If someone's interested i guess skype would be the best way to talk things out/explain what i want ?
  2. Habsburger / Habsburgair - makes sense in german
  3. That's it - i guess
  4. Didn't even start, the Jumpseat Module won't work for me
  5. I looked through the database, it's not there anymore, only my 4 flights - but still shows me 5
  6. Any ideas or maybe someone who had the same problem and maybe solved it
  7. Hi I deleted one of my PIREP's and then recalcuted the hours via the Maintenance page. I "lost" the hours, but it didn't update the "number of flights" - i still have 5 - should be 4. Did i forget to update something to show the correct number of flights ?
  8. Speaking of wich - is it possible to translate the whole site and then let user's choose between German/English ? I think i read something about translations, but that could been about kAcars
  9. I'm not sure why, but i don't quite get it This is what my .tpl says, beginning from "if aircraftrank > pilotrank" Doesn't it say -> if the aircraftrank is higher than your rank then continue (ignore the rank) ? if($aircraftrank > $pilotrank) { continue; } } $route->daysofweek = str_replace('7', '0', $route->daysofweek); if(strpos($route->daysofweek, date('w')) === false) continue; if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { $search = array( 'p.pilotid' => Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'p.accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED ); $reports = PIREPData::getLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); if(is_object($reports)) { # IF the arrival airport doesn't match the departure airport if($reports->arricao != $route->depicao) { continue; } } if(!$reports) { if (Auth::$userinfo->hub != $route->depicao) { continue; } } } ?> <a id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo url('/schedules/addbid');?>"><strong>Book Flight</strong></a> <?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php /* END OF ONE TABLE ROW */ }} ?> </tbody> </table> <hr> But then your lines if($aircraftrank > $pilotrank) { echo 'Sorry rank too low!'; } else { say if the aircraftrank is higher than your rank, show "Sorry rank too low" If not, then go on ? I tried putting in your code, but i messed up somewhere as i only get a syntax error - "unexpected end blabla"
  10. So that would be somewhere in here ? <a id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo url('/schedules/addbid');?>"><strong>Book Flight</strong></a> <?php }?> </td>
  11. I don't know if that's still an issue, but i found this thread 'cause i had the same problem, the map only showed me the first page of the schedule. It's the following setting in your local.config # Number of routes to show in the route map Config::Set('ROUTE_MAP_SHOW_NUMBER', 25);
  12. Laura

    Aircraft Subs

    So it's possibe to just let pilots change the aircraft according to their ranks ?
  13. So, just to get that right - You're presenting as an airline wich noone is to see - asking future pilots to just "trust" you to have the "Freshest VA ever?" Why not wait until there's actually something to show us ? I don't know about other pilots, but i tend to not join a VA without seeing something
  14. I'd like to view the current flights on the frontpage in a box like the "Recent Pilots" & "Recent Pireps" Boxes, shown as "Flight number - Dep - Arr." I guess i have to get the code from the /acars page and simply exclude the map and all the stats (name, status, speed, dist/time remaining) i don't want to show .. ? If yes, where to get that code from ? And if no, where's my mistake ?
  15. As this is solved (not an RealScheduleLite issue) i'm wondering why my position after purchasing a jumpseat ticket is not updated. The default booking page and Front Schedules still show me at the airport i was before buying the jumpseat ticket
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