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Everything posted by iva
just be advise that we use the $price field to keep the $pilotid info for each schedule! this is the trick of this module
hi , as I explained in the manuall, you have to ...Put the codes below in your SchedulesData.class (make a backup first!). /** * Get the total number of schedules based on criterea for charters * * @param array $params key => value list * @return int Returns the total number * */ public static function CountCharterSchedules($icao, $price) { //Count schedules $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules WHERE price = '".$price."' AND code = '".$icao."'"; $results = DB::get_results($query); return DB::num_rows($results); } you can find SchedulesData.class here: YOUR WEBSITE ROOT/core/common/... this code will count the charter flights of each pilot!
2 days passed...13 downloads... any comment? any question? is this module good? bad? or what?
you may see this : http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8045-charter-flight-system-v100/
you may see this : http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8045-charter-flight-system-v100/
well done! you may see this : http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8045-charter-flight-system-v100/
you may see this
Give your pilots some liberty ! Let them experience something they never experienced ,EVER! by Charter Flight System ...
Charter Flight System (Using PHP-VMS defult Temps and Modules) [updated V1.1.0] By Reza Farzam Hello dear webmaster; To be honest, just noticed that this madule is a developed version of the PHP-VMS defult temps and madules which used in order to add and edit SCHEDULES from the Admin Panel . So first of all I am going to admire the PHP-VMS Board! We all know that there is already a pay-module owned by PHP-VMS Board that worths more than any charter modules! But I believe this Charter Module is the Best Free-Module ever! I think this module covers 80 precent of your demands! This module works by giving access to your pilots to add and edit the limited number of flights. These flights will be added to an specific airline which Its name is “Charter Flight†and its code is “CHâ€! These flights can ONLY be ADD or EDIT by its owner (Specific Pilot)! and also ADMIN of site! Means that all pilots have a list of their own flights and have no access to others’! Inorder to keep this activity onder control of ADMIN, I put the range limitation for flight numbers! So we have work to do! I appreciate all of you if help to improve this module ____________________________________ UPDATED! change log : - graphics added and images attached - instructions modified - module modified - .tpl files modified - error templates added Charter_Flight_System_v1.1.0by.Reza.Farzamupdated.zip
hi kyle ; any news about your module ?? we are waiting ... thanks alot
thanks a lot
[my problem SOLVED] thanks Mr.bean ; but i had a problem when i recieved an email from my Contact Form! In other words , i had problem when i tried to read mails in Yahoo or Gmail! I just remove this line $message = utf8_encode($message); from my CONTACT module and the problem SOLVED. I think the prob was that my CONTACT page was already UTF-8 and my CONTACT module was also encoding the DATA to UTF-8 , and we had 2 process for encoding!
Hi guys ; I have a big prob with my contact form! I need to change the defult encoding to UTF-8 ... there is a line in Contact.php =[ $message = utf8_encode($message); ] ... but it's NOT working !? < for your info : I changed the coding for Coctact_form.tpl and Contact.php to UTF-8 ,But it does NOT work! > thanks guys for helping me...
hi, I have 2 problems , only when my pilots using FSFK! #1 ____________________________ In live map , the flight STATUS will show ENROUT! for all positions of aircraft! the ESTIMATED DISTANCE and ESTIMAITED ENROUT TIME will show wrong! * I have no problem with kACARES! see the attached pic... how can i solve this? #2 ________________________________ when i get a pirep from FSFK in my admin panel (where i Accept/Reject the pireps!) i get this error : No aircraft for this PIREP. You must edit and assign before you can accept it. how can i solve this?
hi, ok, i realy don't know how my pilots solve this! but just noticed that the PHP-VMS modules are all OK with FSFK and there is no problem with them! and no changes required with the modules! the only thing your pilots need from your VA site is the VA-TEMPLATE.txt file. this file should be placed in their DOCUMENTS/FSFK/TEMPLATE folder! after that , FSFK configuration needed! and the problems will Occur! all of the problems refers to the pilots! they have to configure the FSFK very carefully and step by step according to the manual. you know that FSFK is very complicated and complex! if they go wrong with the configuration , they may send their pireps and you don't receive them! maybe the live map of your VA site work weird ! and many other problems! and here you think thats your site problem! but really it's NOT! just be cool and make a simple language .PDF manual for FSFK and give it to your pilots and enjoy your perfect VA THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH PHP-VMS MODULES
hello all, i changed the table.tpl and now i just get my own pilots data whith any callsigns in my site, here is the changed code for all : <table width="100%"> <tr> <th>Call Sign</th> <th>CID</th> <th>Real Name</th> <th>Aircraft</th> </tr> <?php $roster = PilotData::getAllPilots(); foreach($roster as $pilot) { if ($flights) { foreach($flights as $flight) { if ($flight[1] == PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID')) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.$flight[0].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$flight[1].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$flight[2].'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$flight[9].'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } } } ?> </table> and to show the vatsim information of your pilots use this code on any pages of your site : <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_table', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', ''); ?> just another thing!! you need to add the field "VATSIM ID" in your REGISTRATION MAIN FORM! and your pilots must enter their VID correctly!
hi, i have some serious problems with FSFK! first, when pilots connect to live map, i get many same lines dublicated under the live map! second, the pilots connect to site successfuly and send their pireps and get the <Success!> message for their sending! but i don't get the pireps in admin panel!
thanks simpilot, I used the " NOTEPAD++ " and re-encoded all my modules from "UTF-8" to "UTF-8 without BOM" ,and all my header errors gone! this is the only way to solve such errors thanks again
hi, i've a problem with config file downloader! when i try to get config file for FSPAX i get these errors : [b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/irvair/public_html/core/modules/Result/Result.php:1) in [b]/home/irvair/public_html/core/classes/Util.class.php[/b] on line [b]58[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/irvair/public_html/core/modules/Result/Result.php:1) in [b]/home/irvair/public_html/core/classes/Util.class.php[/b] on line [b]59[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/irvair/public_html/core/modules/Result/Result.php:1) in [b]/home/irvair/public_html/core/classes/Util.class.php[/b] on line [b]60[/b] menu_name=مرجع پرواز آنلاین ایران | Ira; base_url=http://www.irva.ir; path_stats=index.php/acars; path_export=action.php/acars/fspax; username=IVA0001; password=none; and i know these related to some lines of util.class : # Set the headers so the browser things a file is being sent header('Content-Type: '.$mime_type); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$save_as.'"'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents)); but i can't find the prob!? i also got same errors for FS Flight Keeper config file! if anyone can help me ... thanks a lot...
very useful ! so much thanks