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Everything posted by SouthwestVA

  1. I dont make the background tho.
  2. Not Really... It does the same thing, you can customize it, put it as a cron job. Change the Text, Background.
  3. In a link form or the Flight ID, seems easy, I could do it
  4. first person to buy this gets it for $7 USD. PM for details.
  5. $_COOKIE
  6. What should I make? No one responds to module requests.
  7. Examples: You can change the Background and what you want displayed.
  8. Hi All, I have created a simple Status Badge Script. If you want it PM me. I made if for a VA and feel that I should release it. Thanks
  9. Sorry, Its working. It another part thats not. Let me find it.
  10. $flights = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); $acars = count(ACARSData::GetACARSData()); $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); if($acars > 0) { foreach($pilots as $pilot) { $pilotid = $pilot->pilotid; foreach($flights as $flight) { $pilotflight = $flight->pilotid; if($pilotflight == $pilotid){$status = 1;} else {$status = 0;} } } } else { } It only returns the last pilot. Ex. XXX001 XXX002 XXX003 are all flying, only returns 003 as flying. Anyone?
  11. Thanks servetas
  12. because i solved it.
  13. Did you get it working?
  14. -
  15. -
  16. download?
  17. Oh then kyle, why are people making IFEs? But I see your point, they should shut up about the actual movies they have and just say they have movies... I believe its 3rd party websites that they are iframing.
  18. I think the problem is this is not what you would buy, its priced to high, i could make this module and give it out for free.... and ugly.
  19. No one will buy this.
  20. Hi I was wondering if you guys knew how to add another PIREP admin actions, like Hold... So its not pending its actually held. Thanks
  21. Thanks Guys and they all look nice.
  22. sure
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