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Everything posted by SouthwestVA

  1. when you edited the acars tpl did you delete something by accident. I would try re uploading the file
  2. I have one question here, Im trying to do this. <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <?php } else { ?> <p class="front"> Your Hub Manager is...</p> <?php if ($userinfo->hub == KDEN) { echo "Dimitri"; } elseif ($userinfo->hub == KLAX) { echo "Josh"; } elseif ($userinfo->hub == KMDW) { echo "Jeff "; } elseif ($userinfo->hub == KBNA) { echo "Mark"; } else { echo "you have no manager yet"; } ?> <?php } ?> but it will always echo you have no manager yet. does $userinfo->hub echo a number or what? Please help. Thanks
  3. you must not think hes hacking lol theres something called a serverlist under connections, ALL servers are in it by default, you have to go into the server and uncheck a few boxes to hide it.
  4. ok, what are you running as the web server, lampp?
  5. Reinstall phpVMS, get a new host or stop creating problems.
  6. is there a space before <?php like: Line 1: Line 2: <?php
  7. I Had that problem, hated it, so i bought a cheap vps and ran it off of that, worked just fine. Is it a vps or your server or is it hosting you bought?
  8. did you get it? for the links, copy the links and use the <a> tag. For the new mail use, <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail'); ?>.
  9. 1. there might be a space before the code on one of the PHP files example Not: <?php You need it to be <?php 2. Are all the files readable, if not make them readable or if its a vps or you have ssh, use the command chown.
  10. Doesnt It? Last time i tried it did, at least i think.
  11. Its possible, look in the admin panel. Dont be lazy. Its there, you just have to do it manually
  12. What do you mean? The page title, find it in the .tpl file, for example frontpage_main.tpl change that there
  13. Theres the problem, Chrome has to be up to date. This Can be closed.
  14. weird... ill try re installing it.
  15. what page are you on? are you using google chrome, cause it works fine with everything else
  16. http://cl.ly/0H1f2D3t2N3g1Y2r0k3Z/Image%202012-07-11%20at%201.48.11%20PM.png
  17. Nah, look on google, i found that background color... is the dynamic drive menu....
  18. Oh sorry, i found those on google. Removed.
  19. Hello, I have this weird issue where my whole site will pop out of the page in google chrome, any help? http://vsouthwest.org Thanks,
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