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    Joinville, SC, Brasil

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  1. Yes, I have! Please, check file attached. Untitled-1.zip
  2. How did you get your actual route working on the Flight Report map? I just get a straight line...
  3. Thanks!
  4. Hello, Nabeel! Thank you so much for this information. Anyway, is there anything like this for the Contact form as well? Regards!
  5. MrDonutButter, do you paint the A319 CFM by Aerosoft?
  6. I tried Kyle's suggestion above and still was getting an error. So I made some changes on it and now it's working fine. Finally I don't need an extra script on my server just to remove expired bids... Thanks Kyle for the great help! public static function deleteExpiredBids(){ $cache_time = Config::Get('BID_EXPIRE_TIME'); if($cache_time == ''){ return; } $selectbids = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "bids WHERE `dateadded` + INTERVAL {$cache_time} HOUR < NOW()"; $results = DB::get_results($selectbids); $deletebids = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX."bids WHERE `dateadded` + INTERVAL {$cache_time} HOUR < NOW()"; if(count($results) > 0){ foreach ($results as $row){ DB::query($deletebids); $updateschedules = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "schedules SET `bidid`=0 WHERE `id`={$row->routeid}"; DB::query($updateschedules); } } }
  7. Wow! O could never expect this path. Thank you, web541.
  8. Hi, everybody! I'm trying to translate those messages in the Activity Feed, on phpVMS 5.5.x, such as "PILOT_NAME has just joined, welcome aboard!" or "PILOT_NAME has been promoted to NEW_RANK". Those kind of messages are inserted on phpvms_activiityfeed table in the database. I've searched the class, the module and the template files to try to find where those messages are coming from, so I can translate them into portuguese, but I just can't find it. Could anybody help me with that path? Thank you!
  9. Run a cron job on server
  10. I was about to ask it. But... how about all available ones? If possible, of course...
  11. I also have kACARS custom and in my case the map isn't even shown on the page. Example: http://vai.aero/index.php/pireps/view/5715 (it should be below that "Mapa da Rota" [portuguese for Route Map] title.)
  12. servetas, in fact, my "problem" is not if the user is logged in or not. Actually, it doesn't really matter. The point in here is whheter the request is the frontpage_main.tpl or any other one.
  13. Hello, servetas! This was my first try, but, actually, I realized the are some "" that should be shown to both logged in and not. I guesse the best solution would be working on the layout.tpl, since this part... <ul class="nav"> <?php Template::Show('core_navigation.tpl'); ?> </ul> ... fits for what I want. I just have to have an if() statement in here to check if the request is for the frontpage_main.tpl or any other .tpl.
  14. I wonder if anybody in here would help me, please, solve the following... I'm coding my web site template to have two menus, in accordance to the requested ".tpl" file. Actually, in case the user is requesting the frontpage_main.tpl, it should use one block of html tags, and in case it is any other .tpl file, it should be another block of html tags. So my question is: is there any phpVMS native class + method I can put in the if() statement to check which .tpl file the user is requesting? Id it does not, how could I solve it by simply using php?
  15. Me too!
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