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Everything posted by Flightguy123

  1. ok, here is the website www.aavirtual.net at the top login area put in AAL003 and password is password1
  2. Can you help me Simpilot?
  3. Still no response.... I tried the IACO, the Name even the full name... nothing..
  4. Now simpilot, first thanks for helping! And second, for the aircraft do I put in Aircraft IACO , Aircraft Name , Aircraft Full Name, Aircraft Registration?? Ada
  5. roger, um Simpilot how would I go about doing this, what do you mean each loop?
  6. Is it possible to have the pilot only fly from there last location?
  7. Hi, I know I brought this post up in the past, but I was unable to set it up. The code I had was completely wrong and closed out all the schedules besides AAL001. Does anyone have any other idea on how I can erstrict New Hires from flying like 777's? Like in the real world, new pilots first start small, as there hours get bigger so do the aircraft they can fly. Thanks Ada
  8. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to edit the approval e-mail.... Which code do I edit?? Ada
  9. just got one!
  10. while the roster problems are up, I am wondering how to make it to show one hub only..... I also have obessblue, and the pilot page is messed up, please help..... So can i see a working code for all hubs and one for just one hub?? Ada (sorry i am pretty bad with coding)
  11. Woops I am so sorry Roger, I ment Thank You too you!!!!!! LOL Yeah we are editing a few colors on it to make it AA colors...... Thanks for the template!!
  12. Same problem here, and did you get permission from JetBlue??? They usally close down and try to sue VA's after there name without permission........
  13. Hello everyone! I would like to say what a wonderful template Brian! www.aavirtual.net !!! We have made it a template on our website! Our pilots love it... Once again American Airlines Virtual thanks you! Best wishs Ada
  14. nice! Tell me when it is on!
  15. it would be great if you can pull it off!
  16. Roger thanks, Can I possibly have a download link when it is finished?
  17. Can I see a example of this? I have hardly ever used HTML, PHP, or any other things like this...... In fact we are looking for a website designer ;D
  18. Is this Skin up for download anywhere Roger?
  19. Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/aavirtua/public_html/core/pages/pilotshop.htm on line 4 I keep getting that error, my code is <p></p> <span class="green-text-box">These are all the products associated with <?php foreach($shopdata as $shop) { echo '<b>'. $shop->name . '</b>'; } ?> </span> <p></p> <table class="table-monster"> <thead> <tr> <th align="left">Name</th> <th align="left">Price</th> <th align="left">Image</th> <th align="left">Options</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if(!$products) { Template::Set('message', 'No products have been added!'); Template::Show('core_error.tpl'); } else { foreach($products as $product) { ?> <tr> <td align=""><?php echo $product->name; ?></td> <td align=""><?php echo FinanceData::FormatMoney($product->price); ?></td> <td align=""><img src="<?php echo $product->image_link; ?>"/></td> <td align="" width="1%" nowrap> <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/PilotShop/buyProduct?id=<?php echo $product->id; ?>">Buy</a> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </tbody> </table>
  20. Yes, aavirtual.net has gotten a temp. permission, we are still negotiating plans with American Airlines for a perminent plan.
  21. did you release it yet??
  22. Hi everyone! My VA is looking for a new skin, we are willing to pay up $20 for one, does anyone know who could help us with this? Thanks Ada
  23. How would I fix this then?
  24. Is this code correct??
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