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Everything posted by Flightguy123

  1. New Promotions are in! - The current TS3 15 slot price is $2.25, we will drop the price to 2.10 USD for 1 week. If you are interested, please e-mail ada@generation-host.com for more details and to order. - The current TS3 30 slot price is $4.19, we will drop the price to 4.00 USD for 1 week. If you are interested, please e-mail ada@generation-host.com for more details and to order. Both of these packages come with a free setup, protection if requested and much much more. We have a 100% uptime. Our most recent customer explains " Absolutely amazingly fast setup, thanks Gen-host" while on the phone, working on his Teamspeak server setup with our 24/7 support staff. This is part of our signature VAstarter Program. Working to get VA's started, for cheap prices!
  2. Its really weird looking. I liked the BA planes when they had "British Airways" over the wings lol. Ada
  3. Generation-Host.... they have been fine, and its been working so far... Ada
  4. Well, it looks like it, some people see one, others seee another.. The events are different, and the last 6 pilots are different.. Ada
  5. Define Setup...
  6. Any ideas Nabeel? Ada
  7. Database Check Checking phpvms_acarsdata...OK Checking phpvms_adminlog...OK Checking phpvms_aircraft...OK Checking phpvms_airlines...OK Checking phpvms_airports...OK Checking phpvms_awards...OK Checking phpvms_awardsgranted...OK Checking phpvms_bids...OK Checking phpvms_customfields...OK Checking phpvms_downloads...OK Checking phpvms_expenselog...OK Checking phpvms_expenses...OK Checking phpvms_fieldvalues...OK Checking phpvms_financedata...OK Checking phpvms_fuelprices...OK Checking phpvms_groupmembers...OK Checking phpvms_groups...OK Checking phpvms_navdata...OK Checking phpvms_news...OK Checking phpvms_pages...OK Checking phpvms_pilots...OK Checking phpvms_pirepcomments...OK Checking phpvms_pirepfields...OK Checking phpvms_pireps...OK Checking phpvms_pirepvalues...OK Checking phpvms_ranks...OK Checking phpvms_schedules...OK Checking phpvms_sessions...OK Checking phpvms_settings...OK Checking phpvms_updates...OK thats the DB log you said you would need Nabeel. and here is the second thing you wanted phpVMS Virtual Airline Administration Software Install Check phpVMS Build Number: 934 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.3.1.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [OK] No errors found! -- Checked 183 files, found 0 errors And the log file is blank, nothing is in it.... Ada
  8. Or great, nvm, it worked for about a day now its gone. it looks like the website is running dual websites. Some pilots register on to one, and some on to the other. Some people can see one, while others see the other... Its really wired... Nabeel i will do your problem analyzer right now. Ada
  9. Hi, I just noticed that some new pilot registrations are not showing up. I get a e-mail, but I cant see it on the admin panel, or recent hires tab. here is our sites link www.aavirtual.net please help. Ada
  10. Our site is now fully operational. We currently have 2 projects to work on, but we can take on 2 more. We will update our gallery bi-weekly. Also, new aircraft's like the CRJ-200, and CRJ-700. We can paint helicopters on special requests to flightguy1@live.com. Check out flightguypaints.co.cc today to find wonderful deals on repaints!
  11. Well, you can have them sign up, then set their groups to Admin, or whatever, I guess you could set the registration page to add new pilots to a default group ( admin in your case). Ada
  12. New Release Coming Soon! Air Canada 767-300 ER. It will come with a FSX only wing views, and Virtual Cockpit, currently we have a sale on 757 paints! Order a 757 by July 1st to get 10% off the original $3 price!
  13. Yep, those are the betas for Keystone and the dot one was one I just felt like doing lol, the newer textures are the ones I am actually working on right now I will upload those by tonight. I just put those up so that people could see that I actually make textures, and not charge people for things I dont make like some people in these forums do. As for the website, I just released it today, I am working on finishing them. I will be adding pricing for the aircraft on the aircraft's own page. The website is only 2 hours old, and still being built. Currently me and a friend are working on it.
  14. Flightguy123 repaints have now opened! We currently are offing a $2.99 deal for all PHPvms forum users. All you need to do is send in your user name, and VA to get this promotion! We have a variety of planes that we can paint for you! On our website on the left we have a complete list of aircraft. We currently are working on other VA's, but the expected time of you receiving your fleet is approx 1.5 weeks! Hurry in, our staff are ready to help you with all your needs! Our website is http://flightguypaints.co.cc
  15. You wouldnt reinstall 2007, 2010 has all of it, i would just uninstall 2007, then install 2010. Thats how you have to do it, there isnt a way that I know where you can have both on.
  16. Jeff, AAvirtual loves Kacars! All our pilots get on with it, sometimes just to chat, cant wait for more and more updates to come out - Ada
  17. Try clearing the cache, i remember reading somewhere to do that... but dont trust my word lol, it wont hurt anything, but not sure if it will fix it...
  18. lol, I have family working in MSFT, I would suggest uninstalling office completely. restart your CPU, then get the version (64 or 32 bit) that your CPU is. It should work.... If not, send me a screenshot and ill see what I can do for ya
  19. i looked in to this a while ago, all you need to do is build a simple SQL database, then get a code that will takeout pictures from the database (in random order of course) then, put that code on your website.... I kinda have that going, where I have placed 8 different logos onto a database, then each time you refresh it randomly places a header file on the top of the page..... If your looking for something like that, I MIGHT be able to help, I am right now working on this, where the pilot *should* be able to submit there own pictures, so we don't have to go in and place them in the database individually..... not to good with PHP yet. lol Link to my site is www.aavirtual.net
  20. Sounds good, we just updated our servers a few days ago Ada
  21. Hi everyone, I had a quick question, Basically what I am trying to get this code : <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> to get data for a certain hub, how can I filter this data?
  22. New discount offer in the house! TS3 25 slot server! First month only pay $1.99, from then on, pay $2.10. Cant miss this great deal! Also we have upgraded our Teamspeak Servers! So it cant get any better!
  23. So, not sure what your getting at... Do you want the background of the text? Change this line of script on your websites .css file. /* content */ .content { background-color: white; overflow: hidden; } You can change the "white" to any color you want, if you want you can put a Hex Number in there. \an I ask which template you guys are using? Ada
  24. So, just do this, find this line roughly at the bottom: <dt>What does this add up to? <?php echo $rand1 .' + '.$rand2?></dt> <dd><input id="password" type="captcha" name="captcha" value="" /> <?php if($captcha_error != '') echo '<p class="error">'.$captcha_error.'</p>'; ?> </dd> That is the none working code. Now, replace that with this code it should solve all your problems: <dt>reCaptcha</dt> <dd> <?php echo recaptcha_get_html(Config::Get('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'), $captcha_error); ?> </dd> Hope this helps! Ada
  25. Um, ok, so lets talk tomorrow, lets say, 2:30 PST? On Teamspeak, I will send you the info for Teamspeak on your PM's tomorrow, really tired tonight, see you then! Ada
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