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Everything posted by Flightguy123

  1. Do you have skype or anything? Send it to me, so we can talk, and I can tell you real quick Ada
  2. I can help you with this template, Ive grown to learn it very very well, here is my site if you want a look www.aavirtual.net. Ada
  3. Yes sir, we will update as Teamspeak Versions come out Be aware the price has unfortunately gone up a little to $2.10 due to a more professional license from Teamspeak to lease out Teamspeak Servers, but, we are still the lowest priced around. Ada
  4. ok, thanks! I will check and see! Ada
  5. Do you know how I would go about doing that? Without entering them in manually.. Ada
  6. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a code that will get a certain airlines schedules and put them in the PHPvms schedules. here is the database that we wanted to use... http://openflights.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/openflights/openflights/data/routes.dat Ada
  7. Hello Virtual Flying Community! www.generation-host.com, my new employer has allowed me to make a special deal! We are currently allowing a VA simple easy starter package! The package comes with a Teamspeak 3 Server for 15 slots, and a Webplan that includes 4 GB Space, 8 GB Bandwidth, 10 Databases, 20 Emails, WHM/cPanel Control Panel, 24/7 Customer Support, E-mail Addresses, MySQL Databases, 14 day money back guarantee, Integrated ticketing system. We can provide support on the PHPvms if needed. Our current price for this package is $8 per month. What we can do that is very special is link your Teamspeak to your website and make it appear as ts.yourdomain.com to make it really easy for your pilots. E-mail ada@generation-host.com for more details.
  8. There you are Lloyd! Enjoy your new teamspeak! Ada
  9. yep, for all your questions contact sales@generation-host.com saying your from the PHPvms forums (So they will give you a discount) Ada
  10. Hello and Welcome to the American Airlines Virtual! We are a airline that was founded in Texas and operates world wide! We currently house 10 staff members to make your time at AAvirtual.net the most realistic as possible! We currently hold AA permission unlike many other American Airlines VAs. Our mission at www.aavirtual.net is to provide a fun, realistic environment, without it being to strict. We can do this by having a special chosen crew to help maintain the routes, and to help pilots. We operate both American Eagle Flights, and Mainline American Flights. American Airlines Virtual would like to invite you to flly with us! CEO American Airlines Virtual Ada Erzurumlu support@aavirtual.net VP American Airlines Virtual Chris Mcculloch vp@aavirtual.net
  11. Haha, that sucks... Yeah, I used to run off another guys Teamspeak.... don't get me started, when they had to many clients, they rose the prices to like $10 per month... It was horrible... That's why me and a friend started this. If you all want to knowour servers are located in Chicago and Toronto.
  12. Please e-mail me at adadenker@live.com so I can give you the link to the purchase Ada
  13. Sounds good! We are currently working on getting a bigger server, if you guys want we also host websites for as low as $5.00. The teamspeak servers will eventually hooked up to the websites that people want. Thanks Ada
  14. Hi everyone! Me and a friend are starting Teamspeak 3 server sales. We currently are trying to be as cheap as possible and offer 15 User Slots for $2.50. We also sell 4.50 for 30 slots. Now, I understand that most VA's get 10 person TS3 servers, we do those too The prices above are just standard, for any other slot numbers please e-mail matt@czwg.ca. We will respond in 24 hours or less and get you a special price. 25% discounts for all VA', final price comes to $1.88 for 15 slots per month. And for 30 slots, price comes down to $3.38. Real cheap, affordable prices! Thanks Ada Erzurumlu
  15. If you are trying to get the Admin panel and the Pilot Center to switch from Registration, put these codes in: Register => Pilot Center Code <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/registration">Register</a></li> <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/profile">Pilot Center</a></li> <?php } ?> For the Admin Panel: <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li>'; } ?>
  16. Wow! Nice ACARS! Can AAvirtual.net use it? I love the layout, and features!!! CEO of AA Ada Erzurumlu
  17. nope still nothing with www.aavirtual.net... Please help. I am gonna ask around to the people I kno, but hopefully you guys can help too Ada
  18. hmm... My live map seems to also not work properly. http://www.aavirtual.net/index.php/acars Any ideas? I did the update, and then i did the seecond update to 27 from 26, and no luck... I tried reuploading the acarsmap.tpl and the acarsmap.java... nothing. Ada
  19. Woud you guys mind if AAvirtual joined on this amazing idea? Regards Ada
  20. American Airlines 60% and Lufthansa 40%
  21. American Airlines Virtual can beta test if you would like, I PMed you with my e-mail and skype... THanks Ada
  22. yeah wow, this would be great! It would help out A LOT, Simpilot, I added you on my messenger account.. Nabeel, when will this be out?? Thanks Ada
  23. How do you do that?? Do you have Skype or messenger? can you PM me on those?? We can talk through there...
  24. No response
  25. How would I do that?
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