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  1. Good afternoon everyone, I have a question: How do I bring up the hiperlinc for ejemplo the pilot number, without having to move the mouse on top.
  2. I'm loading the skin only.
  3. Already this fact, the problem is still not let me make a flight reservation Mensaje No route passed, I'm working with the latest version of ARTIC
  4. The only change has silo files to PHP format, but it salindo when click ADD to BID is No route passed. There is a version for PHP?
  5. Boa tarde o seu link não funciona.
  6. Hi good afternoon. To my works not get the error No route passed
  7. Hello good morning I'm with the folowing errors when I approve the PIREPs. Strict Standards: Non-static method PirepAcData::search() should not be called statically in /homepages/10/d328219951/htdocs/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 855 Strict Standards: Non-static method PirepAcData::approve_pirep_post() should not be called statically in /homepages/10/d328219951/htdocs/core/common/PirepAcData.class.php on line 283 Warning: imagecreatefromstring(): Empty string or invalid image in /homepages/10/d328219951/htdocs/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 1016 Fatal error: Call to undefined method PilotData::UpdatePilotPay() in /homepages/10/d328219951/htdocs/core/common/PirepAcData.class.php on line 170
  8. Hi Hello something new I click ADD to BID and get the message No route passed
  9. The images have here. /lib/skins/Arctic/images/slideshow.png And /lib/skins/Arctic/layout.php o .tpl <div class="item active"> <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/skins/Arctic/images/slideshow.png"> </div>
  10. You can spend an example, where I have to change the code
  11. Hello, I'm with problems when add to BID, I use ARTIC skin and I get the message. No route passed Someone can help me. Thank you very much
  12. Hello, we have some position
  13. That information needs to Fernando . fsfk Muito obrigado
  14. We use the FSFK
  15. I use the normal version of PHPVMS, we have acquired module, the connection is ACARS and sending flight is released by FSFK. Does anyone have a solution, or where can I find information. thank you very much
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