Hello everyone,
After much confusion, I have finally completed my phpBB automatic registration script.
Before publically releasing it, I am going to allow a select few to use it for testing/feedback purposes.
Your phpBB installation must be in a folder in the root of your installation ie. if your site was in /home/me/, your forum must be in /home/me/forum, for example.
For optimum performance, you must have the ability to add a 'forum' column to your phpVMS 'Pilots' table, which will contain information about a user's linked forum account, to prevent them from registering twice.
Your phpVMS tables and phpBB tables should be in the same database. You can easily transfer tables between databases and then adjust your phpBB config.php if this isn't already the case.
phpBB 3.0.6 or 3.0.7 (Recommended: Update to 3.0.7 before trying)
How it works
Many have tried to use the registration event, but as some virual airlines require manual acceptance of regitsrations, this was not optimal. It would be bad if a user hadn't been accepted, yet they had a forum account.
So, as an alternative, I have decided to include a form, which asks for the users password, and transfers information in the form of several <input type="hidden">'s to the forum account controller.
The form can be customised to fit in with your site, hence maximum flexibility. Personally, I have mine displayed in a lightbox to keep it out of the way.
By adding a column to the pilots table, this means that you can develop further modules to display a user's forum statistics etc. Also, you can create a small php snippet to only display the forum register form to people who do not already have a forum account.
I can send you the code via PM. If you are interested in testing it out, please PM me, do not ask on the thread. The script is stable, it won't screw up your phpBB or phpVMS providing the instructions are properly followed.