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Everything posted by Kieran

  1. You'll have to excuse me, I'm a total novice with Github... Say if my phpVMS was it c:\phpvms, Is it: cd c:\phvms git pull - git update Or something along those lines, what are the parameters to pull phpVMS and then update it?
  2. I'm on an older phpVMS beta, but I've made so many mods to the core files it would take me forever to update manually. Is it possible to merge the changes using Github? I'm totally unfimiliar with the Github commands, would you CD to the phpVMS directory and Git pull or something?
  3. Hello, A few of my assistants have pointed out that the ACARS heading on the map is not displaying correctly when using FSACARS. We havn't yet tested XACARS. Has anyone else had this problem? Many thanks, kieran
  4. phpBB Script finished, open for testers

  5. Hello everyone, After much confusion, I have finally completed my phpBB automatic registration script. Before publically releasing it, I am going to allow a select few to use it for testing/feedback purposes. Requirements Your phpBB installation must be in a folder in the root of your installation ie. if your site was in /home/me/, your forum must be in /home/me/forum, for example. For optimum performance, you must have the ability to add a 'forum' column to your phpVMS 'Pilots' table, which will contain information about a user's linked forum account, to prevent them from registering twice. Your phpVMS tables and phpBB tables should be in the same database. You can easily transfer tables between databases and then adjust your phpBB config.php if this isn't already the case. phpBB 3.0.6 or 3.0.7 (Recommended: Update to 3.0.7 before trying) How it works Many have tried to use the registration event, but as some virual airlines require manual acceptance of regitsrations, this was not optimal. It would be bad if a user hadn't been accepted, yet they had a forum account. So, as an alternative, I have decided to include a form, which asks for the users password, and transfers information in the form of several <input type="hidden">'s to the forum account controller. The form can be customised to fit in with your site, hence maximum flexibility. Personally, I have mine displayed in a lightbox to keep it out of the way. By adding a column to the pilots table, this means that you can develop further modules to display a user's forum statistics etc. Also, you can create a small php snippet to only display the forum register form to people who do not already have a forum account. Interested? I can send you the code via PM. If you are interested in testing it out, please PM me, do not ask on the thread. The script is stable, it won't screw up your phpBB or phpVMS providing the instructions are properly followed.
  6. Thanks Nabeel, this issue was driving me insane
  7. Hey, Say I wanted to use the email function to email someone, with the email contents being in a TPL file, how would I go about it? Since the add to bid thing is JS, might be a little more complex. Kieran
  8. Kieran

    phpVMS Logo

    Hey wait, I havn't given up yet.
  9. Kieran

    phpVMS Logo

    It's not a competition, It's working together to produce a nicer logo. Isn't fundamental though.
  10. Hey everyone, Since learning how to do them, I have a bunch of phpVMS functions lying idle on my site, and I think other people could utilize them. How about, if there was some sort of pastebin-style thing where everybody contributed their different functions as addons. There's always the code snippets forum, but this might be a little nicer. Just a thought!
  11. I've never flown with them, but Emirates seem to be a very cultural and luxury airline, impressive. Also KLM are a very nice airline.
  12. I'm sure that I came accross a Wordpress plugin that easily allowed to you integrate Nick Stakenburg's 'Lightview', but he charges a small fee for his product. A trial is available though, I believe.
  13. You really have to know the php language before applying it to any sort of OOP. If you try to learn OOP as you go along, it can get confusing. Once you know the php syntax, you can then apply it to OOP. I recommend php/mysql for dummies by Janet Valade, that's where my journey started.
  14. People in england celebrate st. patricks day more than their own patron!
  15. It's illegal to be holding a mobile while driving in the UK, been a significant reduction in accidents since the law was put into place. All the more reason to wear a seat belt aswell. Hope that heals shortly. :S
  16. I think this happens if you havn't got any stats to display, ie. No filed flights.
  17. Kieran

    phpVMS Logo

    Hey stuart, I know this is kinda cheating, but since nabeel likes it: Could I borrow that plane ;P?
  18. Out of Date
  19. Also, does it require the PHP GD library?
  20. Kieran

    phpVMS Logo

    Now that one does look nice. I'll open up photoshop soon
  21. Kieran

    phpVMS Logo

    Web 2.0 has simplicity and professionalism at it's heart, just because you're going web 2.0, doesn't mean a logo has to be boring. Often, the simplicity can sort of make you blend in a bit more, but with extra care, that need not happen. I am aware that these designs are just samples, just pointing everyone in the web 2.0 direction.
  22. its EIDW to KJFK... No route no notes Random frequency 500 ticket price Calculated Distance 36000 Ft
  23. There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'maxload' at row 1 Any ideas? This is when trying to add a schedule?
  24. Kieran

    phpVMS Logo

    Bevels and Embosses are very very very web 1.0, For web 2.0 you need smooth gradients, drop shadows that are close to the object, and thin(ish) text. Light blues and greys look clean and have been adopted by many web 2.0 sites, such as Facebook. I'll see what I can do to help out.
  25. Hey, most of the english version of your site is total german :\
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