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Everything posted by Artjom

  1. This is bad, I just do not understand why others sell these scripts, and because of them we now can not download this module, bad bad bad
  2. how long they can be downloaded?
  3. when I can download? more than 4 weeks of waiting but I can not download ...
  4. Excellent Idia!!!
  5. Who can I download this file?
  6. Thank you very mach, I have made this code Add this on top of (pilot_public_profile.tpl) <?php $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); $airport_info = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($location); $airportname = $airport_info->name; $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1); ?> This code add in public profile <li><strong>Last Flight: </strong><?php echo $last_location->code . $last_location->flightnum; ?>(<?php echo $last_location->submitdate; ?>)</li>
  7. I add this code on top (pilot_public_profile.tpl) <?php $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); $airport_info = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($location); $airportname = $airport_info->name; $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1); ?>
  8. where I want to add this code in schedule_results.tpl? on what line?
  9. Hello users I will make a Last Flight and Date in pilot center and pilot public center! This code works in "Pilot Center" <li><strong>Last Flight: </strong><?php echo $report->code . $report->flightnum; ?>(<?php echo $report->submitdate; ?>)</li> And I will Last Flight and Date works in Pilot Public Profile How can I create this? please help. Best regards.
  10. Yes you are right I do and am leading, this feature is very necessary Nabeel can you give me link in FAQ ???
  11. Sorry for my englisch! The pilot fly from UMKK to UNOO yes!!, and from UNOO the pilot must book only return flight and not all exists in the list, After arriving in UNOO pilot can book all flights, but I need to be able to book only a return flight from UNOO to UMKK sheet should show only the return flight, but not all of which exist
  12. Hi, how can I make book flights as well as on FSAirlines? Example: The pilot fly from UMKK to UNOO, but from UNOO so that you can only book a return flight and not all that exist, please help I can pay you! do we need very much, except pilots will not book flights back and all that exist Aeroflot Airlines
  13. How can I make Last location (ICAO) and Airpot name???
  14. Artjom


    It isn't so good, I will ask the friend of the programmer that it is possible to make if we find decisions that as to establish it I will lay out vessels on site! Sorry for my Englisch.
  15. Artjom


    Yes that, it was possible to add different planes on one route. To this route I will add A319-100 (EI-DMB), B737-300 (EI-FMB) and Tu154 (RA-45485)
  16. Artjom


    Hallo I have a Flight SU517. I will add Airbus and Boeing into the flight! I want that many planes add in one flight, and not just one were added! I've create this code, but it isn't work. <?php foreach($allaircraft as $aircraft) { if($aircraft->registration == $schedule->registration) $sel = 'selected'; else $sel = ''; echo '<input name="aircraft" type="checkbox" value="'.$aircraft->id.'" '.$sel.'>'.$aircraft->name.' ('.$aircraft->registration.')'; } ?> When I save, in flight display one plane is added only! That it is necessary to make that it was added two planes?
  17. Hello, How it's possible to draw conclusion of miles on signature? I add this code in PilotData.class, but it isn't work :-[ please help me... $output[] = 'Total Miles: ' . $pilot->distance; I think that all users phpVMS would be very glad, that miles were displayed in the signature! Or?
  18. Thanks, It's work realy good!
  19. Hello, I have building a "Aeroflot Airlines"! I have problem with a translate! Russian text, It's displayed by questions. Example: ????????? DateBase changed to "cp1251_general_ci" The coding is changed to "WINDOWS-1251" Russian text isn't displayed as it is necessary for me, what it is necessary to make for this purpose?
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