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Everything posted by Artjom

  1. Yes thanks for replays, but I don't know who can i add this code into PilotData.class.php: number_format($number, 2, '.', '');
  2. XACARS doen't work, you must to use kACARS!!!
  3. Hello all, problem with the calculation of money after the decimal point a lot of numbers, an example 63.3333 (see photo), how to do that was not 63.3333, but only two digits after the decimal point, example 63.33 thanks in advance for your help! Regards Artjom
  4. no problem!
  5. Hello simpilot! yes this is it! can you give us your script?
  6. I've created a output Phasedetail! here is the code <?php     $acars = ACARSData::get_flight_by_pilot($userinfo->pilotid); ?> <?php echo $acars->phasedetail; ?> It works perfect! I needed the dynamic signature I've create this code: if($status->old <> $status->new) { pilotdata::regeneratesiggy($pilot->id);} Output working perfect in signature, but regenarating doesn't work... here is a status (Test): http://live-mix.ath....ures/KNI001.png   (at the left bottom)
  7. This is a good idia! At the time I'm make output to signature (Phase Status)Â And I've a question how can I maka a dynamic signature? i need the code for these.
  8. Hello all, I have an a problem with installation on a paid hosting! There is a WINDOWS HOSTING!!! This is a site: http://www.kdavia.st...all/install.php I getting this error: PHP Warning: fopen(E:\WorkWeb\kdaa\Web\core//local.config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in E:\WorkWeb\kdaa\Web\install\Installer.class.php on line 56 what can i do? Regards Artjom PS. CHMOD rights are writtable, that's tell me Hosting provider.
  9. Hello, Nabeel I've problem wit Gross Revenue,... I make a flight yesterday, look the report http://kdavia.net.ru/index.php/pireps/viewreport/1 who is a mistake?
  10. at the first post I've send a corrected PilotData.class.phpÂ
  11. No problem! Regards Artjom
  12. Corrected code for you! http://pastebin.com/6Vf6gC6i
  13. if you using free hosting, generating a signature is not working correctly, so we recommend that you use a paid hosting!
  14. Go to /admin  Site & Settings, Maintenance Options than here click on "Clear Cache"
  15. a conclusion in the two tables, first table of Boeing 737 and the second table all Airbus how can I create this? First Table is (list of all Boeing aircraft's) Boeing B737-300 EI-CHH, total flight time 00:12:50. Located at the airport Cologne Bonn (EDDK). Second Table is (list of all Airbus aircraft's) Airbus A319-100 VP-BBG, total flight time 01:20:15. Located at the airport Munich (EDDM). please help!! I've created this code but, this code show all  aircraft's in list, but i needet 2 tabeles! <?php foreach ($fleet as $aircraft) { ?>  <?php $airbus = explode("EI", $aircraft->registration); echo $airbus[0];?>,  total flight time <?php echo $aircraft->totaltime; ?>.<br>  Located at the airport<?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location = $pirep[0]->arricao; $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname;         {             echo ''.$current_location2.' ('.$current_location.')';       } ?>.<br><br> <?php } ?>
  16. I've no problems with 940 !! Thanks Nabeel
  17. Sorry for duble! please deletethis TopicÂ
  18. Hello all, who can I change background color to my color, don't white! Thanks!
  19. Â Thanks for SMFRegister ! Â
  20. I've installed the last BETA 940 all works perfect! but when I import schedules doesnt work,,,,,,, when I give all schedules self that works perfect!!!!
  21. I've deleted the BETA and INSTALL 2.1 full!
  22. ohh.. isn't good...
  23. Hello all, I've make a flight KD717 fom UMKK to LFPG on the new phpVMS 2.1.939, but I've problem's with Gross Revenue, Fuel Coast. The price is 0 why??? here you can look there http://kdavia.net.ru/index.php/pireps/viewreport/1 I make this flight with kACARS. Please Help me with those problem! Thank you! PS. the pilot have Total Money: $ 0.00 whyy???
  24. Artjom


    Thanks Jeff! kACARS is a best for a phpVMS! Regards, Artjom
  25. OR you can read here about all futures http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=5
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