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Everything posted by sean212

  1. Yes. In the database, you can configure how often it will import the data (in seconds) and if at all. But I made it so that it could do it often so that the data would be up to date.
  2. Oh, huh. Funny, I wrote little package a year ago. Oh man this brings back memories. VAFS has a data end but no API that will allow you to make changes. It was in the works but then, well things happened and a different last name but I realized that open-source was the way to role.
  3. Ah, Empora.. He really does have nerve. He just goes around dissing websites, like mine, and his site doesn't even work in IE. Huh.
  4. "Nabeel's Hosting Company" Gotta nice ring to it.
  5. That actually sounds wicked! GApps is a really cool way to have Gmail for your domain but sadly, they have the API locked up to only premium users.
  6. Being the only person on a bus is extremely awkward

  7. Try this out http://docs.phpvms.net/skinning
  8. http://double-designs.com/te.php But I reset SimCOA to force America/New York. This is with loading the site.
  9. For the MD5 hash, yes they use the phpPass class just as SimCOA does. But you can insert it in with a MD5 password and the system will update that password to the correct hash upon login. And yes there are a few tables, but I did manage to do it.
  10. Are you using cPanel by any chance? You can repair a DB from cPanel.
  11. What errors? I use MySQL5.3
  12. Best of luck on the long journey ahead!
  13. Well, the thing is that phpBB has a template class just as phpVMS does, so I guess you can't do it that way. You can just do a SQL query and insert the user into the DB. You can use MD5 as the hash because it is programmed to change it to the phpPass hash upon login. I post what I did for SimCOA if you'd like.... phpBB code doc - http://area51.phpbb.com/docs/code/
  14. That's even better!
  15. Well first off, I would go by the method that phpBB has to create a user. Try this function to create one. http://wiki.phpbb.com/Add_users Now, to load phpBB's functions... Since your saying you file is located in: /home/ And you forums directory is: /home/forum/ phpBB requires that you define a few things before you load it. You need this: <?php define('MY_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); // This the the AutoReg.php file location. define('IN_PHPBB', true); // Checked by phpBB $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); // Needed by phpBB $phpbb_root_path = MY_ROOOT . '/forum/'; // The forums root. include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); // The file loader. include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.php'); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/ucp/ucp_register.php'); // Now do what you please.... From there, you can either user that user_add() function or whatever you would like.
  16. Well 2009 sounds loads better than 2005 for FSACARS!
  17. Well if you want to do it the down and dirty way, you could just include the config.php file and setup a MySQL connection that way, but that isn't very preferable since phpBB supports MySQL and a few other DB solutions. Let me look at this...
  18. I'm going to presume that you are going to have a .ini file to allow for configuration by VAs, right?
  19. Maybe you knew this but I upload it an it still comes up with a 404 error. And I did this a few days ago an no luck.
  20. And for the type col., what do the values represent? Like 3 = NBDs?
  21. Does the navdata table have VORs in it?
  22. Well I just finished and I just exported the table from phpMyAdmin. http://double-designs.com/phpvms_navdata.sql.gz Didn't want to go through CLI today.
  23. Maybe a GZipped Export? Please! I'm splitting it up but my memory keeps busting.
  24. Oh man! That navadata is one large a*s query! I think I can feel my dev server choking right now!
  25. I think that's a cool idea and all, but I would much rather be on VATSIM and to have ATC coverage. Just my 2 cents.
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