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  1. I saw and followed the tutorials, but nothing solved. I put an ICAO code but nothing happens.
  2. Personally, I just installed the PHPVMS V2 Master version for phpvms 5. But I can not add airports. I put an ICAO code but only the message "Fetching airport data ..." Sorry for my English Click here to view image
  3. Well, I installed phpvms 5.5.x Master following the tutorial correctly. But after the installation it gives table errors and the main page appears with bugs.
  4. Someone help me? Installation Error in Writing Tables... I'm using PHPVMS 5.5.x Master Image >>> http://uploaddeimagens.com.br/imagens/installation_error-png
  5. In Admin: events/sidebar_events.php what do I do?
  6. Hi Guys, my page Pilot Brief It does not work properly, because I see "No Chart Available" and Weather information does not apper.
  7. http://tinypic.com/r/av328n/9 Fatal error: Call to undefined function recaptcha_get_html() in /home/marin524/public_html/core/templates/registration_mainform.tpl on line 94
  8. Where I can Download? I don't see the link
  9. Well, I managed to convert php, now I can not link the menus. example: I put the code inside the menu (<li> <a href="<?php echo url('/acars') ?> "> Live Map </a> </ li>) but when I click this menu, it is not directed to the page, what I do?
  10. Sorry I am not good at English. I download the template and does not have the styles file, only default.css and fonts.css what I do?
  11. Can you give me a help to install it. No I lose my website?
  12. Thank You ! this worked
  13. How to show only flights from the airport? For example, a pilot flies to SBGR the next flight it should be starting from SBGR
  14. I do not know if all files are read / writeable. Can you tell me more about this SimPilots?
  15. I did what you asked for, all are clean. When I add an airport manually appears the error There was an error adding the airport
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