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Everything posted by natcret

  1. Thought of another question. I completely understand that within the local config.php you can set auto ranks either false or true. My question, which I have not been able to find, is related to hybrids. Lets say that I want the noram active pilots to advance automatically, however, for specific staff postions, I want to assign those manually. Can this be done? Thanks again! Nat
  2. Awesome explanation. Thanks!
  3. Hi to all, Been scouring through the forum and can't seem to find an answer to the following question: What is the difference between RankID and Rank Level? I know that when I look at the tables for ranks, it assigns a rankID based on what was entered through the phpVMS Admin Panel. However, When I look at the pilots table, it shows both a rankid and a rank level and I am not sure if the level number should be the same as the RANK ID number, or different? For example, I running a local test version. I have a pilot ID that via the db shows the rankID as 12. However, it also shows the rank level at 11. Regards, Nat
  4. Thanks!
  5. Have two other questions for you: 1. How do you remove, resize, or change the color of the small white box surrounding the pilot icon? I have figured how to change the size of the icon, however, I want to adjust the size accordingly. 2. In the top header with the slideshow, how do I stop the slideshow make it static with my own pic? I have tried fiddling with the layout.php and ocean.css but I am just not having any luck. Regards
  6. Thanks. The reason for the question was the map flowed outside of the inner wrapper margins under both Chrome and IE11. I did try and it seems that the width can be adjusted, however, the height cannot. I tried to change height by itself without touching the width and it would disappear. <div class="mapcenter" align="center"> <div id="acarsmap" style="width:690; height: <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_HEIGHT')?>"></div> </div> Regards .
  7. Great template. One quick technical question. I see (as referenced above) that I can change the width and height of the map via the config file. However, in the acarsmap.php file, it has this line: <div id="acarsmap" style="width:<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_WIDTH');?>; height: <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_HEIGHT')?>"></div> Can I change this line to the following to override the config file so it won't impact the original crystal template: <div id="acarsmap" style="width: 600px; height: 600px </div> Thanks!
  8. Thanks Strider! Who would a thought...two spaces Worked like a charm!
  9. Showing on the hubview page as recreated below: information $manager = HubData::get_hubs($hubs->icao); Hub ICAO: KCVG Airport Name: Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport Latitude: 39.0488 Longtitude: -84.6678 Hub Manager: KCVG map
  10. Thanks again! All is working fine. I do get the following at the top when you view the hub: "$manager = HubData::get_hubs($hubs->icao);" I assume that is related to the post a little ways above regarding adding to the database? Just so I understand, I should add the item "manager" to the specific hub airport's data table.
  11. Thanks Strider for creating such a cool module and for responding back. Regards
  12. Followed the instructions. The only thing that is unclear is the "insert airports" under the instructions. I just want to make sure that I am inserting via the admin panel within phpvms. I do see all of the airport hubs that I had previously setup before using the Hubs Module. However, I get the following error: Strict standards: Non-static method HubData::get_hub() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\wamp\www\core\modules\Hub\Hub.php on line 19 I know from working with other modules that sometime you have to insert "static" between the public and function statement in the hubs.php file. However, when I do, I get this error: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\wamp\www\core\modules\Hub\Hub.php on line 19 Any ideas?
  13. You need to change all of the .tpl files located in your template/fleet folder to .php,e.g., fleet_list.tpl to fleet_list.php. Also check to make sure that you change the two .tpl calls in your core\modules\fleet\fleet.php file to .php as well. Regards!
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