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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. We are changing over to phpVMS. Since we cant convert our FSACARS log. I am having each person manually add their pireps from their logs. I noticed that we hare having some trouble. One person has 75 flights entered with only 4 hours. What is the correct time chart to enter the time in? Here is how I am doing it Example 34 minute flight = 0.34 1 hour 20 minute flight = 1.20 Am I correct?
  2. Got it fixed, I had it linked wrong. I had it pages/contact and it should be just /Contact Eddie
  3. I am having trouble with my contact page. When I click on the contact page, I get an error stating "You are not allowed permission to access this page". Any Ideas? http://www.flyaka.net/index.php/pages/contact
  4. That would stack one image on top of each other. I want 5 across then after 5 break to the next line.
  5. Thank you!!!! ;D
  6. Im trying to add some stats to my main page. Im having trouble, Can someone help me? I want, Pilots: Hours: PAX: Cargo: Any ideas?
  7. Your format would not work on my site. I use ribbons for awards, and would need to go about 5 across then jump down to the next line after 5. http://www.flyaka.net/index.php/profile/view/1 Some of my ribbons are for hours. It sucks do them manually. Adding a auto award would be a time saver.
  8. I'm working on the awards, I got them to show. The problem is they run on the same line. SO much that you have to scroll over to see them all. Is there a way to only show 4 per line? Another problem. How do I show the images on the public profiles? All I see is the text. Eddie
  9. I'm transferring my VA to use phpVMS. Do the pilots need to join, or can I add everyone manually? Eddie
  10. is there a way to have each hub have there own ID? Example Anchorage pilots would start at AKA1000, Juneau at AKA2000. Is there a way to do this? Eddie
  11. I guess I can live without our reports. How do I go about adding my pilots so they keep their pilot number. If I add them manually one by one, when the next person joins will the system create the next number in order after the last pilot number? Eddie
  12. Alaska Adventures - http://www.flyaka.com
  13. No ! I want it like I have it on currant site http://www.flyaka.com/roster.php
  14. 3000 + pireps! Also is there a way to transfer the pilots info over too. So they dont have to rejoin and are able to keep there pilot number?
  15. I am currently using FSACARS. I will be changing over to phpVMS. As of now I have over 3300 flights in my database. Is there a way to transfer them to the phpVMS database?
  16. I use Host Gator - http://www.hostgator.com, without any problems.
  17. Sounds good! Thank you.
  18. I was wanting a complete list
  19. I seem to get everything working okay, with the exception of the pilots page. All that shows is the hub rosters. How do I get it to show the full roster. http://www.flyaka.com/acars/index.php/pilots I have the latest version of PHPvms Eddie
  20. Some kind of pilot messaging system, not like the mass email. More like Admin to pilot messaging. Eddie
  21. Don't remember! Eddie
  22. I got it working now, it was a permission issue. I forgot to change one file. Eddie
  23. If I add an airport like PANC it will look up, Cant manually add airports. I got all the tables in.
  24. Highlighted in a pink box There was an error adding the airport That's all it says. Im doing it manually not clicking on Look up. Eddie
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