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  1. Are you still active Max?

  2. What have you been smoking Kyle?
  3. Oooh. Well Flarum does seem like a nice, modern replacement. But it does not have that classic "Forum" feeling that I think we all love, it seems a bit more *simple*. I'd say this one should stay up if you switch but you can archive it and still allow everyone to look through it as there's a heap of helpful resources and stuff in here.
  4. Needs an SSL Cert. Since phpVMS *seemingly* has limited funding, I think the LetsEncrypt SSL is the way to go, I use it myself.
  5. Buying or selling was not the idea I had in mind but alright. Have a good week
  6. I sent you a request on Skype, Chase. I'm one of Mark Swans mates, add me back. I'd like to have a chat with you regarding schedules pulls as I've got my own script myself.
  7. Hey guys, You're probably wondering why there's no update. I am currently a dev on VAOS + I have many other VA websites to design. When I find the time I will probably release this on phpVMS 3. Thanks for your patience, - Max
  8. There is not a possible way to merge the two skins. But! demoVA is coming soon! It uses a home page template along with CrewCenter, check the github out here and have a read through the readme.md: https://github.com/XiRealizeX/demoVA_CrewCenter_v1_phpVMS_PHP
  9. Hey, I am making a new template to go perfectly with Mark Swan's CrewCenter! Stay updated on the github page. https://github.com/X...r_v1_phpVMS_PHP You guys will really love this! I plan to make skins of demoVA up to v5. The Current one will be v1. It will come with a phpVMS installer (for new VAs [both .PHP & .tpl]). But the first one I will release will be the .PHP version (phpVMS 5.5.x). Have a read through the readme.md file on github. I'll keep you posted and when everything is released I will post a new thread in the "Releases" section of this forum! ---------------------- I offer phpVMS web design along with CrewCenter for competitive prices! Check out two of my latest sites, - www.kiwijet.net.nz - www.nxgair.tk I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Cheers, - Max.
  10. Your VA website does not seem to be up anymore. Do you still need help with this?
  11. All of our packages include: 20x faster SSD drives Fully featured cPanel Softaculous 1-click App Installer (Over 250+ applications including WordPress, phpBB and Moodle) User configurable php version control (5.2+) through an easy PHP version selector in cPanel On Demand Support MySQL Databases + phpMyAdmin Advanced email management with optional Google Apps integration In-depth metrics, system statistics & visitor information IP blocker, hotlink and leech protection, and Mod Security WAF Easy on-demand full website backup Plus many more utilities... We also offer free phpVMS installation on registration. We will install the latest stable release of phpVMS for you onto your server, free of charge. Just tick the 'Free phpVMS Installation' add-on when you purchase one of our packages. We provide support when you need it and our team will be more than happy to assist you! SPECIAL OFFER! Redeem code PHPVMS25OFF at checkout with our Premium or Ultimate package to get 25% off your first order! Visit www.ImmersionHost.com for more information. Just use the live chat or visit our knowledgebase. Or feel free to ask questions below!
  12. Sign up to Immersion host and we will install phpVMS for you once your domain is propagated! 20x Faster SSD Hosting means faster loading times!

    1. William


      Hi Max,


      Long time I haven't been here but glad to be back. Got a quick question


      If I sign up for the hosting would you be able to restore a full backup of my old VA based on phpvms.


      Got SQL and the whole VA file structure. 


      May have also other needs very soon for a different VA


      Please let me know asap





    2. AirPred48


      Max is the offer you mentioned above still available?  I have tried to install it on GoDaddy hosting and have wasted a week trying to get it to work


      Please give the rates on your hosting.




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