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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Aiyyy - Happy New All
  2. I would also be interested in this
  3. Looks good.. no offence though but 11 seconds in there is a spelling mistake, also spelling mistakes in the video description. If you are charging people then a little more attention to detail is needed... please dont take offence, im just pointing it out to you
  4. Yes, we use SmartCARS aswell - works really well for us. We also have a custom Kacars from Jeff,this is only used now for pilots doing long hauls though as it has a afk function built in. Would highly recommend smartCARS though, all of our pilots love it And yes, all the best to Jeff aswell, hope the personal problems get sorted out.
  5. Oh, my bad... I just had to put a line in my .htaccess to get it to run php from inside a html
  6. Thanks Vangelis but if I copy that code directly into a .html file it will not work.... put it into a .tpl and it will work but I want to get it working in a .html page
  7. Hi all, Im sure i have seen this somewhere before on the forums but I must be searching the wrong terms because I cant find what Im looking for. Im wondering how to get these commands: <?php MainController::Run('Vatsim', 'create_vatsim_data', '!CLIENTS:', 'PILOT', ''); ?> to work in a html file?
  8. Fantastic... this has just sorted my problems. Site is running like a rocket now - will just have to manually send the pireps to VA- Central but would much rather do that then have a slow site. Many Thanks!! :)
  9. Great that done it Many Thanks Just purchased the Charter Centre and Tours aswell the other day... very good addons
  10. Morning, Is there any way that the number of images that appear can be increased? There are currently 2 rows of 4 but how to increase? Have tried editing files but it doesnt seem to work? Many Thanks
  11. Hi Chase, I recognise those images at the bottom - your welcome
  12. Arr not to worry... guess you must still be busy. Decided to spend the day yesterday learning how to do the NGX and came up with this for a 1st attempt.....
  13. Hi Adem, Contacted you back in March but think you were busy with uni? Still interested... would be for PMDG 737-800WL and Airbus X Extended.
  14. Never mind... that bit of css code done the trick... just needed to reload the site after clearing temp internet files Cheers Eddie
  15. Looks like you have sorted yours... can you or someone tell me how you got the page numbers horizontal instead of vertical? Have a look at mine... they are underneath each other... what do I have to change to get the page numbers next to each other? http://bbn-airways.co.uk/index.php/Screenshots
  16. Looking good to me, nice clean looking site. All the best with it
  17. Mike

    PilotShop - Preview

    This looks great Sava.. great room for expansion with it aswell. Defo looking forward to seeing the end product
  18. Hmmm.... that was defo a problem with it.. you were missing a } - try uploading the original non edited core_navigation.tpl from a fresh download of phpvms and see what happens then
  19. OK... think I might have found something wrong with your core/templates/core_navigation.tpl - make a backup and change it to this.... <li><a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">home</a></li> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pages/aboutus'); ?>">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/view'); ?>">Schedules</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pilots'); ?>">Pilots</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/acars') ?>">Live Map</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo ('http://novairvirtual.swedishforum.net/') ?>">Forum</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pages/contact') ?>">Contact</a></li> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li>'; } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/logout'); ?>">Log Out</a></li> <?php } ?> Let me know if it works
  20. Ive just taken a look... Line 40 is the start of that file and it just cant run it and its looping. Would agree with parkho. You must have changed something that it doesnt like, or missed something out when changing. Only way to find out really is upload fresh - upload template and then make your changes 1 by 1 until the error appears.
  21. Awesome... cant wait to see what you come up with
  22. If its just the normal news you are using then it is in /core/templates/news_newsitem.tpl <h3><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h3> <p>Posted by <?php echo $postedby;?> on <?php echo $postdate;?></p> <p><?php echo html_entity_decode($body);?></p> <hr>
  23. yup... also, I forgot that I changed mine and put the digi font in there... shouldnt be a problem, it will just display a different font I think
  24. Hey, thanks for showing interest. I'm currently busy finishing off two other designs however after those I should be able to make a start. What kind of livery did you have in mind? Any references to similar real world liveries that you like that could form the basis? Its a lot easier to have something existing to work form to build up a design than simply starting from scratch. ------------------- Hi Adem, That would be great.. If u take a look at my va website under fleet.. Those are the ones I have done so far but they could be a lot better. If you could come up with something with main fuse white and make use of the colours blue and red for engines or tail... And have the uk and Netherlands flags in there somewhere that would be great. Let me know what you think? PMDG 737-800 would be the most important one out of the ones I requested above
  25. I replied... you must be busy
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