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Everything posted by Melli

  1. omg...i think we are talking about different things.... :-) not one pirep will be accepted automatically. no xacars and also no clean FS-Passenger PIREP. Also perfect really good flights are not working. here a log from xacars: (i added a *.txt for uploading) but i cant read anything inside the file.... F4B169.xap.txt
  2. no one have a idea? :-(
  3. xacars have no log entries (empty) and FS passengers pirep has this log: but i want prefer xacars for working: dirty testflight :-) Log for F4B8 CompanyName=Limbus nPilotName=F4B0001 nFlightId=F4B177 nOnlineNetworkNbr=0 nFlightDate=2016-12-06 nAircraftName=Boeing 737-800 Paint6 nAircraftType=MEJ nNbrPassengers=118 nCargoWeight=0 lbs nMtow=155499 lbs nStartAircraftWeight=119863 lbs nEndAircraftWeight=107307 lbs nStartFuelQuantity=6685 kg nEndFuelQuantity=753 kg nDepartureIcaoName=LIRF - Fiumicino - Italy nArrivalIcaoName=LEPA - Palma De Mallorca - Spain nDepartureLocalHour=20:05 nArrivalLocalHour=21:37 nDepartureGmtHour=19:05:00 nArrivalGmtHour=20:37:00 nTotalBlockTime=01:31:22 nTotalBlockTimeNight=01:31:22 nTotalAirbornTime=01:22:12 nTotalTimeOnGround=00:11:22 nTotalDistance=454 Nm nMaxAltitude=35016ft nCruiseSpeed=446 kt nCruiseMachSpeed=0.74 nCruiseTimeStartSec=981 nCruiseTimeStopSec=3901 nCruiseFuelStart=4803 kg nCruiseFuelStop=1419 kg nLandingSpeed=180 kt nLandingPitch=3.77 nTouchDownVertSpeedFt=-614.61 nCaptainSentMayday=0 nCrashFlag=0 nFlightResult=Horrible nMaxTimeAcceleration=1 nFsPassengersVersion=Dec 22 2008 nPassengersOpinion=77 nPassengersOpinionText=-Are pleased to have landed right on schedule. n-Were cheerful because of the drinks served . n-Were in a better mood because they had food. n-Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous landing. n-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight. n-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency. n-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing). n nFailureText=The flaps were extended at excessive airspeed and were damaged. The pilot landed roughly causing one tire to explode. nCasualtiesText= nPilotBonusText=You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30) nPrecise arrival time at destination.(-00h01:23 difference) (+100) n nBonusPoints=130 nPilotPenalityText=You made a serious pilot error that resulted in a critical problem. (-800) nLanding so roughly that a tire explode is not a good idea. (-300) nYou had a serious failure aboard and you forgot to call a mayday. (-350) nYou made a very hard landing at -614 ft/mn and the aircraft sustained damage. (-400) nExceeding maximum speed of this aircraft is very dangerous. (-600) nYou have exceeded the flap speed limit by 25.87kts (-258) nAll aircraft are prohibited to exceed 250kts below 10000 ft AMSL; your speed was 54 kts above this limit Our company received a fine of $601. (-163) n nPenalityPoints=2870 nBitsPenalityDisabled=0 n
  4. oooohhh yes its working!!!! thx soooooo much!
  5. same problem....links are written in "white" on white background. can someone help please, i dont find in css to change :-(
  6. nice skin but my links are written in "white" on white background. i dont find in css to change. can someone help me please?
  7. How do you change the linkcolors please? i dont find it in css... :-( links are written in "white" so nobody can see the link :-(
  8. nobody can help? pleeeease.....
  9. hi. i importet the module...installed....and the installing was ok. no problems all working fine...no errors...nothing, but it dont autoaccept and its not working. hmmmm?? here a screenshot from the last pirep (i overdraw the pilotsname) and a screenshot from my admin panel: PIREPData.class.php
  10. i uploaded all files. - O.K. made database import. - O.K. but: Make a link to access it by <?php echo url('fuelcalculator');?> for your pilots. Where should i make a link...in which file?
  11. for ordering a item ...can the pilot enter his postzip adress and so on?
  12. omg...just see im runing VAM and not phpVMS....*shame*
  13. i just take a look to some addons...but i cannot find the right folders fory copying the files...? i have no folders like "Admin" "Core" "lib"....???
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