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Everything posted by topher2880

  1. Ive had a nice skin for a few years now for one of my VAs and the original author is now gone. I am looking for someone who can do a new skin for me to freshen the look of the VA. I value usability and a 'clean' look over bombardment I also have 2x VAs that have a forum that is dead as the module stopped working, and id like to get it working again as an extra 'addon' job if the same person wants it Thanks in advance Topher
  2. This is probably the wrong place for the request and still looking for a delete button 😐
  3. Ive had a nice skin for a few years now for one of my VAs and the original author is now gone. I am looking for someone who can do a new skin for me to freshen the look of the VA. I value usability and a 'clean' look over bombardment Thanks in advance Topher
  4. Duh.. I didnt even think to look in the core / templates folder to look at the code *facepalm* Thanks for that, all up and running
  5. This is half and half a code snippet post and also skinning however putting it here. Im using SimPilot's screen shot module, and was just wondering if there was a way of using the screen shot as a random image on the main page? I have an image that is 819 X 311 on the main page, and while I have the random image call working, I cant seem to make the image any larger. <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> The actual code im using is : <center><?php $allpics = new Screenshots (); $allpics->show_random_screenshot();?></center> Adding any height= or width= seems to throw an error. Of course, in the past, ive made stupid mistakes, but I figure I will throw this out and surely get a reply pretty quick... as I usually do Thanks PHPVMS family
  6. likewise, i have a huge amount of aircraft to import and i cant sit here for hours doing it manually (or copy paste in phpmyadmin and change registrations)
  7. Im looking for a Nairobi prince if anyone has any lying around :D on a serious note, looking for the fix to still require the recatcha
  8. Hi Vangelis, PirepAcData.class.php only has 350 odd lines of data, but PIREPData.class.php , line 807 is between the 2 lines below $pirepdata['load'] = FinanceData::getLoadCount($pirepdata['aircraft'], $sched->flighttype); } /* If the distance isn't supplied, then calculate it */
  9. Gotcha.. thanks again
  10. How do I give you a like? I certainly would do that. It doesnt have the great look of yours but it does look good matching my colour scheme
  11. Sorry to be a pain, however smartCARS is throwing the same error as the original post dated 06/12/2015 at 4:23 AM by danydj96 [08:11:17 AM] [ERROR] An unknown or unsatisfactoy response was received during the PIREP filing. It was : <br /> <b>Strict Standards</b>: Non-static method PirepAcData::search() should not be called statically in <b>/home/topweb1/flyasia/core/common/PIREPData.class.php</b> on line <b>807</b><br /> SUCCESS Im using phpVMS 2.1.936 until I can upgrade
  12. Hi, thanks heaps for posting that. I dont have the colours and neat look that your screen capture does, but the data is displaying, I can edit the layout to suit mine. Very much appreciated Leonard
  13. Thanks for that. Got it installed however its throwing errors back at smartCARS when lodging, and not auto-accepting.
  14. Really, the upcoming departures (current bids) would be great to display on my main page (frontpage_main.tpl) I display live flights, but as we all know, you need smartCARS (or similar) active for those, but to display flights booked and not yet running would be great
  15. Is there any updates on this? Specifically id like to display the upcoming flights (bids) and the airframe reg is a nice touch also.. but the mods are old and hard to find (for me)
  16. is this mod still available and if so, where can I get it? Also is it compatible with tours? I know theyre touchy with "approval all pireps", but with auto, unless 2 people submit at the same time, I guess there wont be an isse
  17. Hi mate the custom profile field is called VATSIM ID, so it came up, if i changed the field, i would need to change this text also. Thanks to both of you for your help.
  18. fantastic.. that is spot on. thanks so much Topher
  19. 2X VA signed sealed and delivered... FlyAsiaVa & Susi Air Virtual Thanks for that Mischka
  20. Hi Mischka, I have 2x Va's which I tried to join today and havent received a confirmation that ive even attempted to get an account. Is this manually done or auto-generated confirmation email? Sorry for the hijack but just found this thread and excited for a VAcentral replacement
  21. Just touching up my pilots list page and wanted to be able to click on Vatsim (mainly) or ivao ID on pilot profile to bring up their flight histories on relevant stats page.. <td> <div align="center"> <a href="<?php echo url('https://vatstats.net/flights/?pilot='.$pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID');?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> </a></td> This is displaying their vatsim ID correctly as a clickable link, however its bringing up "http://www.susiairvirtual.com/index.php/https://vatstats.net/flights/?pilot=1" rather than the vatstats page, and its also using the pilot Id rather than vatsim ID.. This is a 2 second job for somone who knows the keywords to use, however im not that guy... can someone please help with which $variable to use for the single line posted above to get it to create the correct link address much appreciated
  22. Such a shame they only released 4 episodes The show had great potential to become a good series, even if only a total of 10 episodes
  23. Hi all, with the dropping of vaCentral until a new server is up and running, ive decided to throw a 'come fly with us' post to gain more pilots. We currently have 30 pilots flying Susi Air routes and tours around some of the most dangerous and exciting places on the planet. We arent full of dont do this and dont do that. I will accept PIREPs from most (if not, all) prop based aircraft. Come and fly and test your skills, no time for coffee breaks on our routes Auto-accepting pilots, once youre registered, download smartCARS and get in the air !
  24. Hi Vangelis, After that post I made, I went to bed. this morning, drinking my coffee and on a different computer I checked it and its working exactly as it should be. I wont mention the website address as the edit is working exactly as it should be and dont want to spam. but thanks heaps for all the help you have given me, and everyone else, through these forums.
  25. Simbrief wont do anything for me either.. ive looked at many threads here at how people are 'fixing' it, and a lot appear to be silly mistakes. Im sure mine is also, however I can not seem to get it going. When you head to /index.php/schedules/brief/7334 or whichever schedule, and click on Generate Simbrief, absolutely nothing happens at all. Ive seen other posts about making sure things are edited, so: simbrief.apiv1.php in core/modules/SimBrief = DONE (api copy/paste) simbrief.apiv1.js in lib/js = DONE (website address) schedule_briefing.tpl in /core/templates = DONE <form id="sbapiform" method="get" action="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/ofp.loader.api.php" target="SBworker"> = DONE <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/simbrief.apiv1.js');?>"></script> = DONE (in head of html) It would be great if someone could give me a hand on this, oh, and changing tpl to php threw up missing tpl file error thanks in advance
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