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Everything posted by benboy123

  1. I get this error: Unable to load Jit Compiler (clrjit.dll): file may be missing or corrupt. Please check or rerun setup. Have reinstalled two times and downloaded and installed the newest version. What to do?
  2. Well, the first skin you made was ported, so Im not sure about that you have coded it...
  3. Can you have a skin finish within wedensday?
  4. Very good! Saw it twice because I liked it so much! One of the best promo videos I ever seen!!
  5. I really want to know!!! It was a very cool Flight Board!!
  6. NordicAir pressrelease 9th of May 2913 Kick Off: NordicAirs Maiden Flight will be done Saturday 11th of May, 16:30 Zulu, with a ATR 72-500 from Oslo to Bergen. The flight will be flown on VATSIM. Fleet: Today, Im proud of introducing NordicAir's fleet: 13x Airbus A320-200 5x ATR 72-500 Total aircrafts: 18 We are also looking on fleet extension both on regional flights (more ATR 72s) and longnhaul flights (with Boeing 787-900 Dreamliner). Typeratings and exams: We do not have any registration-exam, but there will be exams for flying charter flights, and eventually longhaul flights. If you want to fly our ATRs on flights longer than 1 1/2 hour, you have to take a type-rating exam. On the Airbus A320s, you have to take athe type-rating if a flight is longer than 3 hrs. Routes: Within the summer, more routes will be added. We are kicking off from our HUB in Bergen with the following summer routes: Palma London Barcelona Madeira Madrid Allicante Trondheim Ålesund Bodø Oslo And from our HUB in Oslo: Zurich Madrid Palma Allicante Paris London Sofia Antalya Istanbul Madeira Trondheim Bodø Ålesund Bergen Total routes: 22 Regards, Bendik
  7. Need download link
  8. I really enjoy it! Looking forward to new templates from you! Keep up the good work!
  9. Tom: test out my website with the template: http://nordicair.cu.cc/
  10. Seriously, keep up this good work! Best skin I ever seen free to phpVMS! Thank you!!
  11. You are an angel! Contacting you after school :D
  12. Req. a download link
  13. Awsome!
  14. Im proud to say that Virtual Danish Air Transport (Virtual DAT) opens for real today, 20:00 (GMT+1). We are based on the real world Danish Air Transport, and we operates a fleet of 16 aircrafts, mostly ATRs, but we also have Saab 340A and MD83/87. Routes: We flies both passanger and cargo routes. All the passenger routes is both in Norway and Denmark. If you like challenging approaches in bad weather, and short runways on the west coast of Norway, we are the right airline for you! Hope to see YOUR name on a application! Regards, Bendik DX2701 www.virtualdanish.tk
  15. But then will all members beeing able to press the button...
  16. One more question; I can`t get into the admin center when Im logged in. I really liked this skin.Very, very good!
  17. Nice skin! One question. How do i change the Skyline-logo in the header? Thanks Bendik www.virtualdanish.tk
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