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Everything posted by benboy123

  1. Is the site at all powered by phpVMS? As far as I know, doesn't phpVMS support FlightGear, as Merlion VA uses.
  2. What do you mean by pointing links to each language? Can you tell a bit more detailed? Want my page in english and norwegian Thanks in advanse! Regards,
  3. Thanks!
  4. Hi! Great skin, I love it. But, I have two problems: The "Careers" tab is still visible when you are logged in, how can I make that aviable for guests? The map is to large, I need to resize it, so I can get it smaller. Thanks, Bendik nordicva.cu.cc
  5. Well, most pilots have FS9 or FSX, and you can run a VA for FS9 or FSX for free, there are a few of them here. So I just don`t get in what you mean with to expensive? And, this forum is for phpVMS, not WIX...
  6. 100% sure I found it. The VA has the same name, operates out of PABE and is a FlightGear VA.. Link: http://unionvirtualairlines.wix.com/union-airlines
  7. Hi all! Finaly, Nordic Air is ready to start operations! We have worked on the VA since April, and now are we ready to kick off! We are currently only accepting manual pireps or flights on VATSIM, but we are working on getting an ACARS system. Nordic Air is a proud member of Nordic Alliance, together with flynordic. We have a close cooperation and planning codeshare flights. On friday, we will launch our brand new winter-routes from our HUB, Oslo Airport, Gardermoen (OSL). Why join us? Our slogan is: "Flying is fun!", and it is, at least with Nordic Air. We do not only have normal schedules, we also have a lot of charter flights, and you can fly with our codeshare partner, flynordic. flynordic have operations to exiting destinations, such as Svalbard and the Faroe Islands. We are also trying to get codeshare agreements with other VA`s as well! We really hope to see your name on a registration!
  8. you have PM
  9. PM me, and we can take it from there
  10. awesome! i really want this on my site
  11. I will definitely join. Looked for one a long time now, even planned to start one self. If there at any point will be open staff positions, give me a call either on email or PM here
  12. One more problem: When I go from the homepage to for example the pilot center and press the home button again, it shows im not logged in. When i log in i get: error, you are already logged in. Anyone?
  13. yes, very interested It would be nice if you could tell us/me
  14. Thanks
  15. You can add PROVA PROVA to your list also :/
  16. Anyone who knows to edit the FlyAero Virtual title in the titleline in the webrowser?
  17. benboy123

    Sky Template

    Link is broken -.-
  18. Ferando, can you help me to with a custom Pilot Center?
  19. Yes, I am the site owner. The module are uploaded. I`ll try bid a flight
  20. Thanks But when I click on "Get Flight" now, nothing happens. Do I have to have the flight in thhe bids?
  21. Invalid URI. Can not estimate URI format
  22. s***, I have downloaded this theme. I was a little suspicious, but I tend to trust people here. Note to myself: Do NOT always trust people here regarding skins...
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