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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Actually, I have seen it done on a couple of VA's, but you need to search for it, as it is hidden real good.
  2. Jeff


    You can add this to it to show those (I believe this is correct...not tested) <td><font color=#FFFFFF>Aircraft</td><td><font color=#FFFFFF>Frequency</td> Then add this... <td>'.$aircraft->icao.'</td><td>'.$route->daysofweek.'</td>
  3. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1453-automatic-weathermap-change/page__p__23708__hl__%2Bweather+%2Bmap__fromsearch__1#entry23708
  4. Check your .css file in your template you are using
  5. Ray... Check your settings in the app.config and local.config file. I use the function with "Only show schedules with rank allowed" and I have yet been shown any flights that aren't scheduled by my rank. Also check your aircraft setting in the Admin Panel to make sure you have selected the correct rank for that aircraft. app.config.php # Pilot pilots to only fly aircraft they're ranked to Config::Set('RESTRICT_AIRCRAFT_RANKS', true);
  6. If I understand you correctly, this is your first attempt at starting your own Virtual Airline. The first and most important thing you need to do is USE A PAID HOST. If you can't find one, you can click the HOME link at the top left and use Fivedev as most of us are. Secondly, before you ask your questions, please use the search option at the top right of this Forum. Most of your questions have already been answered. Third, ask, ask, ask. We will be glad to give you a hand. Sometimes the answer might not be immediate, and sometimes it will.
  7. First off, where on your site are you wanting it to be displayed (what page)? Second, how are you wanting it to search (are you wanting it to show the pilots' pilot_public_profile.tpl page once you click search)? Try to explain in as much detail so we can try to understand exactly what you are needing.
  8. Jeff

    Airport Tables

    As I don't use this one anymore, others still do, so let us know how it works out for you.
  9. Leaving comments like that wont get you anywhere...
  10. Jeff

    Pilot Status

    @Tomgis34 - Care to share what you did, so others can use it as well?
  11. It's neither in the local.config nor in app.config
  12. Jeff

    Airport Tables

    I know this is a really late reply, but what you can do here, is take the code from the pilot_public_profile.tpl that pulls the flag for the pilot... <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($userinfo->location);?> and tweak it for the airport
  13. Nabeel, that's what I did earlier, but it's not showing in alphabetical order...
  14. It should automatically show on the menu bar for those members that you have set as Admin. (ACCESS_ADMIN)
  15. Can someone please post the link from the "Pilot Center" for Submitting Pirep. I deleted the link on accident. Much appreciated.
  16. Gotcha...Let me do some searching on this, and I will return if I find something. I'd actually be interested in this as well.
  17. In that case... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3984-complete-airports-list/page__view__findpost__p__26830 And mark this Board as [sOLVED]
  18. If you want to show a page that shows every airport in your database, here: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2800-airport-tables/
  19. I looked in there prior to posting, but couldn't find anything that even resembles AIRLINE(s) Snipped by Nabeel
  20. I have edited this code until I was blue in the face . I can't seem to figure out how to remove the code (AA - American Airlines) and have it list the airlines alphabetically... American Airlines British Airways Continental Airlines ...and so on <dt>Select Airline: <font color="#FF0000">*</font></dt> <dd> <select name="code" id="code"> <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - ('.$airline->name.')</option>'; } ?> </select> </dd>
  21. Jeff

    Maintenance Page

    James is correct. It is best to set your site "Down For Maintenance" after everyone (except you) is logged off, as anyone who is logged on will still be able to access all pages until they leave.
  22. Kind Bump... Anyone: help with a code to show a map of all flights available for Aircraft Registration?
  23. Admin Center > Site & Settings > Profile Fields Inside Profile Fields, you want to add a filed (as Text) and name it something like "Referred By" (without quotes)
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