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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. With Jeffrey's code, I had no errors, but as you see in the attached image, you can see everything shifted to the left. Using Nabeel's code, I get this error... Here's how I have it: <table align="center" border="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Last 10 Flights</span></span></th> </tr> </thead> </table> <?php $count = 10; $pireps = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount($count); ?> <table align="center" border="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Airline</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Flight #</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Departure</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Arrival</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Duration</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Pilot</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Landing Rate</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Aircraft</font></strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if(count($pireps) > 0) { foreach ($pireps as $pirep) { $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilotid); $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid); echo "<tr>"; echo '<img src="'.fileurl('/images/airline/'.$airline->icao.'.gif').'" alt="'.$airline->name.'" /> //Here's the code echo "<td align=center> $pirep->flightnum </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->depicao </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->arricao </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->flighttime </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pilotid $pilotinfo->firstname $pilotinfo->lastname </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->landingrate </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->aircraft </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody></table>
  2. No problem, glad I could help
  3. are you typing in the correct user, password and ftp link in it? If you have cPanel, it should have an FTP help in there that will show you how to setup your FileZilla (or similar)
  4. no problem Steve, now I bid you happy coding now that you are finally able to get started.
  5. delete all of this... <div class="mc01"> <div class="mc0101" style="left: 0px; top: 0px"> <img class="r0101" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_150.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0102" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_153.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0103" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_202.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0104" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_205.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="mcr"> <div class="mcr01"> Board informations </div> <div class="mcr02"> <script type="text/javascript"> // Highlighter Scroller II script- By JavaScript Kit (http://www.javascriptkit.com) // For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit http://www.javascriptkit.com/ // This notice must stay intact //CONFIGURE MESSAGES AND VARIABLES var tickercontents=new Array() tickercontents[0]='New Design' tickercontents[1]='Realistic Aircraftdata' tickercontents[2]='Pilot Payment System' tickercontents[3]='and many more in our Community' var tickerwidth="300px" var tickerheight="25px" var fontcss="font: bold 10px Verdana; color:black" var tickdelay=4000 //delay btw messages var highlightspeed=2 //2 pixels at a time. var highlightcolor="white" var backdroptextcolor="#E1E1E1" ////Do not edit pass this line//////////////// document.write('<style>#highlighterbg a{color:'+backdroptextcolor+'}</style>') document.write('<div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px; width:'+tickerwidth+'; height:'+tickerheight+';'+fontcss+'">') document.write('<span id="highlighterbg" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;color:'+backdroptextcolor+'; width:'+tickerwidth+'; height:'+tickerheight+';padding: 4px"></span><span id="highlighter" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;clip:rect(auto auto auto 0px); background-color:'+highlightcolor+'; width:'+tickerwidth+';height:'+tickerheight+';padding: 4px"></span>') document.write('</div>') var currentmessage=0 var clipbottom=1 function changetickercontent(){ msgheight=clipbottom=crosstick.offsetHeight crosstick.style.clip="rect("+msgheight+"px auto auto 0px)" crosstickbg.innerHTML=tickercontents[currentmessage] crosstick.innerHTML=tickercontents[currentmessage] highlightmsg() } function highlightmsg(){ //var msgheight=crosstick.offsetHeight if (clipbottom>0){ clipbottom-=highlightspeed crosstick.style.clip="rect("+clipbottom+"px auto auto 0px)" beginclip=setTimeout("highlightmsg()",20) } else{ clipbottom=msgheight clearTimeout(beginclip) if (currentmessage==tickercontents.length-1) currentmessage=0 else currentmessage++ setTimeout("changetickercontent()",tickdelay) } } function start_ticking(){ crosstickbg=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighterbg") : document.all.highlighterbg crosstick=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighter") : document.all.highlighter crosstickParent=crosstick.parentNode? crosstick.parentNode : crosstick.parentElement if (parseInt(crosstick.offsetHeight)>0) crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px' else setTimeout("crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px'",100) //delay for Mozilla's sake changetickercontent() } if (document.all || document.getElementById) window.onload=start_ticking </script> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mc0102"> <img class="r0101" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_155.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0102" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_157.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0103" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_207.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0104" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_209.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="mcl"> <div class="mcl01"> SF Logisitk </div> <div class="mcl02"> Under Construction </div> </div> </div> </div>
  6. It should install if you have the correct path to the install file. just type in the path to your website, and add /install/install.php to the end of it and it should work
  7. I keep playing with the code you gave me, but it keeps coming up error after error. Do you have the exact code for it? My airlines codes are 2 digit, same as the images. So if the flight was a Delta (DL) then the image would be DL.gif but somehow it isn't coming up.
  8. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/virtualf/public_html/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/frontpage_main.tpl on line 67 This is line 67 <img src="<?php echo fileurl('/images/airline/'.$airline->icao.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" /> and this is the whole code: <?php $count = 10; $pireps = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount($count); ?> <table align="center" border="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Airline</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Flight #</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Departure</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Arrival</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Duration</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Pilot</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Landing Rate</font></strong></th> <th align="center" bgcolor="#05305d" border="1"> <strong><font color="#ffffff">Aircraft</font></strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if(count($pireps) > 0) { foreach ($pireps as $pirep) { $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilotid); $pilotid = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid); echo "<tr>"; <img src="<?php echo fileurl('/images/airline/'.$airline->icao.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" /> echo "<td align=center> $pirep->flightnum </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->depicao </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->arricao </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->flighttime </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pilotid $pilotinfo->firstname $pilotinfo->lastname </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->landingrate </td>"; echo "<td align=center> $pirep->aircraft </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td>There are no recent flights!</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody></table>
  9. I know I might need to have a foreach in there somewhere, but not sure the code. Can someone please help me in this?
  10. try this... http://www.yoursite.com/install/install.php
  11. This one is getting pretty difficult for me to understand. I am wanting to have a table to show on my site that displays the airline logo instead of the airline name in it. I have the airline logos named as the 2 digit IATA code the same way my airlines are named as well (ex: Southwest= WN, Delta= DL)and they are all .gif images. Is there an easy way to pull this off?
  12. /public_html/lib/skins/Your Skin/StyleSheet.css
  13. Thank you Michael and Nabeel, that did the trick. I was actually looking in the right file, but couldn't figure out which one it was to change.
  14. Jeff

    ObsessBlue 2.0

    Thanks Mark, it was actually on every single page, so I checked the layout.tpl for your suggestion, and was able to find it.
  15. Although I think it is the worst place on earth, but you could host a session in Gamespy and do some recruiting in there.
  16. Jeff

    ObsessBlue 2.0

    Mark, can you explain to me exactly how you made it so your "NEWS" content lined up exactly with the top of the left navigation menu? I have tried several ways to get it to line up, but I still have an inch of blank space between the ticker and the News content.
  17. Jeff

    ObsessBlue 2.0

    If I'm not mistaken, it is this code. <div class="mcright"> <div class="mc01"> <div class="mc0101" style="left: 0px; top: 0px"> <img class="r0101" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_150.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0102" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_153.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0103" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_202.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0104" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_205.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="mcr"> <div class="mcr01"> Look at me </div> <div class="mcr02"> <script type="text/javascript"> // Highlighter Scroller II script- By JavaScript Kit (http://www.javascriptkit.com) // For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit http://www.javascriptkit.com/ // This notice must stay intact //CONFIGURE MESSAGES AND VARIABLES var tickercontents=new Array() tickercontents[0]='Feel free to visit FsPaintShop for more skins <a href="http://www.fspaintshop.com" target="blank">Visit!</a>' tickercontents[1]='Hop on over to Va Central some time.' tickercontents[2]='Be sure to visit PHPVMS for support with this system' tickercontents[3]='You can change this in the frontpage_main.tpl file' var tickerwidth="300px" var tickerheight="25px" var fontcss="font: bold 10px Verdana; color:black" var tickdelay=4000 //delay btw messages var highlightspeed=2 //2 pixels at a time. var highlightcolor="white" var backdroptextcolor="#E1E1E1" ////Do not edit pass this line//////////////// document.write('<style>#highlighterbg a{color:'+backdroptextcolor+'}</style>') document.write('<div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px; width:'+tickerwidth+'; height:'+tickerheight+';'+fontcss+'">') document.write('<span id="highlighterbg" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;color:'+backdroptextcolor+'; width:'+tickerwidth+'; height:'+tickerheight+';padding: 4px"></span><span id="highlighter" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;clip:rect(auto auto auto 0px); background-color:'+highlightcolor+'; width:'+tickerwidth+';height:'+tickerheight+';padding: 4px"></span>') document.write('</div>') var currentmessage=0 var clipbottom=1 function changetickercontent(){ msgheight=clipbottom=crosstick.offsetHeight crosstick.style.clip="rect("+msgheight+"px auto auto 0px)" crosstickbg.innerHTML=tickercontents[currentmessage] crosstick.innerHTML=tickercontents[currentmessage] highlightmsg() } function highlightmsg(){ //var msgheight=crosstick.offsetHeight if (clipbottom>0){ clipbottom-=highlightspeed crosstick.style.clip="rect("+clipbottom+"px auto auto 0px)" beginclip=setTimeout("highlightmsg()",20) } else{ clipbottom=msgheight clearTimeout(beginclip) if (currentmessage==tickercontents.length-1) currentmessage=0 else currentmessage++ setTimeout("changetickercontent()",tickdelay) } } function start_ticking(){ crosstickbg=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighterbg") : document.all.highlighterbg crosstick=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighter") : document.all.highlighter crosstickParent=crosstick.parentNode? crosstick.parentNode : crosstick.parentElement if (parseInt(crosstick.offsetHeight)>0) crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px' else setTimeout("crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px'",100) //delay for Mozilla's sake changetickercontent() } if (document.all || document.getElementById) window.onload=start_ticking </script> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mc0102"> <img class="r0101" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_155.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0102" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_157.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0103" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_207.jpg" alt="" /> <img class="r0104" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_209.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="mcl"> <div class="mcl01"> FsPaintShop </div> <div class="mcl02"> This Skin was ported by: FsPaintShop. Stop by at www.fspaintshop.com </div> </div> </div> </div>
  18. Jeff

    ObsessBlue 2.0

    I don't have the exact code anymore, but in the layout.tpl, look for the huge code that shows the information (you shouldn't be able to miss it, as it takes up about 80 lines of code) and delete it. There are 2 different parts. If you have a hard time finding it, just look on your site for what it says in those boxes that you want to remove and find it in the template.
  19. I found the issue...There wasn't a </table> in the code to close the first table.
  20. It looks to me that you are missing these (just before </tbody>) </tr> </td> to close the tables.
  21. I did the first 10 or so for you to show you how it is done. You need to upload it from the Admin Center (not phpMyAdmin) just do the following Go to Admin Center Airline Operations Import Schedules Browse to the file (.csv) and walla...they are uploaded Make sure the Airline ICAO code is correct (along with the Aircraft name)or it will come up with AIRLINE NOT AVAILABLE...SKIPPING or AIRCRAFT NOT AVAILABLE...SKIPPING
  22. 3 words... Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. You need to go where the pilots are; VATSIM, IVAO, Simviation, Avsim etc. and place some banners on their websites. Most of those websites allow you to place it on there for free, WHY? because they want you to bring in new members to them.
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