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Everything posted by Kapitan

  1. I had this VA for 4 years , now because my private life i cant run it any more , if you interested please email me - lukasztelford@yahoo.co.uk I can Create a test account for you to look arround. http://virtual-enter.eu/
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  2. I had this VA for 4 years , now because my private life i cant run it any more , if you interested please email me - lukasztelford@yahoo.co.uk http://virtual-enter.eu/
  3. On mine working only to email i added in admin panel , i add in form another two and dont send to them ,
  4. Work's great , thank you so much
  5. Hi In my va i have a form to bid a flight where pilot choose a AC , FL insert a route etc .. My code to choose a AC is - <select name="aircraft"><?php foreach($aircraft as $ac) { if($ac->id == $route->aircraft) { $sel1 = "selected"; } else { $sel1 = ""; } ?><option value="<?php echo $ac->id ?>" <?php echo $sel1 ?>><?php echo $ac->name.' - '.$ac->registration; ?></option><?php } ?></select> What i want is change code so disabled aircrafts will not show. Thank You in advance
  6. Hi Parko i all ready have all that.
  7. Solved , i missed some files
  9. Im looking for someone who will design for us a custom pilot center . More info via priv. We need that to be done in maximum 4 weeks !!!
  10. The flypatriot is all ready here- http://www.flypatriotva.com/
  11. Kapitan


    Looks like my question marks on news are only showing if i use space , when i look for the code source and have - space on news page after publish instead space i have question marks.
  12. Kapitan


    Works great but for some reason all my news after i publish have a stupid question marks arround the text ...for example : � RWY�10/28�CLSD�DUE TO�WIP.
  13. What about charter airline in Europe ?
  14. Thank you thats work for me .
  15. Hi i just wonder if there is any way that if i want to transfer all schedules from/to the specific airport for example if airport will be closed for some time.
  16. Solved.
  17. Check your inbox
  18. Works now fantastic , another problem ...before when i log in and insert my details and click log in its open a profile page , or when i book a flight its take me to xxxxx//index.php/schedules/bids , now its open a empty page and i got xxxxxx//index.php/bidoptions/confirmbid Where is a problem ?
  19. Im try to transfer va to new db and new hosting ..all the files are there just got that error - Notice: The template file "/home/travelje/public_html//lib/skins/cc_vaskin_01S/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/travelje/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
  20. Hope you dont mind im gonna try
  21. Workin , its a hosting problem just got email they have some problems.
  22. CLOSED
  23. Hello , just one question all works perfect for me on two va's , im wonder if is possible to change the name when saving flight plan for ex. my fligt plan for PMDG is now - EPGDEPWA_PMR_1427875235.rte , i woudl like to have like PFPX do for example - EPGDEPWA01.rte. Where i can change that.
  24. Sounds realy good , i think thats what many people are looking for
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