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Everything posted by Kapitan

  1. Fatal error: Call to undefined method EventsData::get_upcoming_events_dates() in /home/enterairva/domains/enterairva.pl/public_html/core/templates/TourCalendar.tpl on line 45 Thats with simpilot file
  2. I will pm you with login details to test account on my page , have a look now is with simpilots original file.
  3. No error just not showing on calendar , with my oryginal file with yours cant add a event http://enterairva.pl/index.php/tourcalendar http://enterairva.pl/index.php/events
  4. Dont work for me when i upload files and replace EventsData.class.php the event i create dosent show in Admin Panel ( on calendar itself also dont show ) but when i upload oryginal EventsData.class.php from event mod its ok i got all my events but i dont show on calendar.
  5. Job done , thank you so much for all....guys i can higly recomend you the HighFlyerPL185.
  7. Kapitan

    VAForum 2

    When you fix it can u share here ?
  8. Kapitan

    VAForum 2

    Sorry but when i use your text editor i have blank post's
  9. Im ready to pay for instalation just please help me
  10. PM me please i need someone like you
  11. On my site some pilots complain that they receive email saying : You received a new message with the subject (Mail problem) in your pilot's message inbox on 04/16/2013, but when they go to the site the mailbox is empty. What i find out thats only happen when i send NOTAM to all pilots and they dont made any flight , so system ignore them. Now question how i can setup to stop sending to inactive pilots message or send .
  12. Can you post it ?
  13. I do again fresh install and no still dont work. No idea what im doing wrong.
  14. The pagination dont work for me , do i need do anything else like editing some css or add some extra files .Sorry im not good with php just folow every single idea here and still dont work. http://enterairva.pl/index.php/Screenshots
  15. I think i got solution i will pm you soon as i test it trust me very simple .....
  16. Cheers m8 ...i know thats what im doing now.
  17. Hello any one got the solution ?
  18. I done that but now any bid i made the time show 00;00;00- Sorted But now i lost all pilots from admin panel also all pilots got 0 flight the hours are ok just flights.
  19. Any solution ?
  20. Oh come on people stop posting things if you dont know they are working ...
  21. Anyone ???
  22. Need help http://enterairva.pl/index.php/vFleetTracker/view/SP-ENE Thats happen only on aircraft which not been use for any flight yet.
  23. Can you share how ?
  24. Where you put that code
  25. Thank you so much , done
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