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Everything posted by Bluemax

  1. This is not the only thread concerning this image upload issue to VA Central. I also have an issue.....I removed mine to adjust the contrast. But when ever you go to save the image after uploading it, you get the following error message. You get this if you attempt to upload any image such as the three your permitted. This has been going on for several weeks. As I said there are other threads on this forum header for VA Central The website cannot display the page HTTP 500 Most likely causes: •The website is under maintenance. •The website has a programming error. What you can try: Refresh the page Go back to the previous page.
  2. I had to pull my logo off one of my VA's to adjust the contrast. When I try and upload it again, I get this message. This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying. For more information about HTTP errors, see Help. I changed the text and saved, no issue - but attempting to re-install the logo and save, this is the issue. Nothing has changed except I gave it a little more contrast as I mentioned.
  3. Tutmeiste, I wasn't trying to be rude, so if I came across that way I'm sorry. First, I want to say I'm impressed with your Unity Security Force Experience, in my world they are the best of the best as multi platform mil program go. I was there for about six months back in 2009. It was far to involved and demanding for me at the time, but have tremendous respect for the organization. My problem, is I personally have no experience in php coding. If I did, our two programs at www.usavamc.com/phpvms and www.usavsac.com/phpvms_vsac wouldn't look so cluttered. We have a lot going on in both programs, simply because of that lack of knowledge the sites lack style. We use a lot of ribbons and medals. but when viewed from the pilot profile page their listed in a vertical column, not very impressive. I do try and work around stuff and often forced to create html pages and link to them which requires manual updating. The rating at VA Central is not an important thing and I understand phpvms was not developed with a military VA in mind and there are quite a few of us using phpvms in spite of a comment read above. But what the rating does for us, is we have many members that found us at VA Central and based on that rating. There is a lot I would like to do and paying for it is not an issue. I know the folks a simpilotgroup.com, FStools and others create skins but I'm looking for additional templates - modules- or whatever to allow me to do things I can't do within phpvms as it is now. It is still the best freeware product for a VA and it is perfect for the commercial VA. The things you suggest I understand, just can't make it so. The most difficult issue is having to communicate complex questions and getting help via snale mail and forums. We use TS3 or Skype to solve problems, but if you need help with phpvms it is snale mail and forums. Sometime you get a response and other times your just ignored. It depends on whether the reader is interested in your question or issue. As for my comment of "feeling penalized" It wasn't intended to sound like a complaint. I understand the factors that effect the ratings. I have learned from experience here on the forums is if you don't word your question in the proper demeanor there are those who have made it their personal task in life to rebuke, correct or call you to the carpet if they don't like the way you present your issue or question. This is why a prefer live communications verses email and posting. But it is what it is and this is the only avenue available for help.
  4. You Apparently didn't read my post. We are an Air Force VA. We have no scheduled routes, flight times are random and flights are created VIA charter. But having said this, I have dropped the subject. I would close the post, but don't know how. I do appreciate your feedback.
  5. I apologize for the additional thread, I couldn't find my other post of some time back to see what was the response..........sorry, won't do it again. Not important.....I'll leave it alone...thanks The two place drop doesn't bother me. I'm actually surprised we are where we are. I was just commenting that we moved from 20 to 22 because things have been slow as many are on vacation and busy during the summer months. I won't bother the forums with these kinds of questions in the future. Again, my apologies.
  6. I'm a realist and I know there will never be a phpvms geared for military VA's but my question was the rating system. That if your a charter VA basically, it is what we are, your sort of, out of luck. I'm not complaining we are 22nd dropped two because of the summer months. It is a general question, understanding how all this comes together.
  7. Good morning Gents, I have an interesting question concerning the VA Central rating system. Based on the criteria posted at VA Central: We as a Military (USAF) VA are penalized for our lack of profitable routes, or lack of scheduled routes in general. We don't carry Pax so we have no financial logs with a profit or loose column. We don't pay for fuel....tax payers do. My point is this, phpvms was developed for the commercial VA and it works. But with us, 99.9999% of all our flights are charter based with maybe a handful of scheduled routes. We fly cargo basically. So technically there are no financial ledgers that we are concerned with. So much of what is listed below under "Tips for great success" leave us or any mil VA at a disadvantage. Is there any plans for a mil version of phpvms? Closing note.....someone needs to go to the VA Central site and make spelling corrections in this information below. I fixed them in this post. Rankings Ranks are calculated using several factors - the percentage of active pilots, the percentage of your routes which have been flown, the frequency of those routes, and the frequency and number of Pireps filed. These, and several other factors, influence your airlines rank. This allows for fair play; smaller airlines remain competitive, even compared to larger airlines. There are two sets of ranks - one based on performance, and the other based on finances. They do not affect each other. Updates and additional information Your VA's website will automatically be queried at the appropriate time for updated information, so there is no manual process involved in updating the airline's stats. If you see a discrepancy, wait a day. Usually, updates occur the night following a PIREP, or once a week if there have been no Pireps. Tips for great success Enter proper flight times in your schedules An airline with 30 pilots and 20 active will rank better than an airline with 100 pilots and 40 active Use an ACARS program for best accuracy for fuel and flight time Make sure you have prices for all your routes (if you don't, you still have to pay for it!) Enter expenses properly - you will be audited (like the real thing!); if there are no expenses, you get docked $20,000/month Using the live fuel prices gives you extra points
  8. Thanks for the cookie info, never occured to me. I brought the subject up last October never got a reply, wound up getting another server. Thanks
  9. I appreciate the feedback, I kind of knew this but thought maybe I was missing something. It would have been great to run an Air Force and Navy program on the same site. I will acquire another server, I have had no luck running two or more phpvms on the same server. No matter how I set the phpvms_prefix at setup, or how I setup or identify the databases on the server there is always an email and password conflict between the sites if members from one site wish to join both programs. So I run a Modern USAF Command on one server and a 1950 ~ 1990 Strategic Air Command on another server and now want to add a Naval program this is a third server. I'm hoping one day all you php wizards will develop a Phpmms (Military management system) phpvms is great for the commercial industry, but we have to work around some features and the lack of other features to use it on a military VA. But, its still the best game in town.(Phpvms) Thanks again........don't no how to tag this Solved?
  10. Gents, I have been aware you can add an airline to phpvms. But beside just adding a new airline code, how do you assign a separate rank structure and awards structure. What does adding an airline mean and what can I do with it, basically is my question. I see no separate identity accept pilot ID? We run a Air Force VA wish to add Navy. Different structure. How do I separate the two. There is no instruction in the document vault.
  11. Bluemax


    joeri, I did explain this could be a windows installer issue, why it just effects our custom Kacars and Kacars_free makes it tough to isolate? Xacars, has no issue but its worthless for phpvms. Jeff, I know your very busy, this is why I didn't follow up. I have deleted our custom Kacars from the new site although I and most of my crew were able to use the custom cars for both sites, I just wanted to eliminate possible problems. Joeri, I have an unrealated question. On the TNT site, awards are displayed in horizontal rows. I have seen the code for this somewhere in the forums, but for the life of me I can't find it. And for some reason, on our new site we had the awards show as images just as they do on the profile page. Some how I changed something, don't know what caused them to revert back to text. Can you tell me just which .TPL this is so I can steal it from my main site which is working. Both sites use the obsessblue skin. Last question....tried to send the pirep data for the first time from the new site got a failed to send error. Does this have anything to do with having and account from my main site already and not able to setup a new account for the new site which is on a seperate server. I see no way to register multiple accounts using my same email address. No pireps or data is being sent to VA central from the new site and as I said, I get errors if I try it from the admin panel.
  12. Bluemax


    joeri, thanks....I was afraid of that. We have two or three members one being my right hand man. Their systems will no longer except Kacars or our custom Kacars. Even after they uninstalled and deleted all remnant folders they are not even able to reinstall. All kinds of error messages never seen anything like this. Haven't been able to locate anything in the registry that could cause these errors. The fact they can't even run the install file without an error just blows my mind. Thought it was a windows installer problem, but it is only Kacars that is the issue. Jeff was going to review the files on my server for both sites but I have not heard from him since providing him with the site info. Don't know if he ever got there.
  13. Bluemax


    Gents, quick question. We have a couple people who are not able to use Kacars or or custom Kacars on their system anymore, so their using the Xacars and its fine except when they file their pireps the aircraft & log data are missing. Yes, they did download and install the config file from the site.
  14. Ok Gentlemen, you have had your say. For a people who are very busy you have found enough time to rip me. You wish to discuss respect? so lets talk respect because it appears only one sided from my vantage point. Respect is severely absent in our society today and you are experts in the demeanor of how someone has worded a topic. I don't know you and you don't know me from Adam and you sit there and judge the demeanor of another forum member. You explain to me the point Vansers was making just before he admonished me for being impatient and frustrated having gone two weeks with only two constructive post by joeri. If I was disrespectful to anyone, the forum moderator would have pulled it. When you can explain just what point and topic he was addressing, I will apologize to him personally on the telephone or TS3, Skype whatever. Respect is a two way street. Come at me like gang busters, I will come back at you. I help new members to phpvms daily as a result of the "Phpvms for Dummies, Beginners guide" I wrote a year ago and Nabeel has included in the documents section. They contact me and I help them get started. I come to the forums to get information for revision (2) I don't know a lot but I get enough information to help the new bees so you don't have too. Revision (2) includes a trouble shooting guide and general skin info. I said all this to let you know I'm not just taking from these forums and contributing. You can go through the support section and find just who I try and help. I don't go in and judge what they say or how they say it. They come to the forums for help..........it says in bold title "Support Forum" The only people that should respond to a post on a topic is someone who has the answer. Say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no, anything else is nonsense. So you want respect, take the 2 X 4 out of your own eye so you can see the splinter in mine. When Nabeel has the time, I'm sure he will have the salution to the VA Central live map issue. joeri, has already informed me that he alone would probably (Nabeel) have to address this.
  15. Good day joeri, I replaced the CentralData.class.php but no change. As I mentioned earlier this is not a big deal and I know eventually this will be addressed by Nabeel when he has the time, its about keeping the topic open until then. The comments made by Vansers and then nightfox were not necessary. I have great respect for those here in the forums and at no time do I show disrespect to anyone. Vansers, was going off on something that had nothing to do with my question and lecturing me on the busy lives of members and nightfox apparently defending his comments. I would just like to keep the topic open until Nabeel has the time to address this. Thanks.
  16. I have no clue what your talking about and I don't need you to lecture me about members busy lives, I'm not new here and I'm not new to the sometimes issues of phpvms. my question has to do with our flights not showing on the VA Central live map, not pireps et cetera...........stats are just fine, just not showing up on the map. So unless you have something constructive to say, reserve your comments to someone who has.
  17. This was posted on June 13th. 140 views and no response. The only person apparently who can respond to this, isn't? I do my best to contribute and help newbee's on the forums. I'm not asking anyone to do anything, if there is a corrupt file, would like to know what it is. Have two sites on different servers and the issue is just on my main site. Its not a big deal, but it is a feature of the game, so to speak.
  18. I did comment that all the stats are going through. Just not showing up on the live map. Yes your correct about the total flights as we have several members on vacation and aother summer avents. There was no reason for me to include that comment. Sometimes I just like to hear myself talk *grin*
  19. Your pilots may fly anywhere they wish without routes or schedules. First, you need to have both the departures airport and arrival airports in the database. Second, you need to set your Kacars to fly charter. Third, as mentioned previously by others, the aircraft must be in the database. Now, entering airport data is time consumming and as an administator you enter that info in the database but the odds of you entering specific airports your members wish to fly is a crap shoot. So have your members request before hand the departure & arrival airports and enter that in the database. You didn't indicate this, but you should have hubs. You enter all the hub airports and as a members wishes to fly from his hub to point B, at least the hub is in the database, you then just need to enter the arrival airport. I run a Mil VA and we have over time developed an extensive database by this process. Or you can download the airport database available here on the forums. Its extensive and there is instructions and limitations to its use, because it is so massive. Bottom line, if the airports are there then charter is the way to go.
  20. I appreciate the fact that Nabeel, is the only one how can respond to this, but he hasn't. Mean while it is effecting our rating at VA Central. We have dropped from 18 to 20 in the past week. This is not a big deal, as no one really cares about ratings and has no impact on the game overall. But if there is a corrupt file, I would upload and replace it if I knew what it was.
  21. I made this post on the 13th........I really would like some sort of response. Of all those who have viewed this, no one has stepped up?
  22. Thanks..........
  23. Bluemax


    I use the ObsessBlue skin on two sites. This is not an easy skin to work. I don't know where you are at with this, but the best approach is to take the download (Obsessblue) and you need the most recent version of it as there are glictches in earlier versions. If you have your basic Phpvms installed on your server (Not free Server) you have one skin in the Phpvms/lib/skins folder. Opening the skins folder you have crystal skin. With your FTP and sever side open move your folder (Obsessblue) into the server side skin folder. Now you have both the crystal skin & Obsessblue in the skins folder. Go into your admin panel - scroll down to Site & settings - click on General settings and change the current skin on the drop down and select the obsessblue skin and scroll down and save setting. Then click on View your site and be sure the skin is there. Note, I suggest you do nothing to the skin until you see it working on your site. If it is not working and you have errors, back space in your browser to the admin panel and re-install the the default skin and save. In the Obsessblue folder there is an image folder that contains all the images for that skin. But there is only a couple you can play with unless you are experienced. (1.) img_73 is your logo. You can create your logo and I suggest you remain within the dimensions of this image. This is a jpg image so keep it as such. You need to rename whatever logo you create (img_73) saved as a jpg. (2.) img_15 is the image at the top left above the logo. This you can change. Follow the same rule here. At this point I would not play with any other images in this folder. Also in your Obsessblue skin folder there are a number of .tpl files. The only one you need to work, is the layout.tpl and the StyleSheet.css and I wouldn't play with any of the others unless you know what your doing. The layout.tpl contains all the information for the scroll banner, quick news items and the heading box to the right of the quick news. Before attempting to make changes make backup copies of the layout.tpl and stylesheet.css in case you screw up. Don't make massive changes at once, try something and upload. if it isn't right work it some more. Stylesheet.css contains all the colors for text et cetera. The problem with these files, not much is identified to tell you what to change. So you will need to experiment. always keeping backups of your progress so you don't have to start from scratch. If it works, save it. Once you have your basic skin working, then you can begin asking questions.
  24. Gents, this post is slipping off the board........its just a question and after a couple days I've got no response.
  25. Bluemax


    This is a very strange approach to a problem, as you have not once mentioned what you need help with? Just about anyone will help you, but you need to lay out your issue. First, what is it you don't get?? Second, what is it you are having difficulty learning? lastly, what is the brick wall and preventing you from understanding what you read. What is it your reading that you don't understand. I could go on with this but you get my point. You need to start over, collect your thoughts and explain your problem....If you are attempting to install phpvms, there is a "Phpvms for dummies guide" available in the document section. So, regroup and start over.
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