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Everything posted by FSX30HD

  1. Just make that # Jeff's fix for ACARS $params->deplat = $flight->deplat; $params->deplng = $flight->deplng; $params->route = $flight->route; //$flight->route_details = NavData::parseRoute($params); $flight->route_details = NavData::parseRouteACARS($params);
  2. Thank you also for this "mod" script. So have you an idea howto put SID/STAR in the phpvms_navdata tavle or other to give all the route in the LiveMap I see that : // Remove any SID/STAR text $route_string = str_replace('SID', '', $route_string); $route_string = str_replace('STAR', '', $route_string); But I have no idea to parse all points include SID/STAR to the route... Maybe some one can help us? @ Ademar I have ssen you have make a script with Fernando via PM to have an IVAO table, Can you please share with us? or not Regards Fred
  3. It's Ok check your PM
  4. Sorry by type like 'C' for cargo 'P' for passenger or just retrieve by fullname ? Just go to /core/common/vFleetTrackData.class.php find public static function getAllAircraft() { return DB::get_results("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft"); } and replace in my case by public static function getAllAircraft() { return DB::get_results("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft WHERE `enabled` = '1' AND `rep` = '0' AND `bought` = '1' ORDER BY ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft.`fullname`"); } to have the result of query give me all aircrafts by fullname with condition if aircraft it bought & enabled & not under reparation. The most important thing is in 'order by' instruction. So if you want filter by ICAO just find in the forum with the word 'fleet' to have maybe tab for each type like Boeing, Airbus; etc... Just make this query SELECT * FROM `phpvms_aircraft` ORDER BY `phpvms_aircraft`.`icao` ASC Regards Fred
  5. Ok Thanks Strider, Why this question ? In my fleet page I put aircrafts and airports I have in my DB. So you can see it in action here http://www.skydream-airlines.com/index.php/vFleetTracker Like my Routenetwork I would like to put lines from (ex LFPG and all arrivals route from this point) you can see my routenetwork http://www.skydream-airlines.com/index.php/routenetwork So I would like to make an xml output file like in my first post to have <markers> in xml file How can do that please ? Regards Fred
  6. Hello, I have a question about XML module <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Nabeel Shahzad * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Nabeel Shahzad * @link http://www.phpvms.net * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ */ class XML extends CodonModule { # # Get all of the current acars flight # Output in XML # public function acarsdata() { $output = ''; CodonEvent::Dispatch('refresh_acars', 'XML'); $flights = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<livemap/>'); if(!$flights) $flights = array(); foreach($flights as $flight) { $pilot = $xml->addChild('aircraft'); $pilot->addAttribute('flightnum', $flight->flightnum); $pilot->addAttribute('lat', $flight->lat); $pilot->addAttribute('lng', $flight->lng); $pilot->addChild('pilotid', PilotData::GetPilotCode($flight->code, $flight->pilotid)); $pilot->addChild('pilotname', $flight->firstname.' '.$flight->lastname); $pilot->addChild('flightnum', $flight->flightnum); $pilot->addChild('lat', $flight->lat); $pilot->addChild('lng', $flight->lng); $pilot->addChild('depicao', $flight->depicao); $pilot->addChild('arricao', $flight->arricao); $pilot->addChild('phase', $flight->phasedetail); $pilot->addChild('alt', $flight->alt); $pilot->addChild('gs', $flight->gs); $pilot->addChild('distremain', $flight->distremain); $pilot->addChild('timeremain', $flight->timeremain); } header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); } public function version() { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<sitedata />'); $xml->addChild('version', PHPVMS_VERSION); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); } public function getairlines() { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<sitedata />"); $airlines = OperationsData::GetAllAirlines(); foreach($airlines as $a) { $airline_xml = $xml->addChild('airline'); $airline_xml->addChild('code', $a->code); $airline_xml->addChild('name', $a->name); $airline_xml->addChild('enabled', $a->enabled); } header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); } # # Get XML-ized output for the flight plan (dept/arr) # public function flightinfo($route = '') { if($route == '') $route = $_GET['route']; preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]{2,3})(\d*)/', $route, $matches); $code = $matches[1]; $flightnum = $matches[2]; $params = array('s.code' => $code, 's.flightnum' => $flightnum); $flightinfo = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params, 1); if(!$flightinfo) return; $flightinfo = $flightinfo[0]; // Grab the first one $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<flightinfo/>'); $dep = $xml->addChild('departure'); $dep->addAttribute('icao', $flightinfo->depicao); $dep->addAttribute('name', $flightinfo->depname); $dep->addAttribute('lat', $flightinfo->deplat); $dep->addAttribute('lng', $flightinfo->deplng); $arr = $xml->addChild('arrival'); $arr->addAttribute('icao', $flightinfo->arricao); $arr->addAttribute('name', $flightinfo->arrname); $arr->addAttribute('lat', $flightinfo->arrlat); $arr->addAttribute('lng', $flightinfo->arrlng); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); } public function routeinfo($depicao = '', $arricao = '') { header('Content-type: text/xml'); if($depicao == '') $depicao = $_GET['depicao']; if($arricao == '') $arricao = $_GET['arricao']; if($depicao == '' || $arricao == '') return; $depinfo = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($depicao); if(!$depinfo) { $depinfo = OperationsData::RetrieveAirportInfo($depicao); } $arrinfo = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($arricao); if(!$arrinfo) { $arrinfo = OperationsData::RetrieveAirportInfo($arricao); } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<flightinfo/>'); $dep = $xml->addChild('departure'); $dep->addAttribute('icao', $depinfo->icao); $dep->addAttribute('name', $depinfo->name); $dep->addAttribute('country', $depinfo->country); $dep->addAttribute('lat', $depinfo->lat); $dep->addAttribute('lng', $depinfo->lng); $arr = $xml->addChild('arrival'); $arr->addAttribute('icao', $arrinfo->icao); $arr->addAttribute('name', $arrinfo->name); $arr->addAttribute('country', $arrinfo->country); $arr->addAttribute('lat', $arrinfo->lat); $arr->addAttribute('lng', $arrinfo->lng); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); } } How it works ? Where is the outpout file? How I can call it? Regards Fred
  7. Arrivé en entier une semaine avec les flamands roses que du bonheur. .....

  8. For hosting have flag fopen=0 I make this to LoA.php module: protected function check ($version) { $version_to_check = $version; // make the cURL request $curl = curl_init('http://www.savamarkovic.com/loa.csv'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILonerror, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $read = curl_exec($curl); if ($read[0] > $version_to_check && $read[2] == "1") { $critical = TRUE; } // If its 1, set ciritcal to true if ($read[0] > $version_to_check) { $update = TRUE; } // Anything other than 1 set update to true if ($read[0] == $version_to_check) { echo '<p id="success">Your version of this module is up to date. Wohooooo! )</p>'; }else if ($critical) { echo '<h4>CRITICAL UPDATE FOUND!</h4>'; echo '<p id="error">There is a critical update available! Here is the information associated with the update. <br/><b>Version: '.$read[0].' - '. $read[1].' <br /></b>Please send an email to ceo@airserbiavirtual.com to receive the updated version.</p>'; }else if ($update){ echo '<h4>NON CRITICAL UPDATE FOUND!</h4>'; echo '<p id="error" style="background:#fffca7;border-color:orange">There is NON critical update available! Here is the information associated with the update. <br/><b>Version: '.$read[0].' - '. $read[1].' <br /></b>Please send an email to ceo@airserbiavirtual.com to receive the updated version.</p>'; } } I use Curl method can help someone Regards Fred
  9. I'm agree with you in this point. In my case a pay Navigraph to "work" with free datas and make them in Setup... But look at jeff's website http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/6-phpvms-modules
  10. Yes but not for Navigraph copyright, sorry. Regards Fred
  11. FSX30HD


    position reports works with your ACARS System ? Just a question (I know need Custom kACARS from Jeff I have already)
  12. Thanks Strider for your module and your answer but I have added Other VA airline in my Airlines List ex: (HEW) but not is normal if one pilot need to register he can see others VA list. By that way I mean If i want make a code share with others VA the flight number I give need to match with the other VA ICAO.
  13. Need Help Please I don't understand steep in the readme file nstructions on how to use this module: ======================================= 1) Upload the files into their correct locations. 2) In phpmyadmin import the phpvms_codeshares.sql file into your database where the main phpvms is located. 3) Insert all codeshare flights into your schedules. 4) Get the schedid. 5) Put the schedid into the schedule ID box in the admin panel. 6) Add the airline ICAO code into the airline box. 7) To use the images create a folder within your lib/skins/skinname/images folder called logo's. 8) Edit the codeshare.tpl file in your core/templates folder. 9) Images should be 109x39px's and be named the same as the ICAO code of the airline in the db. And after howto share with other VA please? Ex: http://www.skydream-airlines.com/index.php/Codeshare
  14. I'm ready to make codeshare, view my fleet and give me your routes or send me them by mail. Thanks for all. Regards Fred
  15. I understand....It's a war between VA, I don't understand why...It's not real life just fictionals companies...I'm sad by the way the world become... But in my mind I make that for me and maybe pilots are interested by aviation and not competition between us or others VA, But I keep my heading stay in the right way "La Vie est belle" Regards Fred
  16. Make a fresh install of the modules
  17. Ok see you in PM
  18. Ok guys, For ACARS system I'm using both Jeff Custom kACARS and Collin smartACARS no problem for that I want code share with you send me a PM and thanks for your reply
  19. Today I'm proud to Introduce you SkyDream Airlines. A new French Virtual Airline, using PHPvms and coded and looking by Manuel Seiwald. So I'm looking for Staff and pilots speaking English (because mine is crap). Pilots try do respect flight plan and procedures. You can Fly with Most off Boeing Aircraft like: B737-X, B747-8F-8I, B777 (It's recommended to use PMDG aircrafts) MD-11, Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 and Airbus X Extended. I do my best to make most off Simpilot PHPvms Modules and also Manuel Seiwald modules. In this VA two custom ACARS system is used One by Jeff and one other by Collin. SkyDream Airlines is at the beginning So I'am speaking with Manuel.S to use CodeShare to flight between VA are you interested ? Regards Fred
  20. I'm interested
  21. Thanks for sharing
  22. My result code <!-- Debug: LFBO / EDDM --> var pointer_1 = new google.maps.LatLng(48.3538, 11.7861); icon = "/lib/images/SDA/0.png" textmarker[textmarker.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pointer_1, map: map, icon: new google.maps.MarkerImage( "http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chst=d_text_outline&chld=fffd00|12|h|000000|b|EDDM", null, null, new google.maps.Point(21, 21)), zIndex : 999 //title: "", }); point_1 = new google.maps.Marker({ //'zIndex' : 1, position: pointer_1, icon: icon, map: map, title: "SDA-7379-1 is at Franz Josef Strauss International Airport (EDDM)\nType: Boeing 737-900 NGX Winglets", }); oms.addMarker(point_1); // oms.addMarker(textmarker[textmarker.length]); var contentString = 'B737-900 (SDA-7379-1) is at Franz Josef Strauss International Airport(EDDM)'; var infowindow_1 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString }); google.maps.event.addListener(point_1, 'click', function() { if (currentInfoWindow != null) { currentInfowindow.close(); } infowindow_1.open(map, point_1); currentInfoWindow = infowindow_1; map.setCenter(point_1.getPosition()); }); Your : <script type="text/javascript"> var pointer_0 = new google.maps.LatLng(42.4329, 14.1868); var point_0 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pointer_0, map: map, title: "I-DAVA is at Aeroporto d'Abruzzo (LIBP)", }); var contentString = 'MD82 (I-DAVA) is at Aeroporto d'Abruzzo(LIBP)'; var infowindow_0 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString }); google.maps.event.addListener(point_0, 'click', function() { infowindow_0.open(map,point_0); }); </script> I think you make a loop include Javascript for each points maybe look to your loop http://www.skydream-airlines.com/index.php/vFleetTracker
  23. Howto make that ? Please Regards Fred
  24. Hello, David How you can work with action.php ? Howto to do this with action.php? Thanks Fred
  25. Today I'm proud to Introduce you SkyDream Airlines. A new French Virtual Airline, using PHPvms and coded and looking by Manuel Seiwald. So I'm looking for Staff and pilots speaking English (because mine is crap). Pilots try do respect flight plan and procedures. You can Fly with Most off Boeing Aircraft like: B737-X, B747-8F-8I, B777 (It's recommended to use PMDG aircrafts) MD-11, Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 and Airbus X Extended. I do my best to make most off Simpilot PHPvms Modules and also Manuel Seiwald modules. In this VA two custom ACARS system is used One by Jeff and one other by Collin. SkyDream Airlines is at the beginning I hope it's not a start and Stop VA To finish I'm French and try to my best for the pilots and the Staff. Thanks for take the time to read me. Regards Fred
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