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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Im still having that trouble even with the default acarsmap.tpl used, this is a strange one.
  2. Excellent work, i put my notification in the main nav bar on the left hand side so when a pilot logs in where ever he goes he would be notified of mail.
  3. Still the same repeat on the pilots list, This is what im using then its pulling the error formatting from the css. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { echo '<div id="error">Please login to view this page.</div></div>'; return; } ?> That extra closing div is only relevant on the ObsessBlue templates
  4. That would explain the repeat in some pages that "You must be logged in to view this page" Cheers guys.
  5. Thanks a lot Jeff, some of my pilots have quite a big page now of pireps
  6. Hey Jeff, i forgot about that and i have that installed already,how difficult would it be to implement to the individual pilots pireps page, example http://www.easyjetva.com/index.php/profile/view/37
  7. Another one i came across but have not had the time to test is from the guy who does phpacadamy, here is the link, http://www.phpacademy.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=821&sid=02935a0fd5ae0d7073e4af0d38c26ee3
  8. Great idea! Fines for Excessive banking, heavy landings etc Cool
  9. Hi Jeff, Thanks for that but i have that already, if someone hits the pilots list directly it will still show them, what im after is like the Airmail feature if you try to access that you get a redirect to you must be logged in to access this page etc.
  10. HI Nabeel, Dave and Jeff Is there a code snipped to add to the page to make it that you must be logged to to view or access? I would like to make the pilots list only viewable by members. Cheers.
  11. Does the auto approve actually work? i tried it way back and it just messed up.
  12. OK i haven't updated for a couple of months so that would explain that Thanks guys.
  13. Looks like you got that from thomsonvirtual
  14. Spot on with that, worked a charm. Cheers.
  15. Thanks Dave i will give that a go now and let you know how it goes.
  16. Ah, 2 POPULATE_EXPENSES 2010-03-25 00:00:41 Is there a manual way to run this?
  17. This happens with xacars as well, if i remember right it used to do the same with fsacars. I use xacars,kACARS paid for and they are all the same making me think its something to do with the vms code.
  18. Yes i must admit i miss the pilot code as thats what i used to search by
  19. Also that same time in April the expense pie chart lost the other added expenses to the system.
  20. Would be good if it would display the number of flights that airport had?
  21. Have a look today, i fixed it Only messing but i bet its back to normal though, It messes with up slightly on the last day of the month but after that itsOK again.
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