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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. HI you can add the fields via the admin section of phpvms then call the data on your pilots list, if you add the custom fields it will give you the option to display on the profile.
  2. Thank you, thank you and thank you :-)
  3. Hey guys i am using a bit of code to bring back all pireps for the logged in user, $flights = PIREPData::findPIREPS($userinfo->pilotid); Which works great, i need to put a limit on what is fetched say 20 or something and im having trouble getting the right code. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Looking through the class code i see there is already a $limit variable in place, i have tried external methods but failed miserable, how would i limit the results using your function?
  5. Dave would you be so kind to share your Pagination code for the screenshots as the server load on that page loading all my images is killing the server :-( I see you have managed it on your site? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hey Dave, that would just piss me off big time....I guess he found the direct method of downloading the tpl....
  7. You can do another install in a different folder so only you have the url, If you link to your existing database that saves you another db install, just remember not to register or do any alterations as this will reflect on your live site.
  8. why dont you look at the existing tp_index.tpl to see how to define the month, its all in there :-)
  9. I have already had a look at the conversion facility from phpbb3 an there is almost a full conversion script. One step further to IBP
  10. Yeh i have put it on a few pages myself, great addition :-)
  11. Hey Roger, Yet again,,,, You rock :-) I like it.
  12. HI im thinking of changing over to Invision board, has anyone currently done a mod you user registrations? I have the phpbb3 mod which works good, i have no idea of Invision or even if its possible.
  13. Wow how easy was that :-) Just need to sort out that last bit of no route passed. just commented out <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/jquery-1.3.1.min.js');?>"></script> and all works fine... whooooo:) Are there any other known problems using this?
  14. HI guys i would like to get this on my site today, is there a clear guide? i think i got it but just in case
  15. You can use divs to achieve this, im using that skin, Heavily modified Sorry should have read your whole post lol The easiest way is to open up firefox and run through the elements to find the lines you want its a lot easier that way
  16. It is possible as i use the same skin and its not too difficult to change things the way you want them, click my signature for a demo, i have also added a clickable url to the main screenshot page from the random image. Nice addition Dave. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Hi Dave, Just a quick one when i use the <?php Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot('pilotid#'); ?> I get You Have Not Submitted Any Screenshots, i am using this in the main pilots profile (profile_main.tpl)and passing the variable from that page $pilotcode; Example, <?php Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot('$pilotcode;'); ?> still not working, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  18. No problems here with phpbb3 latest stable release.
  19. Nabeel, Its here Thanks.
  20. Thanks Jeff, I have just emptied the acars table and there is only one entry for each pilot but yet again its duplicated on the listing.
  21. Hi Jeff, No its not on the map just the listings below the map and it doesn't happen all the time to every pilot, for example if you have a look now at the map there are the same pilots listed twice with the exact information.
  22. Here you go, <div id="google_translate_element" align="center"> <script> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({ pageLanguage: "en", includedLanguages: "ca,da,nl,en,fi,fr,gl,de,is,ga,it,no,pt,es,sv,cy,yi,sq,be,bg,hr,cs,et,el,hu,lv,lt,mk,pl,ro,ru,sr,sk,sl,uk,ar,zh-CN,zh-TW,tl,iw,hi,id,ja,ko,ms,fa,th,tr,vi,af,mt,sw" }, "google_translate_element"); } </script><script src="http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script></div> Off the top of ,my head you can get the page to translate or load by changing pageLanguage: "en", to what you want (dont hold me to that though )
  23. HI Dave, I have 2 user accounts in the system can i change the table some how to send all mail to user 1 to another user? Hope you know what i mean.
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